The Insanity of the Left


New Member
I listen to you Med and think you are absolutely bat shit crazy and have such an insane level of ennui that you probably can't get an erection (how unfortunate for your wife.)

Which would certainly explain why you are such an angry affluent bastard.
TBT ...

This is the only post you've ever made in this forum that I disagree with. You haven't met Med and I have. With that in mind, I'd say that Med's erectile disfunction is FORTUNATE for his wife. :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Having had personal experience with a sociopath (and no, most of them are not serial killers) I can without a doubt say people on the right exhibit this disorder more than any other group of people.

Sociopaths/narcissists are concerned with themselves and no one else, they look at people as tools to benefit themselves and could care less about the well being of others. Basically its the ultimate selfishness.

The left wants medical coverage for everyone, even if it means a little higher taxes. The right says to hell with everyone else, even if they are sick. The left believe in safety nets when people fall on hard times, the right says screw them, its not my problem. The left is concerned about the environment, the right does everything in its power to protect companies that damage the environment. Pretty obvious which ones are sociopaths.

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
This is funny, must have taken you a while.

You 'righties' are just pissed about paying taxes but their a fact of life in a world using a monetary system that enslaves its people...... your national debt needs to be paid off, and thats not a new thing.

Money is the New Religion... The Government is working to the Banks Agenda now, thats not Socialism, thats Facism.
This is funny,
The limeys didn't mind the money when we had to enact an Income Tax so that we could pry their balls from Hitler's grip. As a matter of fact, if it wasn't for the 2 world wars, the U.S. would still be an isolationist country happy to stay out of everyone elses business.


Well-Known Member
Having had personal experience with a sociopath (and no, most of them are not serial killers) I can without a doubt say people on the right exhibit this disorder more than any other group of people.

Sociopaths/narcissists are concerned with themselves and no one else, they look at people as tools to benefit themselves and could care less about the well being of others. Basically its the ultimate selfishness.

The left wants medical coverage for everyone, even if it means a little higher taxes. The right says to hell with everyone else, even if they are sick. The left believe in safety nets when people fall on hard times, the right says screw them, its not my problem. The left is concerned about the environment, the right does everything in its power to protect companies that damage the environment. Pretty obvious which ones are sociopaths.
No, you see the problem is you are now saying that the left's refusal to accept self-responsibility (a class sign of sociopathic behavior) is not a sign that they are all sociopaths.

The entire ideology of Socialism and of the Welfare-State is a Sociopathic Construct.

As far as your charges that by some how seeking to have everyone responsible for themselves makes the right Sociopathic. I can only urge that you go back and read the actual traits. No where in them is "wants other people to be responsible for themselves", "wants not to be victimized by others", "wants to keep everything that they earn with their sweat."

Those phrases are not in the definition.

What is in the description is

"Ignores their victims suffering"

This isn't an action of the right, by refusing or objecting to being forced to help those people we are not victimizing them.

However, by forcefully taking our money the left is victimizing us, and they show the sociopathic behavior of not being able to recognize the pain they are causing us, or vainly attempting to justify it by arguing that we can "afford it." An arbitrary judgment that ignores the fact that just because some one is making money, especially a recent college graduate, or a entrepreneur, doesn't mean that they do not have debts or other obligations to fulfill. Especially in the case of the entrepreneur which may have obligations to shareholders (to return a portion of the profits to them) or to lienholders (to pay debts incurred to start the business.)

They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.
The left insists that people must be coerced into helping others.

While the right wants everyone to be equally independent. What is good enough for me, is good enough for everyone else, and that's the government leaving us the hell alone. There is no, oh, that person should be singled out be cause he has blonde hair and blue eyes, or is missing a tooth, or was born in a mansion.

That's the attitude demonstrated by liberals in their vain attempts to equalize outcomes.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."
Healthcare is a Right, a rallying cry of the Left.

If that's doesn't demonstrate their grandiose sense of self then I don't know what does.

I personally think Healthcare is a commodity, because I can not justify forcing a doctor to treat me. Especially if it was to perform a colonoscopy.

And last but not least.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.
The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

The left can not understand the concept of theft being immoral regardless of what ends it goes towards.

