Whats the damage for a setup?


Active Member
Sup everybody, as you can see I'm quite new to the RIU forums. I've been researching and reading a lot about growing for the past couple of months and I'm pretty sure I got enough knowledge that I could say I would be able to grow enough for personal use, with the help of RIU of course.

My dilemna is that I have been planning an outdoor grow for months, unfortunatly my spot blew up and I cant use it anymore. So I'm going to have to postpone the first grow for a little while. However, with the possibility of actually having my own place setting in, Ive decided the first grow will most likely be an indoor one.

So RIU members, could you part some knowledge on the art of an indoor grow? I would plan on maximum of three or four plants, a closetgrow if you wanna call it that. I know I need soil, pots, lights, nutes, etc... but what are the other neccessities? Fans, carbon filters, etc. Would anyone be able to ballpark a price for a setup similar to this?


New Member
If you have the indoor room, a 4x4.6.5 tent shipped to your door is 139 on ebay. Higher quality than the only at my local hydro shop, lol. Otherwise I would have gotten it there.

If you wanna do dwc (deep water culture) is easy to set up and you only need the nutes and water once your running (no replacing soil...)

Other threads abount but at wal-mart you can get you basic 10-14 liter setup for around 30 dollars.

Lights well, your budget determines it here, i would say go 600w if you do do the 4x4. I have the 4x4 running a 600 and a 400 but that is probablly excessive?? Your looking from 200 for bargin binning to 400 here. If you have money to spend spend it here and the nutes. The $400 tents are just like the $139.99 tents.... no so with the bulbs and ballasts.

you will need a inline fan to vent your hood and a small fan inside. ok 4 inch inline fan 170 cfm about $110 and a carbon scrubber for that fan and the ducting.. $70

Tent 139.99
lights 200-400
dwc setup $50 (this is netpots, tub, air pump, air stones, hydroton, rockwool cubes, etc)
starter nutes 30
ventalation 200

that help? if you dont need an actual tent then scratch that. Spend the money on the ventalation, heat stress sucks.... So does pot smell outside us shiz..