Grow Site Busted!!!


Well-Known Member
Man I am starting to get a little paranoid. One of my neighbors came to me and told me that the Drug Task Force had came down and the owner of a property found like 7-8 plants... Couldn't be my grow, but they put cameras in the woods... Neighbor said that he only saw 4 cameras, and two black cases. One, how long do they let the cameras sit, how far away is the range of the cameras, and if i am really wanting to save the plants, or check to see if they were mine, how would be the best way to see/move the plants?
Yeah dude! Its all probably a bullshit lie, but you can't risk anything. STAY AWAY!!! or you can try your luck. Are you a lucky man?
the neighbor that told me knows I am growing. The one that found the plants don't. I have three, the ones in my other post. He told me that they brought up some miracle grow, but I don't use chemicals. I asked if there was a blue cooler, that is what I have my plants near. he said that he didn't see one. Also my plants are in the middle of a briar patch, kind of hard to get to, and I always go a different way till I am so far in then it all comes back to one path that is too far in to see, with no evidence that I have even been down there. I am thinking of covering up in full black, hiding my face, and any identifying marks, going in a totally different way after dark and out the same way and moving the plants either back inside, or to another location that I know is totally secluded. Any thoughts?
i would go for a hike, wear the proper gear, get somewhere near the plants and walk by them, scope out the situation, the cops couldn't prove they were yours unless they saw you there everyday
so just walk by and pretend like I don't see them if they're still there... I have a creek, I could pretend to wade in it I guess.
They're right....
It comes down to whether you are willing too, and are equipped with the right stuff to risk your freedom for a few plants...

I woulden't do it. You can always grow more
take the cameras out and wait a few days to see if the pigs come down to recover or fix what you have done wear black tho dog and watch for the van...!
pretty much what i would do you have the rigth idea about choseing a trail but id mess with the cameras first and even see how worries they are about your shit if its your site
Got a chance to sneak down and peek... Kind of still paranoid... I am going to just let them go for now... I will have to sneak back down there in like 2-3 months... should cool down by then ya think?
OH, for the info... they are still alive, and I did a geographical check, (asked the neighbor that called the cops where the cameras were so I didn't hinder the police investigation), and I found that I was fine. Just thought that I would let you know. So far so good... I still want to move them though.
well its good that they are there man congrats id deffinatly leave them for a lil while maybe go down once and a while to take a plant and move it to a better spot ...LIKE MY HOUSE lol just playing