Messages from the left


New Member
It is extremely apparent that the right has lost their way. Fishing for cruel things to say to the left and actually having no agenda other than the stinkin leftist commie pinko socialistic bastarde are winning, what can we do to throw a monkey wrench into their plans. The repukes are now the party of NO. The libertarians are torn asunder, all they can do is yell anti-commie bullshit, they have no real agenda other than saying NO to all Obamas plans, yeah, lets go back on the gold standard when there is not enough gold to fund even a small bank, let alone the US economy, Idiots all. How would the founding fathers do it, who cares. This is 2+centuries later. In case you haven't noticed, a few things have changed. We have automobiles and TV, McDonalds and movies, TIVO and computers. Most kids are exposed to more information by the time they are 5 or 6 than the founding fathers were in a lifetime. The party of retards cannot roll back the hands of time, sorry charlies.


New Member
your crazy med, and so is anyone who puts so much belief in a political party.

lets get one thing straight first and foremost

they are all motherfucking purse stealing assholes who couldn't give a shit about any of us other than our tax money

one isn't better than another they are all scumbags


Well-Known Member
It is extremely apparent that the right has lost their way. Fishing for cruel things to say to the left and actually having no agenda other than the stinkin leftist commie pinko socialistic bastarde are winning, what can we do to throw a monkey wrench into their plans. The repukes are now the party of NO. The libertarians are torn asunder, all they can do is yell anti-commie bullshit, they have no real agenda other than saying NO to all Obamas plans, yeah, lets go back on the gold standard when there is not enough gold to fund even a small bank, let alone the US economy, Idiots all. How would the founding fathers do it, who cares. This is 2+centuries later. In case you haven't noticed, a few things have changed. We have automobiles and TV, McDonalds and movies, TIVO and computers. Most kids are exposed to more information by the time they are 5 or 6 than the founding fathers were in a lifetime. The party of retards cannot roll back the hands of time, sorry charlies.
Has someone said something cruel to you?


Well-Known Member
Left...Right... Both working hard to destroy this country.
True story. All I see from Left/Right wing groups is bitching and arguing and anger and hate. Right hates left, left hates right... it's so stupid. Why can't we all just be Americans?

Med, I respect your wisdom, but you're following a stupid game. It's just a big distraction from real issues.


New Member
Left...Right... Both working hard to destroy this country.
I agree smirg, they are both bad in some respects. The righties are much worse in my opinion. they are for corporations and don't try and hide the fact. At least the left pays lip service to the peoples wants, and Obama is working to bring some sort of equalization for the peons like you and I. Obama just told the credit card companie to straighten out their wicked ways, let us see if it does any good, if not then we, (The people/government) will have to regulate them. 29+% is fucking usery, used to be illegal before the wicked repukes got rid of the regulations. The repukes/right have been trying for years to lose all regulations, they've pretty much succeeded and guess what, here we are, bankrupt through greed. Aint free market capitalism great,~LOL~.


New Member
What free market capitalism, Med? Other than the black market, can you point out where we have free market capitalism in this country?



Well-Known Member
You keep saying free market capitalism did this. No it didn't good God man how many times must we go through this shit we don't have a free market God damn it Med shit!! LOL, HAHAHA You can't have a free market without a solid currancy the very excistance of a central bank precludes a free market.

Gold would to work it would just have to be 1 dollar to every 1/50th of a gram of gold. There you go. a 50 dollar bill would let you redeam 1 gram of gold, Bam done. We would have a 1000 dollar coin you could get that would be 20 grams very simple. You just have to phase it in like JFK was doing with his silver certificates It can't work Phht, old argument its BS. JFK did this not 50 years ago we can't use a system 50 years out of date come on thats BS.

Good God every fucking day, LOL.

I just think Med wants to keep the money factory printing out wealth for him and his commie buddies. Hes a fan of the Mogabi school of economics. Here is a diffrence between me and you even if the situation does improve, economicly, Obama will still be a moron. Not because he doesn't understand money but because he doesn't understand freedom.

Equality is a pipe dream it will never happen people are only ever equil in the eyes of God. In mens eyes one is smarter, one is faster. One will be promoted to manager one will stay a fry cook. But freedom is something we can have, it is a much easier goal to reach and a nobler one to strive for.


New Member
The thing i wonder about the most, is just how much of this shit will we all take, before a revolt starts.

Things are going very quickly downhill here in the uk, the governments bailed out the banks with billions and now they are telling us that our taxes are going to raise heavily and the services they provide for that money are also going to decrease drastically.

Every person was of the opinion, normally if a business goes tits up then its on the business, no other kind of business would get bailed out. Let them fail and let something else replace it, but instead they gave billions of money away to them, with seemingly no clause,

golden handshakes are still taking place banks are still screwing people over on bills and interest rates, so now were going to get hammered to pay the banks that money and also get hammered by the banks at the same time.

How much more getting screwed over will the people take before we've had enough.

