Why America Must Prosecute War Crimes

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member

bush didn't save any lives .... that's just propaganda bullshit ... they put out ... it's been well established that torture doesn't work ...

Disagree...torture does work, if you were at my house right now I could prove it to you. haha just kidding of course. But I know for a FACT that targets of interest, who were sketchy as hell, were ruffed up succesccfuly as useful info was obtained. Torture does work and that is why it has been used for thousands of years. Sorry, but if you dont think torture works your either dumb or in denial. I could maybe see where you were coming from if it was a moral issue for you.

Oh yeah .... I remember ... seeing the towers falling down and believed right then it was a control demolition ... the sound was off and I didn't know what happen ... I thought why did they keep showing a controlled demolition ... and the fake Al-Qaeda didn't promised anything ... the war criminals in the government said they said it ... nothing more ...

Well that was pretty easy ... just didn't have another false flag attack that all ... nothing new or remarkable there ...

Hope Im not stepping on your toes but damn dude I want the shit your smokin. haha.

OMG ... they use the same lies to start wars yet they have no problem finding suckers to put their lives on the line in the name of some false freedom and liberty ... just like those kids in the movie "All Quite on the Western Front" ... same propaganda used when hilter did a false flag attack was used after 911... ever hear of "Operation Norwood" ... doubt it ... look it up ... maybe you might learn something ... nothing has chance... plenty of fodder for war to keep the wealthy in power and control.

Im definetly not a sucker. But hey, I think your a sucker for believing that shiat. I consider mysellf to be a realist. I believe america was attacked and believe it or not there are actual real in the flesh terrorist that hate and want to kill americans.

What a stupid and bullshit excuse for committing war crimes ... and the pussies are the ones that allow it to happen and make up excuses for it ... or have the audacity put those down that know the difference between right and wrong and speak out. I guess every generation has it's war mongers that think killing is just fine whether they are innocent or not.

Im not saying killing innocent people is fine. You got me way wrong guy. Innocent people get killed durring war, just because Ive accepted that as a fact does not mean I think its ok to kill innocent people. But I can tell your the type of person who will never believe or even understand this.

God Bless the patriotic women and men that speak out against war crimes ... and works to have war criminals held accountable. America would not be hated as we are today if not for the policy of war criminals ... :evil:
Damn dude I think me and you are completes opposites on this subject. I dont give a damn about what other countries think of america. We are who we are. God bless america. Can we agree on that?

andy appleseed

Well-Known Member
... and for all you true patriots that know the difference between right and wrong ... that want something done to restore order to this once great land ... here is a petition from the ACLU to demand prosecuting the war criminals ...
God Bless the Truth Seekers:hump:

Come on man, "true patriots" I take offense to that. thats just ridiculous.


Active Member
No way was Bush's first election sketchy america was more than glad to ditch clinton. it was his second one that was up for debate.
so is al gore inventing the internet.
if were going to start prosecuting past admin's then obama's should be charged retroactivly for his economic terrorism. or the dozens of other crimes every president has ever commited. much like nixon except him still being in office and G gordon lidey.
why dont we charge Mr. obama for not acting fast enough on the porate situation about a week back. where does it end.
and i for one feel tazzers are inhumane and blatent torture. so... they should be outlawed. will we find our self in a world where authority has no actiong to stop crime? i can hope so..... but still we will find our selves in a not so distant future where police use tools not so far from the demolition man's police officer.
when i saw the video of the boy in college get tazzed i fealt it was torture. pepper spray to asthmatics is torutre and potentially a slow death. we have to think when will it stop?


