First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea man I see some growth. Looks to be a little bit of overwatering like you said. Are you measuring the ph of the water you are using?


Hey man,
Yep ph is around 6 - 6.5...I read this is optimal range for soil. I'm also using distilled water. No ppm / ec meter but distilled is usually good right.

I overwatered so bad to start i stunted the plant. Now its growing rapidly. Day 9 the plant was 2 milk leaves and one set of serrated true leaves. In only a few days I already have like another 5 leaves on the way. When i went to bed last night the growth was tiny. This morning i can see leaves distinctly..

I'm not sure if the plant is fully over the shock yet, but I love how fast it is growing.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK cool, yea I was just noticing the new growth was looking a little yellow and that could be from overwatering or ph imbalance so I wanted to make sure. 6.5 ph is good for soil. Keeping the plants on the dry side is good for a lot of things when you are new to growing. It reduces the chances of getting mold, fungi, or bugs. Plus the roots do search for water like you thought. So yea man nobody is perfect in the beginning. You should have seen the horrors my first plants went through. I overnuted them bad. I really wouldn't recommend giving your plants nutes until they are two weeks old or 4 nodes tall. You can't make them grow any faster by nuting before that age, you'll only run into problems.


OK cool, yea I was just noticing the new growth was looking a little yellow and that could be from overwatering or ph imbalance so I wanted to make sure. 6.5 ph is good for soil. Keeping the plants on the dry side is good for a lot of things when you are new to growing. It reduces the chances of getting mold, fungi, or bugs. Plus the roots do search for water like you thought. So yea man nobody is perfect in the beginning. You should have seen the horrors my first plants went through. I overnuted them bad. I really wouldn't recommend giving your plants nutes until they are two weeks old or 4 nodes tall. You can't make them grow any faster by nuting before that age, you'll only run into problems.
I think that's just my camera and the hps bulb Hehe, the new growth is a light green, the color i would expect a healthy plant to be. Ill try to take some naturally lighted pics tomorrow for yas. Also the point you make about nutes is awesome. And of course its right..plants arent like mammals...we cant force food down their throat to make them fat...they only take up what they need and putting more in the water than they ned is just making less of that water available for them to use as water.

I may be doing the ph thing wrong.

Im measuring and adjusting the ph of the water im watering with.. Is that right? or do i measure the runoff and try to compensate and make the runoff the optimal ph range?

Looking now KingD

I am wastified. ootway. itshae eahyae etslae agerae onway. LOL spellcheck tells me when i forget to put apostrphes in, but has no problem with the pig latin there....hilarious


Had an accident today...went out to find the little one upside down with its pot on top of it...there was no breakages but we will see if its ok soon...I planted it in 100% perlite, sat the pot in a res of water, added an airstone IN the bottom of the pot and we will see if it works. I hear water bubbling so i might be ok.

go ahead and give me crap about it...I deserve it :(.


ps. Its not the end of the just wish someone else from bloody SA was on here so i could get a few clones.


Well, its been a few hours and the plant looks the same...I guess long as it doesn't look any worse things are still ok right?

Just in case this is the end of the plant things i have learned from this experience and WILL take with me to the next grow:

Watering is something to be done sparingly.
Nutes are poison. Literally. They are kind of like drugs for the plant. As long as you stay within the plants tolerance it will have a happy and stress free life. Overdose it though, and bad things happen.
Baby plants, just like human babies (i assume) have ZERO tolerance for drugs (nutes).

So my plan for the next grow, which will continue here seeing as this wasn't a full grow and contains all my setup info:

Germ the seeds.
Water with nothing but distilled water.
Don't water till its dry enough. This could be only once every few days.
After the milk leaves drop off, start nutes, very very diluted. Will mix in 2 liter bottles starting at 25%.
Nutrients will be given in the following manner:
- Plain water
- Nutes
- Plain
- Nutes
- Plain - flush
- Nutes


The more i do the worse the plants are. They are sophisticated living beings...they arent mindless toys. Plants grow themselves, we dont grow plants. All we can do is provide the stuff the plant needs to do its thing. The closer we get to being spot on (not too little not too much) of everything (light, heat, water, nutes, stress) the better the plant will grow itself.

SO basically, sit my ass the fuck down. Dial in the right amount more playing by ear.

