I was gonna go to class


Well-Known Member
Idiot. Don't throw away an expensive education in lieu of a good stone. You should've gotten high THEN gone to class like a RESPONSIBLE stoner! ;)


Active Member
Idiot. Don't throw away an expensive education in lieu of a good stone. You should've gotten high THEN gone to class like a RESPONSIBLE stoner! ;)
Do you want me to leave now? I can still make it.
It's nice out, and I have a good pair of shades.


Well-Known Member
Um, if you are my kid posting this I am going to kick your ass...I just got your little college bill in the mail yesterday....Get your ass to class...NOW.


Well-Known Member
Exactly! And cultural anthropology is GREAT while high! I took that class at my local community college and would make a point to show up baked so I could argue with the prof about whether or not animals like dogs, cats and the like have cognitive thought processes. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
if i went to my differential equations class high i'd be bending over grabbing my ankles the whole time


Well-Known Member
i am much more inclined to go to class if im high, i wouldnt drudge my ass across campus at 8 in the morning for history if i wasnt stoned. get a laptop, it makes stoned time in class much better. shit bro im in sittin in intro to java programming right now:joint:


Well-Known Member
Highschool drop-out here. Beleive me, school is the best thing man, even if your failing. Im gonna have to be doing shit work for the rest of my life, but Im actually kinda down for that, or if all else fails, get an apprenticship. I plan on doing mine in Horticulture, which I planned on before but I got sent to the crappiest place ( I was used as free labor adn thats all, didnt learn a thing unless I read it off a box) But Im pretty stuck on this Butchering thing, actually pretty interesting. But education is key.


Well-Known Member
i am much more inclined to go to class if im high, i wouldnt drudge my ass across campus at 8 in the morning for history if i wasnt stoned. get a laptop, it makes stoned time in class much better. shit bro im in sittin in intro to java programming right now:joint:
You might wanna pay attention in that one, brah. Java programming is a bitch!


Well-Known Member
What about teaching high? I could never do it, but I know some that do...
I know for a fact that some of my profs smoke weed, they always joke about it. Those are usually the classes that I love going to because the prof is actually into teaching and jokes around making it interesting.


Well-Known Member
You might wanna pay attention in that one, brah. Java programming is a bitch!
lol java is only the beginning. not that I'm a programmer or anything, I used to have major interest in it.

weed doesn't hinder your learning at all as long as you yourself can handle it. I've wrote 9 page papers in a day, I've gone on reading binges for studies and remembered 100% of it. so much for that pot fucks your short term memory crap.

you can't be HELLA stoned in class. but you can be pretty high and absorb everything and understand even better than you would normally.

and as far as teaching high, well, I believe I could become a professor one day after I finish doing whatever line of research I go into. and if I do that, I'll be high every single class I teach. I explain things better when I'm high, idea's and metaphors flow easier and it makes things way more interesting.

anyways, weed is a mental gift to those who use it constructively.


Well-Known Member
With my ADD/ADHD i cant do shit unless i am taking a pull of some good buds other wise i would never make it to class, i would get stuck in the quad playing hacksac. Weed gets me to class so i can sit down for an hour or so!!

The only calss i couldnt get stoned was TRIG. of cource i couldnt pass when i cheated either so fuck it.

Surveyors do it in the woods!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey poplars thats a good quote at the end
weed is a mental gift to those who use it constructively.

mind if i use it for my signature?