FLoJo's Vertical Round 3: Grand Daddy Purps + CO2 = Good Times!

i already know about it, why do ya think i put the word 'icebox' in my last post :p

and wrong!!! :p its actually more like a radiator that has a fan blowing through the air cooled hood blowing through the radiator...which not only cools your lights but can act as an a/c for your grow area

you need at least a 1/4 chiller. 1/3 hp is optimal

and where you at BCTrippin?

you LATE as hell.... LOL :p me and flo been talking about this.... in other threads and at the beginning of this thread too

in the words of the buddy LionsRoor...

fuck around and the next grow OP i will build it around a mot of water


and water cool every fucking thing.

no a/c necessary suckers :hump:
in the words of the buddy LionsRoor...

fuck around and the next grow OP i will build it around a mot of water


and water cool every fucking thing.

no a/c necessary suckers :hump:

Wouldnt you want to build the moat around the Op and not the Op around the moat?? :lol::lol:

I think theres a reason watercooling hasnt caught on so much yet. It all looks great on paper, but in the end it aint cheap, and in a lot of cases its cheaper to just exhaust heat outside rather then trying to watercool everything.

As far as the Watercooled C02 generator. I've been wanting one of those HydroGENs for Years, those things are Bad Ass. Other then that, I think watercooling Everything in a grow would be way too much of a hassle.

you arent technically watercooling everything

the lights are cooled by the radiator and the radiator also acts like an a/c in the grow area. that alone will kill a few birds with one stone. i.e. not as many fans for exhausting, no separate a/c, no extra ducting for light reflector

chillers run hella cheaper than a/c. typically your initial invest will be alot, but will make money back in notime...especially in a/c savings

(what flo is having to deal with now)
the lights are cooled by the radiator and the radiator also acts like an a/c in the grow area.

Ideally it would. It really would depend how efficient the coolers are and how much heat there is to remove. Do you use them yourself or do know anyone who has experience with them?

Look I've turned this thread into the hydroinnovations steeple. I talked with him and he was on the liquid lumens design team. We were about to drop a chunk on liquid lumi's but he said there was a design flaw that he couldn't say what it was. Needles to say he quite and started his own company (what a stud). Ya the numbers are simple invest in chiller and the energy conversion ratio goes 70 percent to the positive. Ordering a 2 hp and 1 hp chiller.
the up front cost is less but on average water cooling is cost wise about 40 percent more efficient, not 70 percent, and when you add in the extra heat you are gaining from the lights, it drops it down to about 25 percent...

however, if you figure that for a large sized op, the ac you would need would probably be about 2000 watts, if you save 25 percent of that, its an extra 500 watts you can run in your room, which will in turn pay itself off in no time..

the main thing about the water cooling is its efficiency, and allows you to run more lights for the same money, and get the same cooling effects.. not to mention in a co2 enriched room, it means you need no outside venting, which will also save a ton of money on co2 or propane/natural gas.

ideally i would like to run about a 200 gallon res, with a 4 hp chiller, keep the water at 35 degrees, and run a system of hoses to 6-8 air cooled reflectors, with a 4 inch fan and an icebox on each one.. you could easily keep temps well in check, run a coil of hose in your res to keep that cool, and take care of the heat from a c02 generator..

all without needing any outside ventilation... sounds gravy to me
I would like to see how one of the coolers holds up to a 1000w light though. Yeah it would be nice, You would only ever need to run an exhaust fan at night if you run c02 during light cycles, sure would make life easy.

I wanna know if anyone has bought any of these yet, it would be nice to see it up and running.

lol its made for a 1000w

I can see that, but have you used them yourself? Or do you personally know someone who uses them? Thats what I would like to know. Theres all kinds of products that make all kinds of claims but until someone buys one and hooks it up theres no way to know if it really is gonna work as advertised or not.

I think they are a great idea, but I would just like to see or hear from someone who is using them.

It is definitely a cool idea after the initial cost. You could use a fan and some ducting and run cool air throughout your house without the massive cost of running an AC too.

i think LoudBlunts has one, and he is going to be setting it up soon, and there is a dude on icmag who has 6 1000s and 6 coolers, and he needs no supplemental ac because of how well they work
I liked hydro innovations idea so much, i made myself one. Cheap little radiator from ebay, cost $30, its about 12x7. I bought a metal box at lowes, that it fits into. Stick the radiator into there across the space. Run your lines, and i just duct taped it onto my cool tube reflector. Not pretty, but I'll fix that soon. I've got a little stanley blower pulling air through the whole thing. Works like a charm on my 600.

Props to Flojo for this 3rd round. Always love the purple strains. Very pretty plants.
the up front cost is less but on average water cooling is cost wise about 40 percent more efficient, not 70 percent, and when you add in the extra heat you are gaining from the lights, it drops it down to about 25 percent...

Flo man really I didn't pull that number out of my ass so here is my source. Here it is.. My assesetment is that Ac wastes 70 percent cooling air... fuck it read
...The Ice Box is a safe and effective way to water-cool the air leaving your reflectors without adding a/c or more fans. It uses a water to air heat exchanger to water cool the hot air your reflectors produce. Water-cooling is much more effective and efficient than air-cooling, here's some science to prove it: Water has a thermal conductivity of 0.6 W/ (m*K) which is much higher than the thermal conductivity of air which is only 0.03 W/(m*K). Water also has a much higher specific heat capacity than air. What that means is water can absorb and remove from your garden 4 times the heat nearly 20 times faster than air! We aren't just talking about air cooling your reflectors, this goes for your air conditioning system too. Once heat is released in to your room the ability to efficiently remove that heat is lost. Air is only cooled with electricity whereas water can be cooled in dozens of ways with little or no energy. Further only 30% of the energy used in air conditioning is converted into usable cooling power, the rest is wasted. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that water-cooling will reduce your electric bill

Anyway enough said. Much success..:shock:
Hey does the shoe rack concept work for trees as well as SOG? So if I just built a rack low down on a gutter I could do six to 8 footers.
Flo man really I didn't pull that number out of my ass so here is my source. Here it is.. My assesetment is that Ac wastes 70 percent cooling air... fuck it read
...The Ice Box is a safe and effective way to water-cool the air leaving your reflectors without adding a/c or more fans. It uses a water to air heat exchanger to water cool the hot air your reflectors produce. Water-cooling is much more effective and efficient than air-cooling, here's some science to prove it: Water has a thermal conductivity of 0.6 W/ (m*K) which is much higher than the thermal conductivity of air which is only 0.03 W/(m*K). Water also has a much higher specific heat capacity than air. What that means is water can absorb and remove from your garden 4 times the heat nearly 20 times faster than air! We aren't just talking about air cooling your reflectors, this goes for your air conditioning system too. Once heat is released in to your room the ability to efficiently remove that heat is lost. Air is only cooled with electricity whereas water can be cooled in dozens of ways with little or no energy. Further only 30% of the energy used in air conditioning is converted into usable cooling power, the rest is wasted. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that water-cooling will reduce your electric bill

Anyway enough said. Much success..:shock:

i am posting what iwas told
had long post lost it so here it is quick and easy

i was told it save me roughly 30-40%
cooling cost.

4-1000 watt hps whith room toexpand
im sure it could work for any application

and thanks for the props Glasuan, its gonna b a fun show ahead!