Outdoor Medical Garden 9 plants Mr. Nice strain w/ PIX check in everyweek 4 new pix


Well-Known Member
thanks project skunk. appreciate the support. the temp has finally gone down but here in california, US the weather is so unpredictable. one week raining then the next 100degrees F!
right now were sittign pretty at 75 degrees f tho :)


Well-Known Member
Started my outdoor medicinal garden april 1st 2009 in Southern Cali. got Mr. Nice strain clones from the clinic. Transplanted into 5 gallon pots and once they grow larger i will b transplanting into 32 gallon trashcans/ Using miracle grow moisture control soil and permiculite. havent started fertilizer feeding yet. Security setup with video cameras night vision and a beam sensor that chimes when sumone breaks the path.
i move the containers around the backyard for maximum sunlight exposure. check the pix out and check up every week or so for new pix and updates. any comments or tips are welcome.
haha! nice the cameras and trip wire is a great idea!

Any idea how much you spent on those? I plan on maybe trying some of this. Great job so far on the grow, looks like you're really prepared :clap:

Subscribed man, totally watchin this one :)

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I would put the plants in either the sunshine 4, or the Happy Frog Organic Mix. The Happy Frog is actually cheaper when ya buy what ya need. The Frog is in smaller bags, and even tho ya are doin BIG trees, ya dont wanna buy 2 much soil, so I'd say Frog.
Looks like ya got other stuff goin well. Wats yer nute plan? Obviously ya arent thinkin organic, so? . .
BTW, feel free to ask n-e thing, as ya can see, I'm gettin back to outdoor, in my outdoor grow in my sig


Well-Known Member
yeah start lst early.

when you tie them down then the top is as low as the bottom/lower/side branches and then all the new smaller growth will grow upwards and then you tie that down and it just helps even everything out and gives lots of tops without topping,i love lst.

and supercropping is great also i like it but if you bend them to much you can break the branch off so be careful!
good luck looks like your off to a good start,ill be watching this grow.


Well-Known Member
i use ocean forest but MG MC is a great miracle grow soil, i know plenty of people who use it so dont take everything you hear on here to seriously, alot of people talk about miracle grow soil when they havent used moisture control, its a good soil you should have a great grow. transplanting into another soil would be stupid and could shock your plant


Well-Known Member
my last grow i used Miracle Grow Moisture Control and i never had a single problem with ANY defficiency, the only reason i changed to FOXFARM is because i use FOXFARM nutes and its easier to understand how much nutes to use knowing the soil doesnt have 3 month time release nutes in it, u shouldnt need any nutes for quite sometime, if u use nutes u have a high risk of getting nute burn cause the time release nutes can release after u just watered with nutes. So until you see any signs of defficiency dont use any nutes at all, probably not until mid flower.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice guys im still crippled up on crutches this week gonna try and get out there to sit down and LST em up. i understand wat ure saying now makes sense and def will take sum progress pix and see if im doin it rite. i started with miracle grow cuz i didnt really have a good connect for organic and dont have my own. i havent been to a hydro store ill have to google sum local to me. but ya i read u need to transplant into similar medium so i dont want to change from MG to foxfarm. plus i already bought 15 bags of MG and like 4 bags of perlite lol. seemed to be a good fluffy mix and drains great. i figured MG wasnt the best choice but i used it last season and worked fine. i dont like to go nute crazy. but PLEASE help me with sum nute options? i only bought the MG tomatoe fert lol. i didnt know wat else for vegging. flowering i was gonna buy sum good bloom stuff. but this is all mainstream stuff i find at walmart home depot lowes etc. also wat do u guys suggest for watering/fert planning? last season i only fert once a month. idk if that was enough or not i just didnt wanna do a newbie mistake and over fert. hopefully with everyones help ill grow a great big grow. my goal is a pound per plant. the pic on the pther page of my buddys 10footer yielded a pound and he did like everything wrong and still turned out (quality wasnt the best of course but yielded a pound)


Well-Known Member
and id love to grow organic they said its best for the smoke and in general but i didnt research it enough when i did my plan. but def plan on doin organic on my indoor grow come fall


Well-Known Member
i still used foxfarm nutes when i used miracle grow MC, just use it at half strength to prevent any nute burn issues, the only nutes u should need MIGHT be some FoxFarm BigBloom in midflower but like i said MGMC allready has timerelease nutes in it. So you should allready have plenty of nutes for atleast 3 months.


Well-Known Member
ya i figured id wait for another 2 month before i even mite need to fert. so in the MG u think theres enough N? i just wanna make sure im pushin the trees hhaa.
also my total amount of months for this grow will b like 6 months. started april 1st from clones and will harvest bout oct.

also to answer the other question about my security setup i got a deal from costco for a 4 security camera DVR setup for only $500 on sale. hooked it up to an old monitor i had. works great. clear weatherproof night vision and bought a $20 "driveway sensor" that chimes


Well-Known Member
You know, I hear its best to throw some rotting fish in the bottom of the pot and that makes them grow up to be monsters. I'll try to find a link to a thread where I saw it.


Well-Known Member
hey guys heres sum updated pix i waws able to get on my get-away-stix and cruise out bak to take sum. i was inspecting them and noticed on a few diff plants blade leafs that they curl up like a taco still... wtf is that about? i read all my books and read threads dont know the cause if its bad or not? i thought it was the temp cuz we hit 100degree last week but now were down to 70s again. been watering as needed no nutes yet.

also scope the pic of the yellowing leaf thats got a burnt tip. theres one like that on only 3 plants. all the other leaves are fine and other plants are gettin bushy and still green.

help me out if u guys know any tips or diagnois why its that way. thanks!

soon to LST also


Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
my last grow i used Miracle Grow Moisture Control and i never had a single problem with ANY defficiency, the only reason i changed to FOXFARM is because i use FOXFARM nutes and its easier to understand how much nutes to use knowing the soil doesnt have 3 month time release nutes in it, u shouldnt need any nutes for quite sometime, if u use nutes u have a high risk of getting nute burn cause the time release nutes can release after u just watered with nutes. So until you see any signs of defficiency dont use any nutes at all, probably not until mid flower.
I know PLENTY of ppl that have had success w/MG MC. I, however, am NOT one of them. The only major problems that I've had in the almost 20 years of off and on again growing, has been from MG MC. So, I dont personally recommend it, but I dont deny that others have had success w/it, either.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
hey guys heres sum updated pix i waws able to get on my get-away-stix and cruise out bak to take sum. i was inspecting them and noticed on a few diff plants blade leafs that they curl up like a taco still... wtf is that about? i read all my books and read threads dont know the cause if its bad or not? i thought it was the temp cuz we hit 100degree last week but now were down to 70s again. been watering as needed no nutes yet.

also scope the pic of the yellowing leaf thats got a burnt tip. theres one like that on only 3 plants. all the other leaves are fine and other plants are gettin bushy and still green.

help me out if u guys know any tips or diagnois why its that way. thanks!

soon to LST also
As long as it is a single leaf, dont worry too much, I would be ready w/some Nitrogen enriched fert, if any more pop up. Ya look like yer doin good. Start off w/1/4 of yer rec dosage of nutes, only use nutes every other feeding, and be SURE not to over water w/that soil. I know it CAN work well, but I dont know how.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice i hope everything works out with the MG MC it stays most but im only watering once or twice a week right now. waiting to start on the nutes tho. i guess we will just have to follw along and see wat the end result is with the miracle grow