Find something else to focus on so i let them go and do their thing.



I think there's new growth...this plant is a glutton for punishment...a pain slut gets off on adrenaline...

Lol, i think i wont smoke any of this plant if it makes it to will be like the movie "The happening" will produce some chemical that will make me put myself through all the shit i put it through... wasted...The res is sitting at ph 5.9 now and is stable...thats pretty good i think.

I hope his plant does pull through, theres definite new growth...the leaves are all unfurling and fattening up, but are still the same color...the only thing in the res is distilled water, a bit of tap water for cal/mag, a tiny bit of b1 no stress.

So hopefully the leaves will change color. If this works ill be prompted to buy a proper setup for my dwc...Im gonna have one aero one dwc and see whats better. I love the micro roots that you get with aero, larger surface are for more nute uptake and all...but i understand its prone to failure with any mess up in nutes..

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Plants grow themselves, we dont grow plants. All we can do is provide the stuff the plant needs to do its thing.
I like that.

Plants seem to grow best when left alone. Basic necessities must be fulfilled but beyond that you are just fussing with them.

One note about nutes is that the "poison"you refer too is really the nitrogen component. Veg nutes are very high in nitrogen and the plant will take up more than it needs and attempt to store it in the leaves. This creates a toxicity of sorts and results in what we see as "nute burn"- bright rusty orange spots on the fan leaves. So your goal is to not give the plant more nitrogen than it has capacity to store in the leaves. When you get to flower on the other hand, bloom nutes are primarily phosphorous and potassium, no nitrogen. The plant's roots will not take up more of these nutes than the plant needs. There is little danger of burning and during flower you should be pushing the levels. But during veg less is more, especially for the beginner.

That being said, these are very resilient plants and yours will probably recover if you treat it carefully from now on. I've had plants recover from horrific accidents before - always faster and better than I expected.


I like that.

Plants seem to grow best when left alone. Basic necessities must be fulfilled but beyond that you are just fussing with them.

One note about nutes is that the "poison"you refer too is really the nitrogen component. Veg nutes are very high in nitrogen and the plant will take up more than it needs and attempt to store it in the leaves. This creates a toxicity of sorts and results in what we see as "nute burn"- bright rusty orange spots on the fan leaves. So your goal is to not give the plant more nitrogen than it has capacity to store in the leaves. When you get to flower on the other hand, bloom nutes are primarily phosphorous and potassium, no nitrogen. The plant's roots will not take up more of these nutes than the plant needs. There is little danger of burning and during flower you should be pushing the levels. But during veg less is more, especially for the beginner.

That being said, these are very resilient plants and yours will probably recover if you treat it carefully from now on. I've had plants recover from horrific accidents before - always faster and better than I expected.
Well, its not drooping, the new growth is bright not thinking its a healthy green though..Its lights out in 45 minutes, so i will go mist it lightly just before lights out.

Hopefully tomorrow morning ill wake up to a plant thats alive.

Its not dead yet, and there has been growth today..even after all the trauma..the little thing has a real grip on life..and if it survives this i think i will harvest some pollen if its a guy...cant go wrong with genes that refuse to die can you?




Ok so the plants still alive this morning..with new growth. The leaves aren't burning around the edges at all..not even a little bit (There's few spots on the lower set of leaves from ages ago..but no new ones.)...They are just really bright green with darker green veins. IS this nute burn or a deficiency? They aren't yellow, but they are very very bright green. There's new growth, so unless someone says its a def I won't mess with them. Just keep checking the ph and adjusting as needed.

Im going to go dribble a little water from the res over the perlite, just to make sure the top roots aren't getting too dry.

pics attached to show growth and color...hard to see the correct color though with the hps.


ps. The seeds are cracking. Only tiny little taproots though, just barely poking out. I will have another look at them tonight before bed. I am waiting for about 1 - 3 cm growth before putting in a peat block. I will then put it in a humidity dome, with the vents open a bit and on the floor of the gow box. Do you guys agree that a 400w hps bulb is ok for a seedling if its about 100cm away?

I germ using a slightly modified paper towel method...moist paper towel in the base of a glass jar, seeds go in and moist towel on top of them..this creates a very humid area for the seeds to germ. I have 100% germ rate so far with this method and really old bag seed. The sprouts didnt make it last time, i think the hps was too much for them, and one of them cut its taproot off with its own shell...