It's one thing to talk about it in here, but it don't change a single thing, we can get at each others throats as much as we want battling over who is the biggest asshole,

what we need to do is accept that they are all assholes and fuck the banks and fuck the government, why are billions of us letting a handful of people in comparison dictate our lives and fuck us up the ass


Well-Known Member
The Problem I see is technicly they are correct on how to "fix it." Because if they just let the system fail it would destroy the whole banking system, Everything is so interrelated. (they say) People just want the system we had to work again they don't want to fix the problem. So we are in for bad times.

In the states we have had a thing called posse comitatius (the military can't be used as police) Well now appearantly they can we are training several thousand for internal security here. I think they know full well that the Shit is gonna hit the fan and they will be ready for it. They are looting, and saying they can fix it, they can't. We need a commodities backed currency and end fractional reserve banking.

Government would hate that because it would mean that government would have to limit itself and live within its means. Right now they have a central bank who will write them a check for their programs. Makes the politicians look busy, like they are doing something important when really government is old outdated and really isn't needed.

How much before we've had enouph hmm that is the question isn't it maybe we should ask the Government I bet they know exactly how much we will take. I bet the CIA has it worked out down the the last jot and tittle.


New Member
a better way of doing it would have been maybe to drop out taxes for a while for businesses, lower their costs let them employ people give them incentives to give jobs to give people more money to spend.

Giving the banks all this money isn't going to help at all, because people still have no money to buy anything, its all with the banks, and now on top of struggling we got increased taxes
The reason the banks went to hell is because of a lack of regulations, and this is very true in the US. Right wing free enterprise has done it, and now because the president is a leftie the right screems bloody murder. You can thank Bush, bad loans is only just the start of it.


New Member
The reason the banks went to hell is because of a lack of regulations, and this is very true in the US. Right wing free enterprise has done it, and now because the president is a leftie the right screems bloody murder. You can thank Bush, bad loans is only just the start of it.
Spoken like a true patriot. You Canadians have a much more caring government. Our government cares only about the money, Fuck we the people, that died years ago. Just ask any righty, it's all about the benjamins. There is nothing else.


Well-Known Member
The reason the banks went to hell is because of a lack of regulations, and this is very true in the US. Right wing free enterprise has done it, and now because the president is a leftie the right screems bloody murder. You can thank Bush, bad loans is only just the start of it.
That's why they want a new regulatory system for the whole globe.


Well-Known Member
They are already getting ready for the next election...

The country will most likely fall into an even bigger hole, over the next 4 years. Because congress can't get over their ego and compromise between the aisle. Everyone is out to get their own little piece of the pie. Whether it be to their district for re-election, or for personal gain in another way.

Watch, 4 years from now the Republicans are going to be parading that senator/governor from Louisiana.


Well-Known Member
They are already getting ready for the next election...

The country will most likely fall into an even bigger hole, over the next 4 years. Because congress can't get over their ego and compromise between the aisle. Everyone is out to get their own little piece of the pie. Whether it be to their district for re-election, or for personal gain in another way.

They would rather fight keeping one another from the presidency and power, then to actually get the country back togteher.

Watch, 4 years from now the Republicans are going to be parading that senator/governor from Louisiana. And the Democrats will have their fun at talking shit. And wait for the next election.


Well-Known Member
The biggest cause of this mess is fuel prices going the way they have over the past 3 years, which in turn caused rising prices in everything that had to be produced and/or shipped, which caused less money to be put back in the economy which caused job loss then foreclosures. Its pretty fucking simple. And just like 9/11 it is something Bush let and most likely wanted to happen.


Well-Known Member
The thing i wonder about the most, is just how much of this shit will we all take, before a revolt starts.

Things are going very quickly downhill here in the uk, the governments bailed out the banks with billions and now they are telling us that our taxes are going to raise heavily and the services they provide for that money are also going to decrease drastically.

Every person was of the opinion, normally if a business goes tits up then its on the business, no other kind of business would get bailed out. Let them fail and let something else replace it, but instead they gave billions of money away to them, with seemingly no clause,

golden handshakes are still taking place banks are still screwing people over on bills and interest rates, so now were going to get hammered to pay the banks that money and also get hammered by the banks at the same time.

How much more getting screwed over will the people take before we've had enough.

It's one thing to talk about it in here, but it don't change a single thing, we can get at each others throats as much as we want battling over who is the biggest asshole,

what we need to do is accept that they are all assholes and fuck the banks and fuck the government, why are billions of us letting a handful of people in comparison dictate our lives and fuck us up the ass

I'm still rather confused by this, from what I understand the government is saying the following.

"The banks got in trouble, and we are going to have to borrow money from the banks in order to bail the banks out."


The government is going to borrow money from the banks

to bail the banks out

because the banks are in trouble and dont have money.

:: sneezes :: sorry, allergy to Bullshit...

Can one explain this logic to me?