The left, Socialism/Environmentalism/The Left are Sociopathic Movements.


New Member
I listen to you Med and think you are absolutely bat shit crazy and have such an insane level of ennui that you probably can't get an erection (how unfortunate for your wife.)

Which would certainly explain why you are such an angry affluent bastard.[/quote]
First off, discussing my sex life, which you know nothing about, is a true sign of sociopathic behaviour. Second, your assumption that I'm an affluent bastard could not be further from the truth. I'll settle for the bastard part, but I'm far from affluent.


New Member
TBT ...

This is the only post you've ever made in this forum that I disagree with. You haven't met Med and I have. With that in mind, I'd say that Med's erectile disfunction is FORTUNATE for his wife. :mrgreen:

Again, you have reverted to your true sociopathic behaviour. Nothing to add to the discussion but an Ad-hominem attack. Fuck you Vi, you miserable voracious schrewbag. You can go eat shit and bark at the moon you miserable cur bastard. I'll try and come up with more adjectives that fit your true personality, there are plenty you asshole.


New Member
However, by forcefully taking our money the left is victimizing us, and they show the sociopathic behavior of not being able to recognize the pain they are causing us, or vainly attempting to justify it by arguing that we can "afford it." An arbitrary judgment that ignores the fact that just because some one is making money, especially a recent college graduate, or a entrepreneur, doesn't mean that they do not have debts or other obligations to fulfill. Especially in the case of the entrepreneur which may have obligations to shareholders (to return a portion of the profits to them) or to lienholders (to pay debts incurred to start the business.)

Oh waaa, waaa, waaa, You crying bastards keep whining about the left. I doubt that anyone of you have ever had a day of consequential hunger. You come to the party all dressed in luxurious threads whining about the poor. Get over yourselves. You are no better than the lowliest bum on the street. You just had better circumstances. Any one of those bums (That are not Mental or drug addicted) could do your job with the right training. You are not that special. you just had the breaks and took advantage of them.


Well-Known Member
Having had personal experience with a sociopath (and no, most of them are not serial killers) I can without a doubt say people on the right exhibit this disorder more than any other group of people.

Sociopaths/narcissists are concerned with themselves and no one else, they look at people as tools to benefit themselves and could care less about the well being of others. Basically its the ultimate selfishness.
A narcisist doesn't fit in your definition, though eather could have a tendency for the other theres not really even an overlap and are dissimilar.

The left wants medical coverage for everyone, even if it means a little higher taxes.
The left wants it to be free because they don't want to pay and why would the left care about taxes as most of the left pay very little even the ones with money as evidenced by obomba and who he has nominated.

The right says to hell with everyone else, even if they are sick.
Bullshit the right has always been far more giving then the left as the left thinks the goverment should take care of everthing where the right will take care of it themselves and not palm it off as its someone elses job. as the weak spineless slugs they are.

The left believe in safety nets when people fall on hard times,
Bullshit the left squander their money in their excess in a live for today mode and jump into their squalid existence without a thought to their future if they had they could put up their own net. Me I say be on your way and break a leg.

the right says screw them, its not my problem.
ITS NOT and they are right. You see its the left telling the right that its the rights problem and it seems normal for the left to think that its their job to tell the right what it should do. If they would just get a job they wouldn't have the time to tell others what to do as much.


Well-Known Member
Why dont we just destroy the entire right/left hemisphere? It is a ploy by the government/media to separate the masses. Same as racism, sexism, homophobia, religion, ect. Stop looking at left/right bickering, and start looking at class warfare. The elite ruling class (capitalists) are exploiting and enslaving the working class. Its funny how Obama is pumping more and more money into the financial system/banking system and lower the interest rates is the exact opposit of what they do for Thrid World nations when they create an economic crisis. They will jack up the interest rates, to make sure that they can never pay. Take a look at Iceland right now. So far in debt it can NEVER pay it off, so the World Bank/IMF told them that they would have to start to sell off property to American interests. It is all about furthering the American Empire. Furthing the capitalist war machine. No system of government is a good system. Only the complete destruction of the capitalist system will truly free mankind. No hierarchy, No gods, No masters. When the workers rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs, that is when they will be free. No Obama is going to save humans. Only humans that can think for themselves and question authority (ALL forms of authority) can change the world. And things DO defintally need to change. And not the Obama type of change. True radical change NEEDS to occur for humanity to survive. We are destroying the Earths natural resources faster & faster, the ice caps are melting day by day, and nobody seems to care. They keep driving their hummers and consuming more & more. Consumerism needs to stop for humanity to survive. The world can no longer sustain. And capitalism was never ment to sustain, except off of the blood & sweat of the workers, dying to stay a live, while the capitalists live it up in their mansions, spitting on the poor. Resistance is Fertile.


