

Well-Known Member
hhahaha fuck you. can you find were i gave bad advice? were did i tell someone to do a whole grow in a 16 oz cup??? please show me that!!! now you can keep mothers in small ass pots by trimming the rootball. but still show m were i said that. if you dont like what im sayin and its contrary to what you beleave blow me!!! i don care what you think. really. i was tryin to help dude i dont see how this gt turned into all this? and since you guys are such good growers why dont you tell him whats wrong? seems like imthe only one saying anything on that.
Please go somewhere else with your lies. You're a total fraud and a poser. :peace:


your a lame!!!!!! keep thinking your the shit lmo its workin on goldenganja hahaha ima drop it now later noob


your a lame!!!!!! keep thinking your the shit lmao its workin on goldenganja hahaha ima drop it now later noob.

dude i jut pointed ou were u gave bad advice fag. keep reading up on your craft one da you will be a mediocer gardener....maybe lmao


Well-Known Member
your a lame!!!!!! keep thinking your the shit lmao its workin on goldenganja hahaha ima drop it now later noob.

dude i jut pointed ou were u gave bad advice fag. keep reading up on your craft one da you will be a mediocer gardener....maybe lmao
The bad advice you pointed out was me telling a guy he can follow the Growers Bible ( Posted Chart ) or just plant into a 3 gallon seeing how he out grew the pot he was in. But you know whats really funny (LMAO) all your posting in that forum,LOL you are such a dumbass you don't even see your own post that show us all what a dumbass and poor advice you are giving out. Instead you try and make up stuff to make someone else look bad. I beleive that is your style Chitownsmoking, bringing others down to your level .
Carry On smoking baby, just somewhere else please.


Well-Known Member
I see where you have called me a FAG, lol I am not a FAG chitownsmoking but my boyfriend is. LOL just kidding I am straight, just not a hater on one's personal choices in life or race,etc. One Love Smoking Baby.


hahaha awww did someone get there feelings hurt. i didnt make up nothing its all in writing... your writing you shoudlnt go from a small ass pot directly to a big ass one. you can but why not use all your root space wisely?

ooh and mal with my lies and you quated my post lol? since when wasit a lie that you can keep mothers in small pots by trimming the rootball?


Well-Known Member
hahaha awww did someone get there feelings hurt. i didnt make up nothing its all in writing... your writing you shoudlnt go from a small ass ot directly to a big ass one. you can but why not use all your root space wisely?
So wisely is in your opion is to keep then in small containers?


one love!!! we are two grown ass man argueing online this is kinda childish. i would have stopped but you keep adding gas on the fire. you are not gods gift to growing....nor am i......i am just a lil closer to that level then you though. hahahaha have a good day im seriously don with this i have gone out my way to find one of your shitty post. anyway good luck in life and happy growing. and sorry i called u a fag i didnt mean anything biased by that remark. be eazy!!!

and no its not my opinion to keep them in small ass pots there whole life though you can. all i was saying is dont transplant too early or you wont use all the available root space fort he 5th time


Well-Known Member
one love!!! we are two grown ass man argueing online this is kinda childish. i would have stopped but you keep adding gas on the fire. you are not gods gift to growing....nor am i......i am just a lil closer to that level then you though. hahahaha
There is no arguing to be done smoking baby because that would imply that you have a clue (and you don't). If after 880 posts you still don't understand the purpose of pH and other basics then its clear that you're a total fraud. Where are your grow journals? I have searched and I can't find any. Why don't you at least prove that you've grown a tree once in your life because after reading through most of your posts I've come to believe that you're a grower groupie! Just fess up smoking baby, you couldn't grow a tomato plant in an Aerogarden.


Well-Known Member
one love!!! we are two grown ass man argueing online this is kinda childish. i would have stopped but you keep adding gas on the fire. you are not gods gift to growing....nor am i......i am just a lil closer to that level then you though. hahahaha have a good day im seriously don with this i have gone out my way to find one of your shitty post. anyway good luck in life and happy growing. and sorry i called u a fag i didnt mean anything biased by that remark. be eazy!!!

and no its not my opinion to keep them in small ass pots there whole life though you can. all i was saying is dont transplant too early or you wont use all the available root space fort he 5th time
Giving poor advice to the end. Gotta love your style.

I do not beleive you are over 18, you called me a fag, like being gay would hurt my feelings. So I think that you are either a redneck, a racist, or just a kid.

Your post and your advice shows your stupidity when it comes to growing and personal attacks.

But you calling a Truce ahead of me makes me think you are just a redneck racist and not a child.

A truce has been called and I shall accept it. :peace:


This is making me laugh, I admit im a noob at growing but in the end as long as the plants grow and produce what you want then theres no need to argue.


Well-Known Member
This is making me laugh, I admit im a noob at growing but in the end as long as the plants grow and produce what you want then theres no need to argue.
:joint: Every Grower has there own method and I don't argue with there ways, but when you see posting that are 100% incorrect and can damage the growth of plants, and you see this more and more from the same person, it makes you want to say, "hey man if your gonna give advice, at least read a basic book on growing". I would hate to see a new grower get advice that will harm his plant and the new grower just assume the advice he followed was good, and he just sucks at growing and gives up.


Well-Known Member
This is making me laugh, I admit im a noob at growing but in the end as long as the plants grow and produce what you want then theres no need to argue.
Yo RollingJoints, if you were an intern at a hospital would you want your attending resident to constantly give you the wrong information and fuck up your progress in medical school?

This isn't a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact and chitownsmoking (smoking baby) is either completely incompetent as a grower, or he is narc, or a saboteur. The guy isn't just wrong about pH levels, he's consistently inept throughout all of his posts.