Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

, but then I also stongly believe that there is no god at all. :peace:

Recently my thoughts have been shifting in that direction, but I still can't seem to make that last leap. However, I do know that many people still do believe in a Personal God, and that such doctrines shouldn't interfere with their lives as they do...

Smoking weed makes Jesus smile.
Recently my thoughts have been shifting in that direction, but I still can't seem to make that last leap. However, I do know that many people still do believe in a Personal God, and that such doctrines shouldn't interfere with their lives as they do...

Smoking weed makes Jesus smile.

Deffo, the concept of some invisible guy watching and judging our actions based upon a bronze age set of rules is waaaay out there. Come on in brother, the water's fine.

"Dementia is personal as well...." -CanadianCoyote

lol yeh, but i've never found the Shock & Awe tactic to be very effective, you gotta reason with the religious, or they'll pay no heed at all.
I wouldnt worry about it cause according to the bible pretty much everything we do is sin and therefor we are all going to hell... I am not christian or any other faith.. But if you really read the bible, there are so many rules to live by that its obscene.

In the end, it wont really matter. Just be a good person and 'god' will see that...
While some people smoke it, is that what it was meant for?

Were people meant to spend money and get lifted to change their outlook on life to something red eyed and different?

If you grew up in a home where you saw your parents doing it and making nothing but lazy slums out of themselves and not being active, would you do it?

Is there an absolute to it, like absolutely yes or absolutely no or does any obscene situation become acquiesce to normality. Would you want to live in any possible scenario associated to one who is under the latent affects of weed, I mean, if it can drive someone to bad side effects if at all, can it be a good thing, no matter how self convicting?

Lets take a look at some of the side effects:

This taken from the website:


Brain damaging affects

  • Cause distorted perception
  • Impaired judgment
  • Impaired coordination
  • Difficulty with thinking and solving problems
  • Problems learning and remembering events
  • Regular use leads someone to function at a suboptimal intellectual level all of the time
  • Can lead to addiction
  • Increased rate of anxiety, depression and other mental health issues
Affects on marijuana user’s body

  • Increases blood pressure
  • Increases heart rate
  • Reduces the oxygen-carrying properties of your blood
  • Contains carcinogens, 50-70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco
  • Could lead to cancer
  • Same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers, obstructed airways, chronic cough, heightened risk of lung infection
  • Get sick more often than non-smokers
Affects on daily life

  • Impairs physical health
  • Impairs mental health
  • Inhibits cognitive abilities
  • Inhibits social life, people commonly become introverted with heavy use
  • Negatively affects career status
  • Increased absences from work
  • Tardiness
  • Accidents, reactions time decreases by 30%
  • Job turnovers, likely to get fired due to poor performance
" If smoking “weed,” still sounds like no big deal, you need to stop smoking marijuana. There is plenty of research to dispel the myths that marijuana is fine for daily use and that marijuana has no negative affects. After reading the affects above, I hope you have a clearer view on how this “harmless” drug can actually do harmful things to your mind, body and life.


This taken from the website:

While I'm convinced, using it is considered folly, for any situation it eventually follows under that category, under one of any of the definitions for folly that is.

The Lord showed me about 4 days ago, a passage in the bible that spoke of one who is wise but performs the slightest folly is like a fly that falls into good perfume, it becomes spoiled and looses its goodness. Like wise, wisdom is stricken by little folly, thus little folly outweighs much wisdom.

I wanna say that passage was out of the book of Ecclesiastes. I did not mention that I had been outside
in the night sky,
singing to God
the songs that I have heard from him, while sitting in the most pristine setting, like a Thomas Kincade painting, underneath a moonlit sky,
in the middle of spring
in an open field
in the forest sitting on a garden bench, with a slightly foggy mist surrounding me; a spiritual setting of course.

And I promised that I would only chief during spiritual settings, one out of nature, as this one was.

It was beautiful, surely God can't be mad at me for smoking chron in the beauty of his creation, I mean, I'm using it for all the "right" reasons, right?

Can we chew it instead of smoke it, should we drink tea made up of it, instead, if smoking it is wrong?

After some scriptural holy spirit led conviction, I have come to the conclusion that by the definition of folly which has several meanings , that if by folly meaning wasting money, and wasting time, then yes smoking weed, kind bud, middies, schwag, anything is wrong: other than the fact that it wastes time, weed truly brings no good when you cut to the meat and pull off the fat.

The truth is, all B.S. aside, God looks straight to the end, the core, the center of it all, of us, and when he sees me singing, he doesn't hate me,
in the night sky, he doesn't want me to die,
in the beauty of that Thomas Kincade setting,
he wishes me to be good and well.

But when he sees me pulling out money from my bank account to spend it on this RIDICULOUS thing, which makes me lazy, tired, dumb and hungry: that makes him mad. As much as seeing me sleep til THREE O'CLOCK PM, (because the dreams were just gettin' so good by then.)

Jesus did not smoke, so what better do we prosper ourselves if WE do?

By the way, I am cutting down on cigarettes, (' shouldn't do that either) but chron chron, I just don't really have the drive to do it, unlike the counterpart cigarettes, but as they leave their tar blazed trail, the capacity for smoking, anything soon becomes reached. It seems to have lost its appeal, smoking weed that is, because after some time of not doing it you wonder what else you could've been doing the whole time while doing it, and second actually I feel freer to proceed with constructing things that have been inspired unto me. (aka, I can do shit now that I'm lacking THL mode)

So its up to you if you wanna smoke pot, as for Jesus, well, he didn't really smoke pot, in fact (he didn't smoke pot at all) because in truth that would make him a sucker, and
Jesus was no sucker!

(No smoker is really a smoker anyways,

Fire smokes.

We're the suckers.)



...Just a thought.
yeah I'd rather ask you CrackerJax!

how bout this little tidbit of information . . . .

at one point, when plants and animals were one, they shared a photo-cannabinoid receptor.

that receptor evolved in two different directions, one in all other animals (including humans), and one for the plant cannabis.

so as far as I'm concerned, despite what that book may say, if god exists, god wanted weed here and it was obviously meant for us otherwise there wouldn't be such a chemically PERFECT system for processing it in your brain.

there is NO other drug on this earth that works as smoothly in our brains as cannabis.
In my opinion, speaking from a former church leaders point of view, the answer to your question is Yes, it is wrong. God will provide all the necessary intoxication and recreational pleasures he thinks you need and deserve.