Well-Known Member
Why dont we just destroy the entire right/left hemisphere? It is a ploy by the government/media to separate the masses. Same as racism, sexism, homophobia, religion, ect. Stop looking at left/right bickering, and start looking at class warfare. The elite ruling class (capitalists) are exploiting and enslaving the working class. Its funny how Obama is pumping more and more money into the financial system/banking system and lower the interest rates is the exact opposit of what they do for Thrid World nations when they create an economic crisis. They will jack up the interest rates, to make sure that they can never pay. Take a look at Iceland right now. So far in debt it can NEVER pay it off, so the World Bank/IMF told them that they would have to start to sell off property to American interests. It is all about furthering the American Empire. Furthing the capitalist war machine. No system of government is a good system. Only the complete destruction of the capitalist system will truly free mankind. No hierarchy, No gods, No masters. When the workers rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs, that is when they will be free. No Obama is going to save humans. Only humans that can think for themselves and question authority (ALL forms of authority) can change the world. And things DO defintally need to change. And not the Obama type of change. True radical change NEEDS to occur for humanity to survive. We are destroying the Earths natural resources faster & faster, the ice caps are melting day by day, and nobody seems to care. They keep driving their hummers and consuming more & more. Consumerism needs to stop for humanity to survive. The world can no longer sustain. And capitalism was never ment to sustain, except off of the blood & sweat of the workers, dying to stay a live, while the capitalists live it up in their mansions, spitting on the poor. Resistance is Fertile.
Yes resistance is fertile. IF you spread enough on anything would be fertile. Quit fertiling up this place..


Well-Known Member
Why dont we just destroy the entire right/left hemisphere? It is a ploy by the government/media to separate the masses. Same as racism, sexism, homophobia, religion, ect. Stop looking at left/right bickering, and start looking at class warfare. The elite ruling class (capitalists) are exploiting and enslaving the working class. Its funny how Obama is pumping more and more money into the financial system/banking system and lower the interest rates is the exact opposit of what they do for Thrid World nations when they create an economic crisis. They will jack up the interest rates, to make sure that they can never pay. Take a look at Iceland right now. So far in debt it can NEVER pay it off, so the World Bank/IMF told them that they would have to start to sell off property to American interests. It is all about furthering the American Empire. Furthing the capitalist war machine. No system of government is a good system. Only the complete destruction of the capitalist system will truly free mankind. No hierarchy, No gods, No masters. When the workers rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs, that is when they will be free. No Obama is going to save humans. Only humans that can think for themselves and question authority (ALL forms of authority) can change the world. And things DO defintally need to change. And not the Obama type of change. True radical change NEEDS to occur for humanity to survive. We are destroying the Earths natural resources faster & faster, the ice caps are melting day by day, and nobody seems to care. They keep driving their hummers and consuming more & more. Consumerism needs to stop for humanity to survive. The world can no longer sustain. And capitalism was never ment to sustain, except off of the blood & sweat of the workers, dying to stay a live, while the capitalists live it up in their mansions, spitting on the poor. Resistance is Fertile.
That is the dumbest bunch of shit ever posted. Are you also in the UK?


Well-Known Member
The tax on income was the goal of the progressives as we approached the 1900s. It is based upon class envy and still is. There are only 535 people keeping it in place ... the Congress, Senate, Vice President and President.

It is no accident that the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax were enacted at the same time ... 1913. If a country is to have a debt money system, then there has to be a way to get that money out of circulation in order to avoid run away inflation. Taxation is one of the best ways.

