Flowering question


Well-Known Member
Should all leaves that do not have buds on em be snipped? I read that if all sucker leaves are removed the plant can focus on growing bigger buds. Any advice would be helpful


Well-Known Member
DO NOT REMOVE THE LEAFS....youll fuckin kill the plant. youll stunt its growth....the leafs act as solar panels and food storage banks for the plant....you remove those you remove the plants ability to grow and take in sun...leave the leafs alone...when the plant doesnt need them any more it will get rid of them.....if you cut off your arm, that doesnt mean your other arm will get ripped up, it will hamper your activity.....as the plant flowers it will use the food from the leafs then the leafs will yellow and die off. just let it do its thing....the only real pruning you can do to help the plant is.
when the plant flowers, the lower branches and leafs will not develope because they get the least light...i usually remove the 2 bottom branches closest to the soil. that frees the plant to putting energy into the upper part which develops the best buds...thats all you can do...if you want better light penetration, you can tuck the leafs in behind the branches, you can also tie the branches down to screws in the busket. that opens the plant to more light....heres some pics.hope i could help bro
i really cant stress enough to not yank the leafs..........do some reading about L.S.T. low stress training...



Well-Known Member
Should all leaves that do not have buds on em be snipped? I read that if all sucker leaves are removed the plant can focus on growing bigger buds. Any advice would be helpful
nope leave 'em alone, if they're turning yellow get 'em outa there though.