Well-Known Member
Disagree...torture does work, if you were at my house right now I could prove it to you. haha just kidding of course. But I know for a FACT that targets of interest, who were sketchy as hell, were ruffed up succesccfuly as useful info was obtained. Torture does work and that is why it has been used for thousands of years. Sorry, but if you dont think torture works your either dumb or in denial. I could maybe see where you were coming from if it was a moral issue for you.
Torture doesn't work ... like I said ... it's a well established fact that it doesn't ... I've posted reports to that effect in this and other threads ... and the only "fact" you have that those of "interest, who were sketchy" gave useful info were from the war criminals themselves ... you seem to accept everything they tell you even though they have been caught in many lies ... they used the same methods the Chinese used to get phony confessions from Americans. Torture inflicts pain and suffering and is used to control the masses that's why it has been used for several years ... not because it works ... you need to read more historical facts than relying on propaganda ... and the so called useful information that was obtain through torture was what?
Sorry, but if you disregard the facts that torture doesn't work you are nothing more than a stupid parrot ... that can't take the time to investigate the obvious ... and it should be a moral issue for any decent human being ... obviously you don't get why it's wrong.

Hope Im not stepping on your toes but damn dude I want the shit your smokin. haha.
Something that enlighten me and allows me to seek and see the truth ... didn't check out that operation did you ... thought so ... might dispel you're delusions ... I understand ... so we all know want I'm smoking ...what's your excuse?

Im definetly not a sucker. But hey, I think your a sucker for believing that shiat. I consider mysellf to be a realist. I believe america was attacked and believe it or not there are actual real in the flesh terrorist that hate and want to kill americans.
Yeah ...you are ... you fell for the false flag attack ... a true realist would not ... how many times are people going to fall for the same shit ... through out history ... it isn't shit about the towers it's physics ... you should check it out sometimes ... yeah ... the ones who did the false flag attack wanted you to believe we were attack so they could get folks like you to go along with their war crimes ... hell you even helped ... that how well they fooled you ... they've done it before ... but PT Barnum was definitely right ... there IS a sucker born every minute ... that's why these war criminals have gotten away with what they have done ... it's hard to believe people are that stupid ... but the facts speak for themselves ... there wouldn't be hate for americans if they would stop illegally invading sovereign nations ... interfering with governments ... something I'm sure you can't comprehend ... you know how many bases the US has in other countries? ... would it be okay for those country to put bases in the US and if not ... why not?:confused:

Im not saying killing innocent people is fine. You got me way wrong guy. Innocent people get killed durring war, just because Ive accepted that as a fact does not mean I think its ok to kill innocent people. But I can tell your the type of person who will never believe or even understand this.
Yeah you are ... and many like to give it a nice strile name like collateral damage ... so they can feel good about themselves while they condone war. I guess it takes an evolve Soul to understand why this is wrong ... nuff said ... :neutral:

Damn dude I think me and you are completes opposites on this subject. I dont give a damn about what other countries think of america. We are who we are. God bless america. Can we agree on that?
Hell lady ... you're right ... and I thank God for it ... I do give a damn what the rest of the world thinks ... because we have to work with them ... God Bless the World ... can we agree on that?:peace:


New Member
Even the CIA admits that it gets half its intel from "interrogation". If you take it off the table, what is left? Asking politely? They only target high info terrorists with water boarding, and it is very effective.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Come on man, "true patriots" I take offense to that. thats just ridiculous.
That's right miss ... I take offense of people that support war crimes ... A true patriot speaks out against torture and war crimes ... nothing ridiculous about it ... nuff said:hump:

No way was Bush's first election sketchy america was more than glad to ditch clinton.
When a full recount was done in 2001 for the state of Florida Al Gore was the winner ... look it up. ... and what about all the 58,000 voters that were illegal purged from the rolls in Florida ... that wasn't sketchy?:-|


Well-Known Member
Even the CIA admits that it gets half its intel from "interrogation". If you take it off the table, what is left? Asking politely? They only target high info terrorists with water boarding, and it is very effective. out. :blsmoke:
Oh did they now? ... and when was that? Link? ... and let see some proof other than what the war criminals are saying that torture works ... links? ... now watch closely folks at home ... he will blow it out his ass ... as usual ... :hump:
way out :spew:


Well-Known Member
Don't you just love Jon Stewart ... what would we do without him and the very brave Steven Colbert ... he's my hero ... :hug:
http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/daily-show-we-dont-tortureThe Daily Show: We Don't Torture
Stewart: America, where we are..is a simple country governed by simple rules. In fact, the simpler the better.... We don't torture. Three words, that aren't said enough that symbolize America like I love you or where's the beef. Totally clear. No matter how bad it gets. No matter how ruthless our enemies, we... don't... torture. Now whether or not that statement is true isn't the point. The point is..don't f#@king worry about it.....