Think of it like this: You have an employee to whom you pay a wage. The employee pays a tax on that income. He hires a gardner and pays part of his income to to the gardner. The gardner pays an income tax on what your employee pays him. The gardner hires a mechanic to work on his car. The mechanic pays an income tax on what the gardner pays him. The mechanic hires an accountant. The accountant pays an income tax on what the mechanic pays him ... and on and on ... UNTIL the money is all consumed by income taxes. Is there a difference between that example and just burning the money? Well, take it from me ... the Federal Reserve banks actually do burn money. I know because I've seen the furnace with my own eyes.

A fairer system would be to stop borrowing money into existence through the Federal Reserve and have the federal government print U.S. Dollars (no debt) instead of Federal Reserve (debt) notes. Along with that, abolish the tax on income at all levels and institute a FAIR tax ... which is nothing more than a simple sales tax on consumption.

Thats true if it worked like that, but most everyone has a bank account and just as soon as someone deposits their paycheck the bank is able to make 10 times that amount out of thin air in the form of new "Loans". So it still comes down to money being created out of nothing and then "Loaned" out to others at interest.

The whole fractional reserve banking system is basic pure fraud/ponzi scheme anyway you look at it. Unfortunately the world most of us live in requires bank accounts.

The Fed does burn money, but it gets replaced. They are burning the old, worn and dirty bills. Im sure you knew that.


Well-Known Member
However, by forcefully taking our money the left is victimizing us, and they show the sociopathic behavior of not being able to recognize the pain they are causing us, or vainly attempting to justify it by arguing that we can "afford it." An arbitrary judgment that ignores the fact that just because some one is making money, especially a recent college graduate, or a entrepreneur, doesn't mean that they do not have debts or other obligations to fulfill. Especially in the case of the entrepreneur which may have obligations to shareholders (to return a portion of the profits to them) or to lienholders (to pay debts incurred to start the business.)

Oh waaa, waaa, waaa, You crying bastards keep whining about the left. I doubt that anyone of you have ever had a day of consequential hunger. You come to the party all dressed in luxurious threads whining about the poor. Get over yourselves. You are no better than the lowliest bum on the street. You just had better circumstances. Any one of those bums (That are not Mental or drug addicted) could do your job with the right training. You are not that special. you just had the breaks and took advantage of them.
Any of those bums could do my job with the right training

That is exactly the fucking point I've been trying to make, thus it is assinine to assume that I should have to support their lazy asses.

And no, I didn't have any "breaks", other than two parents that weren't psychotic socialist morons. Hardly a break, that's what's known as a functioning family unit in the real world (as opposed to the make believe socialist utopia where a "functioning" family unit is a single mom with 14 kids by 30 different "fathers.")

Other than that I paid for everything I earned my self, including the training.

Though, yes, seeing as how any one (with the proper training) could do my job, then I should not be held responsible for their laziness or lack of self-responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Why dont we just destroy the entire right/left hemisphere? It is a ploy by the government/media to separate the masses. Same as racism, sexism, homophobia, religion, ect. Stop looking at left/right bickering, and start looking at class warfare. The elite ruling class (capitalists) are exploiting and enslaving the working class. Its funny how Obama is pumping more and more money into the financial system/banking system and lower the interest rates is the exact opposit of what they do for Thrid World nations when they create an economic crisis. They will jack up the interest rates, to make sure that they can never pay. Take a look at Iceland right now. So far in debt it can NEVER pay it off, so the World Bank/IMF told them that they would have to start to sell off property to American interests. It is all about furthering the American Empire. Furthing the capitalist war machine. No system of government is a good system. Only the complete destruction of the capitalist system will truly free mankind. No hierarchy, No gods, No masters. When the workers rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs, that is when they will be free. No Obama is going to save humans. Only humans that can think for themselves and question authority (ALL forms of authority) can change the world. And things DO defintally need to change. And not the Obama type of change. True radical change NEEDS to occur for humanity to survive. We are destroying the Earths natural resources faster & faster, the ice caps are melting day by day, and nobody seems to care. They keep driving their hummers and consuming more & more. Consumerism needs to stop for humanity to survive. The world can no longer sustain. And capitalism was never ment to sustain, except off of the blood & sweat of the workers, dying to stay a live, while the capitalists live it up in their mansions, spitting on the poor. Resistance is Fertile.

