9 million homes in foreclosure?


Well-Known Member
What frightens you and all your cohorts is the fact that at present, your causes are not pertinent to the American agenda. You and your Ideas have been relegated to the way back burner and may never be relevant again, thank God. Maybe the paradym of hope has real roots. I for one hope all you bastards are so pissed off you can't see straight, ~LOL~. Pissing off, (or on) the right wing nutjobs is tantamont to an orgasm, Oooohhhh it just feels sooo gooood. Fuck all you fucktards, Especially VI.
arnt you the one who is having a hard time paying a mortgage on a few over priced homes? seems like you got fucked. ..not US.kiss-ass


New Member
I'm completely shocked that Med Man got into the bubble late...shocked!!!
Yeppers, and you can just bet that Med was one of those people who were continually telling their friends what geniuses they were for owning real estate as the prices went up into the stratosphere.



Well-Known Member
im so glad my home is paid for..
i have no bills and no stress..
i make sure my step daughter lives OUT OF MY HOME...LOL.
money in the bank not worried about how my bills get paid.
you should try living a stress free life med. it is good for your health.
mental and physical .so many problems are caused by stress in our lifes..
normally we have no one to thank for the stress but our selfs.