How much profit did you make last year?


Well-Known Member
Havent you realized its kind of a bad one who actually makes money is going to go around telling people how much they make.


sometimes you just have to spell it out for them.

W-E D-O-N-T L-I-K-E G-E-T-T-I-N-G B-U-S-T-E-D F-O-R- B-R-A-G-G-I-N-G


Well-Known Member
I was actually enjoying the thread until you started griping about genitals. There was even a little bit of decent laundering banter, which is usually pretty elusive.

I mostly see people listing how in debt they are.
You ruin threads when you make people wade through your smarm, Silk. I wish you'd cut it out.


Well-Known Member
I mostly see people listing how in debt they are.
You ruin threads when you make people wade through your smarm, Silk. I wish you'd cut it out.
now shit in your other hand and tell me which fills first.

talk like this will get this site shut down. do you want that? and besides, its very uncouth to discuss your income, legal or otherwise.

anybody talking about making money here is probably a 16yr old high school "weed barron" anyway. anybody who needs to learn about money laundering here should try a job application instead...theyll have better luck.

in short, this thread was a joke from the very begginning. im just playing along.


Active Member
so tru so tru gold and silver my friends is what talks... I too suggest transfering cash funds to solid metals :) of course my -100000000000K wont transfer but those who are in the + its a great move....
Well I guess in a year I make about $10,000, but take out of that supplies, and electricity and thats down to about 7k. I don't have much cash, it has no REAL value its just a piece of paper. What i do is buy Gold and Silver, for many reasons, #1 it holds its value better than any other asset against inflation, #2 i can bury it in the ground and dig it up 30 years later and it will still be in perfect condition #3 its mandated by the US constitution as "Real" money #4 It will never be worth nothing #5 Highly liquid in any part of the world #6 has been used as a store of value by mankind for 5000 years #6 Gold and silver sales by law are not to be reported to the government, only the cash sale would be if its over 10k. I bought a lot of silver last november and so far have made 70% profit on that, but I won't pay taxes on it cuz the govt can never prove that I own any. And one of the best reasons to own gold and silver is because the Govt cannot tax it ( By Law) and therefore cannot control it nor can control the person who has it. Remember the golden rule! He who has the gold makes the rules. Did you know that if you left the country with ANY amount of gold you would not have to declare it? thats right, its protected by law. Massive inflation is coming in the next few years, will you be ready for it?


Well-Known Member
talk like this will get this site shut down. do you want that? and besides, its very uncouth to discuss your income, legal or otherwise.
Really? All I see is people describing how in debt they are, a few people exaggerating, and some good advice regarding gold and silver.

Uncouth? Maybe in your community, but this is the fucking internet. Excuse me if I slip a comment about income in amongst your penis jokes.


Well-Known Member
Really? All I see is people describing how in debt they are, a few people exaggerating, and some good advice regarding gold and silver.

Uncouth? Maybe in your community, but this is the fucking internet. Excuse me if I slip a comment about income in amongst your penis jokes.
look man, as long as we all realize this is the internet and its all one big role playing game were cool. this is all fake. im really a transexual rabbi out of east compton who has never even seen weed let alone made any money off of it.

but for real -