Class Warfare is such a stupid ignorant idiotic concept that even the "father" of Class Warfare was not able to define it.

Marx, being the idiot that he was, was incapable of actually defining the difference between Bourgouise and Proletariat, because there is no difference. There is no, mythical, magical difference at which some one stops being Bourgousie and starts being a Proletariat, or visaversa.

There is no such thing as different classes, just as their is no such thing as different human "races."

Class Warfare is a tool that the government has grabbed for its own benefit (seeing that it would allow for the population to be divided, and provide an excuse for the government to seize more power.)

By the logic of the leftists, I am probably going against my "class" interests. Which is a crock of bullshit. There is no "class" interests. There is just individual interests.

It is in the interest (of some deranged socialist sociopaths) to force everyone to have healthcare thus EXPANDING GOVERNMENT POWER.

It is in the interest (of some deranged socialist socipaths) to force everyone to pay taxes in unequal proportions via a regressive scaled income tax, thus EXPANDING GOVERNMENT POWER.

The difference between right and left is the difference between Freedom (the RIGHT) and Slavery (the Left), or between Democracy, the Individual, and Oligarchy and the State.

Socialism = Fascism = Tyranny = Oligarchy = Monarchy = Socialism = ...

Socialism and Fascism are Capitalism/Liberty in Decline.

To quote Mises, "Government is essentially the negation of Liberty."


Well-Known Member
Class Warfare is such a stupid ignorant idiotic concept that even the "father" of Class Warfare was not able to define it.

Marx, being the idiot that he was, was incapable of actually defining the difference between Bourgouise and Proletariat, because there is no difference. There is no, mythical, magical difference at which some one stops being Bourgousie and starts being a Proletariat, or visaversa.

There is no such thing as different classes, just as their is no such thing as different human "races."

Class Warfare is a tool that the government has grabbed for its own benefit (seeing that it would allow for the population to be divided, and provide an excuse for the government to seize more power.)

By the logic of the leftists, I am probably going against my "class" interests. Which is a crock of bullshit. There is no "class" interests. There is just individual interests.

It is in the interest (of some deranged socialist sociopaths) to force everyone to have healthcare thus EXPANDING GOVERNMENT POWER.

It is in the interest (of some deranged socialist socipaths) to force everyone to pay taxes in unequal proportions via a regressive scaled income tax, thus EXPANDING GOVERNMENT POWER.

The difference between right and left is the difference between Freedom (the RIGHT) and Slavery (the Left), or between Democracy, the Individual, and Oligarchy and the State.

Socialism = Fascism = Tyranny = Oligarchy = Monarchy = Socialism = ...

Socialism and Fascism are Capitalism/Liberty in Decline.

To quote Mises, "Government is essentially the negation of Liberty."
For the record, I am not now, nor have I ever been a Marxist. Marx was a fool and a pariah to the working class. He led his people into truer slavery (State Socialism/Fascism). I also don't see your side to say that the 'so called' "Right" is freedom. No more than I can see you say the the so-called "Left" is truer freedom. Democrats are some of the nastiest sons-a-bitches that I've ever come across. But Republicans are some of the most racist, hateful people I've ever come across as well. Both of them are about protecting capitalism. If you don't believe that anarchy/communism can work in its truest sense than you should look into the Zapatistas from Mexico, which the USA & Mexico have both made very clear that they want them "eliminated". What they, and others around the world, are doing is true freedom. Not some form of State Fascism, be it Socialism or Capitalism. A more recent example of a true workers rebellion took place just a couple months ago in Greece. Just google "Greece Riots 2009" and a lot of stuff will come up. A lot of "change" is happening in this world, wether you like it or not. And the current "system" has to fail.

That is the dumbest bunch of shit ever posted. Are you also in the UK?
What is so dumb about it? And no, I am not in the UK. I am in Cali.


Well-Known Member
What is so dumb about it? And no, I am not in the UK. I am in Cali.[/quote]

Because all you have done is memorized some leftist anarchist propaganda that really does nothing to engage the issues. Are you quoting the black panther's, if so you should use quotation marks.