several N00B questions.


I have a few questions that i think i should post under one topic so as not to clutter up the forums. They are probably quite easy to answerr but i am not an expert at the moment as i wish to be.

The first is that my plants average out to only about 8 and a half inches tall a good height for a plant of 4weeks old as i have seen quite a few plants that are quite large and its putting me down a little bit?

Secondly, on one of my plants there is a leaf witch 1/6 of the end has tuned yellow and is curling and falling of slowly. Another has a small yellow blotch that seems to have been there from the start. Is there anything i can do to stop this.

My final query is working out between the genders as soon as possible. Several of my plants have started to grow quite nice pointly like things that could look like beginings of leaves. They have grown right between where the stalk splits into 3 so i know it cant be more stems, but im not sure. Any insight to this would be helpful.

Many many thanks anybody that can give any knowledge.


Well-Known Member
first question.. what kind of light are you using?? i ask because if its a smaller light then growth will be slower so you could very well have 8 inch plants at 4 weeks... but i would say 12 inches is ideal for 4 weeks of veg growth... on average..

second.. the yellow spot could be the beginning signs of nute burn... are you using any?? how often?? soil or hydro?? and do you know your ph??

and lastly.. you cant tell sex until a week or 2 into flowering.. what you are seeing are the signs that it is ready to start flowering if you choose to... you wont see sex like i said for 7-14 days... at which point if you see 2 white hairs coming from those you have a girl... if you see a cluster of what looks likes grapes you have yourself a boy...

any other ?s??


Thanks for the pretty quick reply man, well basacly i bought 10 seeds of the net and 4 of them are fine and growing. Im just going to do it bare minimul prices just to make a couple of hundred to buy a big tent and some nice nice lights from greenshorticulture (are they recomended) :) All of my plants where under i think a 200wat flurecant lamp i have by a balister. Now there getting 12 hours sunlight from outside (nice weather) and then the 12 hours under the other light.

As of now im not using any nutes, just regular tap water that has been left to distill over night. I did find some plant food that i was thinking bout using but not to sure as i would like my weed to taste less chemicaly.

Im not to bothered about the size at the moment as long as i can get a nice(ish) harvesty out of them and make some money to make the next grow nicer. Just need to make sure there guna bud :)

Saftey in numberz


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the tents... never used one so i dont know... but i would imagine they are a decent investment... again tho.. i cant really say...

i will venture to guess the size is due to the light youve been using.. a 200w floro isnt enough to get good growth.. i would double that at least... get to around 400w and youll see a much better growth... moving them outside will definalty help... you can get a really decent yield off of short plants... just depends on the light during flowering... which you need more of during flowering than during veg...

you should get some kind of nutes... do you have a hydro store in your area or are you stuck with a walmart??


Nope, im stuck with England and its lovley wonders. I will probably be looking to keep them under that light at night time and in the window sun all day. Are there any good websites to buy nutes off of, and good recomendations of the types of nutes aswell?

Does my plant need the two rounded leaves it had to begin with as some of the plants rounded leaves are starting to turn yellow.
Also do you have any the seeds i started with (Skunk x Haze) How many weeks should i give them to flower and when should i put them into flowering do you think? I will put up some pictures :) I have named all my plants.



Well-Known Member
there are a couple different brands of nutes i personally like... the general hydroponics line of flora products are good.. i use the 3 part system.. works great.. has all the micro and macro nutes you need.. plus they have a lot of other products if you want any other suggestions... dunno the website but im sure its or something like that..

also.. technaflora has a line called BC products.. same sorta deal.. ive had good results with this stuff also...

get a 3 part system.. its much better than 2 part systems.. imo i guess... everyone has their own thing... they are hydro products but can be used in soil... which i like due to the fact the soil doesnt have to break down the nutes.. they are just available...

what kind of light are you using to flower your plants before i answer your questions on that...


Well-Known Member
I have a few questions that i think i should post under one topic so as not to clutter up the forums. They are probably quite easy to answerr but i am not an expert at the moment as i wish to be.

The first is that my plants average out to only about 8 and a half inches tall a good height for a plant of 4weeks old as i have seen quite a few plants that are quite large and its putting me down a little bit?

Secondly, on one of my plants there is a leaf witch 1/6 of the end has tuned yellow and is curling and falling of slowly. Another has a small yellow blotch that seems to have been there from the start. Is there anything i can do to stop this.

My final query is working out between the genders as soon as possible. Several of my plants have started to grow quite nice pointly like things that could look like beginings of leaves. They have grown right between where the stalk splits into 3 so i know it cant be more stems, but im not sure. Any insight to this would be helpful.

Many many thanks anybody that can give any knowledge.
Don't compare yours to what you see... 8" at 4 weeks is fine....

As for the tips/spots are you PHing water, using tap water (some say that can cause tip yellowing)....a spot here and there is OK, but not if all over or rapid spread...

sex.... check my sig "charts link" its all there about males/females...luck.


there are a couple different brands of nutes i personally like... the general hydroponics line of flora products are good.. i use the 3 part system.. works great.. has all the micro and macro nutes you need.. plus they have a lot of other products if you want any other suggestions... dunno the website but im sure its or something like that..

also.. technaflora has a line called BC products.. same sorta deal.. ive had good results with this stuff also...

get a 3 part system.. its much better than 2 part systems.. imo i guess... everyone has their own thing... they are hydro products but can be used in soil... which i like due to the fact the soil doesnt have to break down the nutes.. they are just available...

what kind of light are you using to flower your plants before i answer your questions on that...
Sound for that information, i will definatley be buying some nice nutes as soon as this months paycheck comes through.

I was planning on giving them pure sunlight for flowering as it will be nice summer time by then.


Well-Known Member
Sound for that information, i will definatley be buying some nice nutes as soon as this months paycheck comes through.

I was planning on giving them pure sunlight for flowering as it will be nice summer time by then.
Hey man its either a ph problem (good meter required) or nuting problem. Go organic!!! better tasting buds and great yields especially if u FIM OR SCROGG. gO TO ebay and search Super plant tonic or BMO ( Blue mountain organics) Very cheap but very much so worth it and more. They make their own super concentraed "teas" and this stuff has beat out my grows with : advanced, BC, and FOXFARM. $40 US DOLLARS WILL GET you the best truly 100% organic nutes u can buy! Ebay only and do a search on BMO here on RIU to get others advice. From my experience it is a oh problem coupled with a nuting problem. good luck and go organic!!! you'll thank yourself, as its real hard to burn your plants and you will get a great yield and even tastier buds... I wouldn't use Hydro ferts in my soil if you paid me. experience is futile.



Don't compare yours to what you see... 8" at 4 weeks is fine....

As for the tips/spots are you PHing water, using tap water (some say that can cause tip yellowing)....a spot here and there is OK, but not if all over or rapid spread...

sex.... check my sig "charts link" its all there about males/females...luck.
Leaves me quite reasured, i only have 2 small yellow spots on 2 different plants. Cant tell if there female yet, i sure hope so though. To the hash i think if i get any males.