Oh great!! So instead of just enjoying the fact that we don't torture, we're going to have to sit through a list of the things we do do, in a blatent attempt to hurt our brains.

Oh Jon ... you are too funny ... :clap:



Well-Known Member
Oh did they now? ... and when was that? Link? ... and let see some proof other than what the war criminals are saying that torture works ... links? ... now watch closely folks at home ... he will blow it out his ass ... as usual ... :hump:
way out :spew:
CJ is all about opinion with no backup.


New Member
But former CIA director Michael Hayden and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey said in an opinion column in the Wall Street Journal on Friday that the harsh interrogations were successful. “Fully half of the government's knowledge about the structure and activities of al-Qaida came from those interrogations,” they wrote.

OOOOPS..... wrong again NWDUDS... you really should get outside a bit more.

Okay, so now what? How do we gather information? Enlighten me... ask politely? You guys don't have the common sense of a pickle.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
CJ is all about opinion with no backup.
I'm telling ya ... and what's really funny is ... he actually believes he does ... :lol:

OOOOPS..... wrong again NWDUDS... you really should get outside a bit more.

Okay, so now what? How do we gather information? Enlighten me... ask politely? You guys don't have the common sense of a pickle.out. :blsmoke:
You mean the AG that refused to enforce the law and also refused to admit that water boarding is torture ... that guy? The guy that wouldn't enforce the subpoena of rat boy rove and his friends ... that guy? ... We are suppose to accept his opinion as gospel ... for you ... no doubt ... for most of us ... we want facts ... not made up bullshit claims from people that supported and protected war criminals ... and note folks at home how they use the fake Al-Qaeda to defend the war crimes committed ... only a bushwhacked mind would accept something like this as fact ... so wrong again chuckles ... outkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
F.B.I. special agent Ali Soufan who interrogated Abu Zubaydah says torture doesn't work!

There was no actionable intelligence gained from using enhanced interrogation techniques on Abu Zubaydah that wasn’t, or couldn’t have been, gained from regular tactics. In addition, I saw that using these alternative methods on other terrorists backfired on more than a few occasions — all of which are still classified. The short sightedness behind the use of these techniques ignored the unreliability of the methods, the nature of the threat, the mentality and modus operandi of the terrorists, and due process.
And folks ... Unlike Mukasey ... this man did the actual interrogation ... so who's opinion should we give weight to .... hummmm ? There is a link to the full op-ed ...:clap:


Well-Known Member
http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/keith-olbermann-offers-sean-hannity-1000-endureKeith Olbermann Offers Sean Hannity $1000 For Every Second He Can Endure Waterboarding
Keith Olbermann offers Sean Hannity $1000 for every second he can endure waterboarding. Lawrence O'Donnell weighs in on why someone like Hannity would offer to be waterboarded in the first place.
Olbermann: You'll do it for charity? For the troops families? I'll take you up on that Sean. For every second you last, $1000. Live or on tape provided other networks cameras are there. $1000 a second Sean because this is no game. This is serious stuff. Put your money where your mouth is, and your nose. And I'll double it when you admit you feared for your life. When you admit the horrible truth. Waterboarding, a symbol of the last administration, is torture.