Alright here we go.

So I decided to continue the DWC now. I made the res 90% lightproof, but still left a spot so i can check ph.

I haven't added any nutes, just running ph adjusted water.

Ph is at 5.8.

I will probably need a way better air pump than i have. Ill get that sorted. I think I'll be ok for now, its only a tiny tiny res and i can hear the bubbling and gurgling so i know its blowing bubbles...

Ive set things up like this:

In a standard plant pot, with good holes on the base I have placed an air diffuser...does the same thing as an airstone but wont block as easily. I have an idea for building an awesome huge one for a few bucks, ill check it out and report back.

Then i filled the pot with perlite, and planted the plant straight into it.

I am dribbling water through the perlite when i go out there, but the water level in the res is such that the roots are just out of reach of the water...from what i understand this is a good place to start.

I love the idea of dwc, and even if this plant fails i will put a healthy one into a dwc bucket, i will probably revise the bucket system though to such a way as i could see the roots if i needed to for health checks etc.


I got my seeds, There was a slight mixup..and i only got half my order...Sent the supplier an email and we will see what happens, I have a good feeling they will do the right thing though...

So my DOUBLE GUM is here. Germing 2 now. LOL

I will only do 2 though, pretty keen on not using all of them. Also gonna germ the free seed i got.

Put the bagseed that cracked in a jiffy pot. Started germing my good seeds.

Shit is on now. I fucked up the bagseed. I will be MUCH more careful with these.

NO nutes till I have at least one of you guys agree its time.

Oh shit i also got my i-inhale (i-olite) vape and im fucking baked.

I need to make a new thread once these are going. Ill cover the first part in here, then when they are worth talking about make a new one. YEA


My double gum packet.

4 are germinating. They aren't feminized so i'm aiming for 1 girl, if i get more ill see what happens.. i doubt ill kill any females.

Also been vaping up a storm with my I-Olite...the one you see in the gotvape ads...I love it...Its al in the head though...theres no body stone at all...which is a bit disconcerting...I feel stoned but not relaxed i guess...I still have motivation to do everything else....I wont say its replaced my pyrex bubbler, but its definitely just as cool.

I have ALREADY got word from seedmadness, they shipped part of my order as the other part was out of stock, so I still got most of my order asap. They didnt charge me for postage on the second package with the remains of the order.

They are also throwing in some free seeds for any inconvenience to me...well I'm glad i'm getting the freebies, but i honestly don't feel any incnvenience at all.

Sorry to plug away lke this guys but i was SO nervous when selecting my seed bank, and this whole thing has been so easy and smooth i cant believe it.




Wow. Seeds that were planted only hours ago are cracking already. Insane.

I Think that other plant has pretty much had it...But ill leave it in there for now. I really want to veg these for a few weeks, but know i wont have the patience this time around. I have to move house soon so definitely looking to have a little experience behind me.

Once I find the house we are settling in, I will have a veg and flower room, and more space...for now im all set.

Hopefully tomorrow morning comes with the need to plant some more seeds into jiffy pots.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Cool man. Great news on the beans. Freebies never hurt :-) Don't give up on the original plant. It can still be a very valuable learning tool. Keep it around to practice everything new on before you do it to your bought beans.


Well I woke up this morning as usual, and checked on the plant...I wake up every morning at the same time the lights go on...crazy lol...the box is in the shed out the back, so its not like i can see or hear it, I just literally wake up at the right time each day...

The plants got more new growth...and it looks pretty green to me....I will definitely keep it...I think I accidentally made a tiny little bansai plant...Ive stunted its growth and had it on 12/12. I think if i can keep it alive, it should go hemaph even if it is female...Im not sure what ill do if this is the case...Id love seeds, The guy i got the seeds from (bagseed not the double gum) would love some seeds too i bet.

The seeds are still not far enough along for me to put in jiffy pots yet, so I will wait...Perhaps a bit later today.

The seed i put in a jiffy pot yesterday is impressing me a lot. I have it in a jiffy pot that i squeezed the moisture out of, put the seed in taproot facing down then dipped the lower part of the jiffy pot in water. This will wick the available moisture up and the taproot will be able to just follow the heat and water, and go down.

