would you happen to know how to go about doing this. alot of plants are fairly close to one another
Very carefully
Hopefully you're a patient person because it will be very difficult to get them all out undamaged. Before attempting anything, make sure you have everything you will need (soil, new pots, etc) within reach. Everything, including your hands, should be washed as much as possible.
I would use my hands to gently loosen the soil around the seedlings first. Definitely DO NOT try to pull the seedlings up by the stem. If at all possible, scoop up the plants, soil and all, in your hands. Its ok if you get more than one plant while doing this. If the roots seem tangled, tap them gently with a finger to try and free them.
Best of luck to you! It will be a challenge so don't beat yourself up too much if some of them don't make it!