So what do you think folks will the pussy boy hannity do it? My bet is he won't ... now if it were you or me ... we would more than likely take that bet ... hold my breath for a mintue ... 60K ... admit I feared for my life ... 120k! ... learn to hold my breath for 4 minutes ... 240K ... admit I feared ... 480K ... we could handle something like that ... but would pussy boy hannity do it ... for the troops as he said for charity? ... I doubt it very much ... so my bet is like all bushwhacked he's blowing out his ass ... he won't do it ... what say you?:confused:


New Member
Water boarding is not torture. There is no physical pain. One of the reasons why it is so EFFECTIVE. One of the reasons why a guy can get it 266 times and be fine.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Water boarding is not torture. There is no physical pain. One of the reasons why it is so EFFECTIVE. One of the reasons why a guy can get it 266 times and be fine.

out. :blsmoke:
Says the asshole that's never had it done to him or never will ... too big a coward like your friend hannity ... all talk no action ... simply blowing it out you ass ... as usual ... and how the fuck do you know there is no physical pain since you've never done it? Cause the war criminals told you so? ... folks .... let's hear from an actual person that had it done to him ...

Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR)


So who are we to believe ... some blow hard that's full of it ... or someone that put their money were their mouth is ... if Hitchens took up the bet he would be 12 -24k richer ...

So throw us some more of your "not torture" ... don't know what you're talking about bullshit ... it don't wash.
way outkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
Says the asshole that's never had it done to him or never will ... too big a coward like your friend hannity ... all talk no action ... simply blowing it out you ass ... as usual ... and how the fuck do you know there is no physical pain since you've never done it? Cause the war criminals told you so? ... folks .... let's hear from an actual person that had it done to him ...

Watch Christopher Hitchens Get Waterboarded (VANITY FAIR)


So who are we to believe ... some blow hard that's full of it ... or someone that put their money were their mouth is ... if Hitchens took up the bet he would be 12 -24k richer ...

So throw us some more of your "not torture" ... don't know what you're talking about bullshit ... it don't wash.
way outkiss-ass
Gee calm down and take one of the orange pills.
You are one nutty dude.
By the way it wasn't a bet.


Well-Known Member
Gee calm down and take one of the orange pills.
You are one nutty dude.
By the way it wasn't a bet.
Who beside you said I was excited? ... perhaps you should take a pill ... you are one ignorant gal ... and it didn't have to be a bet ... I just used the expression that I would take the bet ... get it ...probably not... :-|

You have obviously not looked into what water boarding actually does.out. :blsmoke:
You mean like you? ... and I guess Hitchens didn't do any research either ... otherwise he would have know he wasn't being tortured ... right? ... :roll:
we all know you are blowing it out your ass ... like your god hannity ... you don't have a clue as to the effects of waterboarding other than what you have heard from right wing nut job pundits ...
blowing it out:spew:


Well-Known Member
http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/countdown-pentagons-chief-lawyer-was-warnedCountdown: Pentagon's Chief Lawyer Was Warned That Torture Would Produce Unreliable Information
Olbermann:The Pentagon's top lawyer was told by the Americans responsible for defending Americans from torture by other nations no later than July 2002 said what he wanted to do to detainees was torture...We today also learned that the paper trail of the C.I.A. torture documents lead directly to Vice President Cheney's office.

Looks like the officials that didn't support the war criminals have a different view of torture ... which is a war crime ... :peace:


Well-Known Member
http://www.truthout.org/042509AHow Torture Worked to Sell the Iraq War
In part to get that smoking gun, the CIA waterboarded Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 183 times and Abu Zubaydah 83 times. But neither man told the interrogators what Bush and Cheney wanted to hear about Iraq and al-Qaeda. That came from Ibn al Sheikh al Libi, whom the Bush administration sent to Egypt for what CIA Director George Tenet called "further debriefing." As PBS Frontline reported back in November 2007, al Libi "confessed" - after being beaten repeatedly and locked in a small box for some 17 hours - that Saddam Hussein had trained al-Qaeda in chemical weapons. Al Libi later retracted his statement and the CIA later rejected it as reliable intelligence.
Once again folks ... more proof torture doesn't work ... :neutral: