Help! Budrot?


Well-Known Member
hey guys the past few days this plant, and its only one plant, has been doin some weird shit, and dont know if its budrot, or somethin else, but i dont know and am wondering if anyone can tell me what this looks like?

today is day 48 in flower



I've got a couple of plants that look simmilar, I'm wondering what is going on also. All the leaves on the tops have started to curl in on themselves, and no buds are forming.


Well-Known Member
hmm thats weird... but im in day 48 of 12/12 and this has just happened to one of my plants so far, i have nugs formed and everything, they are almost ready to harvest but all the leaves, starting from the top-down are turning dark greyish green,crispy and curling


Well-Known Member
you guys need to check your mediums ph and ppm. I am assuming you have been following a bloom nute schedule. check the runoff on your regular watering as well. Flush with 6.5 ph'ed water that has been through RO (reverse osmosis) and has a very low ppm... make sure to flush with at least twice as much water as there is growing medium... heavy nute lockout that is more than likely due to ph imbalance or too many parts per million (ppm) of salts or nutrients. If the plant is not being moved around, than lack of humidity and airflow could add to the problem as well. Could be too late for that one to make a complete recovery...


Well-Known Member
you may also be letting your pots get too dry between watering. If the roots dry out they will die, and you will see dramatic results in the plant from this. It could possibly cause root rot or an air bubble in the stem. Do you have enough perlite in those pots?


Well-Known Member
i have 22 different strains, and this is the only plant that is doing this, i grow in coco and yes there is perlite in there, its not that the coco is too dry, they have been watered right and i will double check the ppm, but again, this is the only plant that its happeneing to every other plant has no sign of this.


Well-Known Member
i also just fed it last night with clearex so hopefully that will help, maybe this plant got nute lockout. airflow is good, its actually right next to the fan. if it doesnt pick up by next week wich will be 8 weeks, should i just pick it?


Well-Known Member
phosphorous? Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...

copper? Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...


Well-Known Member
The ram-horning of your leaves is a hint of an excess causing a lockout. Not quite pH. Flushing would be ideal, here.


Well-Known Member
yea i flushed, so we'll see what that does, i appreciate the replies guys, ill let u know tomorrow if it picks up


Well-Known Member
The ram-horning of your leaves is a hint of an excess causing a lockout. Not quite pH. Flushing would be ideal, here.
your right, and thats basically what I said. Start flushing your plant early for harvest... and give some mollasses in a couple of days to help break down and use what nutes are left over until their gone or you pluck. Pull off all the dead leaves the day after you flush.

don't keep it right right next to the fan. a little bit away so that transpiration doesn't occur too rapidly causing it to suck water faster than nutrients. But not so far away that it doesn't get fresh air.

Coco coir holds nutrients really really well! I have noticed I feed 1/4 less often then I used to. I also noticed you have to be more careful with your PH in coco coir. I use coco coir too, and I make sure to mix in a decent amount of perlite, and a little crushed oyster shell. Using RO water makes a big difference with coco coir too, especially if you use it all the way through. Or at least properly treated water (there are many different methods). There isn't a whole lot of time left for that plant, so like I said it almost definitely won't make a full recovery.
But if you start flushing it now, and give a little mollasses in a couple days, it will get more dense and will allow more time for the trichomes to develop (also for the flush to get the ferts out so it has more pure taste, though taste will be affected by this trauma here).

Other than that, are you using CO2?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info man +rep, look at my sig and u can see my room, yea i love the coco its the best i think, other than hydro.

i dont use r/o or co2 right now, this is my first grow and i will be addin those upgrades after im finished with this grow.

i will feed it some molasses in a few days forsure, but check my sig out i have way better plants with way better nugs, this was just one plant that this happened to


Well-Known Member
the top 2/3s of the plant is crispy now and the bottm 1/3 is still green... this is weird..
get rid of dead dry upper leaves, keep watering with GOOD water, :)..... if the tops 2/3's doesn't look ok at all after a few days of mild flushes than you might think about chopping that part.... you should see some minor improvements in the upper portion though, it makes sense that it would start being more healthy from the bottom up, Cheers and :peace:


Well-Known Member
get rid of dead dry upper leaves, keep watering with GOOD water, :)..... if the tops 2/3's doesn't look ok at all after a few days of mild flushes than you might think about chopping that part.... you should see some minor improvements in the upper portion though, it makes sense that it would start being more healthy from the bottom up, Cheers and :peace:

yea ill go trim it, and feed it right now with GOOD water lol, ill even test it again b4 i feed it im gonna give it some clearex too, it seems like its getting worse from top to bottm, not getting better from bottm to ill take some more pics too...


Well-Known Member
I would check the ph of the soil or medium, it could also be sometime of difesency or nute burn. I would start out with checking the pH or just do a complete flush and start back from normal.