I can see part of the stem through a tiny tiny hole in the peat. When i planted it it was maybe 1cm long, now its making its way up the jiffy pellet fast!.

I noticed others that use the jiffy starter pellets dont water from the top like i used to...I asked them why and they said its because the taproot will follow the direction of water, and this makes sense because on the first plant i have the taproot is quite messed up goes from the base of the plant straight to the side, then up and around like an upside down "u" then down and back towards the pant, then straight down.

I think when i was watering the plant from the top in the jiffy pot the root followed the moisture.

Lesson learned, water from the base until taproot is established.

If the little baby plant flowers it will be the cutest thing ever, its so tiny..but has 3 or 4 sets of leaves...Im not gonna take clones or anything, if its an awesome smoke i will reveg it in a mother room ill make for it...I already have all the supplies..I would just rather wait till I move to add anything to the grow will just make it harder to move house lol.

All in all, I think i will love having plants at different stages. Ill have something fresh to look at each day, and some excitement over sexing, first bud, harvest etc...Ill probably take some clones off of the genetics ive got here. Especially the haze as i only have one seed of that.

Also i saw this. Now the price tag on it is not what im looking at..the reflector and the globe are what im looking at. The leds can all be replaced by appropriate coloured ones and you hav a pre built hid lamp with leds PERFECT for a pc case grow.

I wonder what a replacement globe would cost. With something like this you could run your grow off solar power or battery EASILY.


Well, Seeds are cracking, got 2 in jiffy pots, one bagseed and one double gum. Bagsed was planted a bit before double gum...few days...YEsterday It literally went from being a tiny seed to being about 1.5 inches tall...I guess thats what happens when roots develop properly. ITs currently in its humidity dome in my grow box. The light is about 1m away so it should be ok.

Last grow I wentwith the method: "Ill nute it, have the lights as low as i can, and water the shit out of it..that way it wont get deficiency, wont stretch, wont dry up."

This time im going with: "Ill let the plant grow, it will tell me when it wants watr nutes and light"

Of course i had clones i would know the traits, but they are all seed so ill play it safe.


ok news, original plant is retarded...Its a leaves on one side of the plant grow, the leaf on the left of the main vein is normal, but on the right goes all weird...

I may have lucked out with that plant and got a dodgy still letting it go...of course if i run out of room its the first to go...

The double gum i planted has sprouted... and another has cracked its shell, so far so good.

The rundown now is:

Original plant may have been fated for problems from day 1. Sometimes seedlings are messed up. I will see if it grows buds, maybe the mutation will fix itself..or cause like 500x trich production lol PLEASE.

Another seed from the same strain as the above has sprouted in its jiffy pot. Its shell is off but its leaves are still shut for now.
Double gum seed #1: sprouting. I can see the stalk with the seed on it above ground. Expect by tomorrow the seed will be off and by the weekend it will be ready for some CFL action.
Double Gum seed #2: Seed cracked, will put in a jiffy pot tomorrow.

Haze seed still not cracking, was a freebie so thats ok.
Few double gums still waiting to pop...funny thing is...I had one HUGE seed and one tiny seed in my pack of 10, the rest were normal size...The smallest one was the first to crack and is growing pretty quick...the huge one isnt showing any signs of weakness yet lol...hull integrity 100%.


Active Member
looks good!
i am on my first grow also, with much of the same set-up as yours, except i am using G-13 haze feminized seed's brought home from Amsterdam.
off the subject,,, i was diagnosed with OCD, (obsessive compulsion disorder)
all the means is i obsive over my girls.
always looking, checking water, PH, rotating the containers, etc...
what i;m leading up too, is,,, i think your doing fine,, keep looking, keep going into your grow room, AND keep spending time with your garden.
even thou you state "bagseed",, with the right care, you will do just fine.
from my own readings, i was told and read, NOT to start any nutes, for the first month or so,,,, with the thought behind that is,,, the soil already has the nutes in them.
for my grow,, i didnt start any nutes, until about 60 days into there grow.
the reason i post to your thread is to hopefully assure you,, even if WE are 1st time growers, with allot of information and care, anybody can do well.
proof is going to be in the quality, be here is a pic, to show others , even a nob can do well with a little care
good luck mate,

