have you ever tried Toad

colonel cronic

Active Member
aperently people in south america take poisinus frogs scraped the goo from thier skin which makes u hallucinate the let the goo dry and it drys into a powder and u smoke it like salvia. like a pinch and u feel like ur on shrooms and u see shit like on hard core acid. has any one tried this because i have and i triped the best for 8 hours


Well-Known Member
I saw it on family guy... And then I saw it on the jef corwin experience... he caught one and told you that If you lick it it makes you trip... I read in The Anarchist cookbook.... which is often misinformed... that If you kill a toad and skin it than dry the skin and smoke it it makes you trip... never tried it... theres no toads here... exxcept at the chinese supermarkets. Still dont think I would try either one. just the fact that it came from a frog is like ew.


Well-Known Member
It's specific types of toads. Colorful ones that aren't red are usually the best. Red is usually to strong and it could kill you.

See, you trip off the venom in the toads back. When you push on the toads back with your finger, gooey shit will come out, lick it.

I have tripped hard on toad, it's kinda like shrooms, not so much like LSD though. I guess it's comes closest to peyote in my experience, but with a much shorter trip.

P.S.- Didn't know the venom could be dried and smoked.... I just licked em', had about a 3-4 hour trip with visuals, and a few hours before and after body trip.


Well-Known Member
thats is nasty man lol... I dont think Id do it if i got 1,000 bucks each time i licked it

Dr High

Well-Known Member
sounds trippy lol there black and green venemous frogs at the zoo think i should lick on of them??


Well-Known Member
my wife says they have them at PetSmart. yellow and green. they say "do not touch!!!" can i lick these?

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Me and fdd would like to know if these types of frogs can trip you out. yellow and green. black and green anyone?


Well-Known Member
their really frogs that you lick. not toads. the ones petsmat usualy sells are fireblly frogs... their supost to be alittle bit poises... but by turtle ate one and is still alive... Its a certain type of treefrog that you have to lick... if you lick any poisonus frog youd probably just get sick... or just frog taste in your mouth.


Well-Known Member
their really frogs that you lick. not toads. the ones petsmat usualy sells are fireblly frogs... their supost to be alittle bit poises... but by turtle ate one and is still alive... Its a certain type of treefrog that you have to lick... if you lick any poisonus frog youd probably just get sick... or just frog taste in your mouth.

i'll go brush my teeth now.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
what about the psychoeffective substance they release? maybe little animal who bite em will have a very mind reking effect but humans might trip..


Well-Known Member
sounds yummy,in the winter(rainy)they call this area i live by.."canta ranas",they come out in the,close to thousands.i think ill give one a lil frenchie.j/k there all ugly green and full of warts.the one's u can lick,they wont give u warts?


Well-Known Member
I just googled it and found that there is also a toad that is called the bufo toad also has another name... looks like the toads they sell at the stoor... also says you can smoke any type of frog or toad skin and get fucked up... get a friend to try it if you dont want to:twisted:

colonel cronic

Active Member
yes u can trip buy licking it but its much better if u scrape the goo/venum and let it dry on paper and the smoke it i purchaced a toad and i've been trippin sence its great to have a pet that makes me trip literaly. puff puff peace out


Active Member
Perhaps the most interesting psychoactive substance on earth involves neither a plant nor substance concocted by human laboratories. The substance is known as 5-MeO-DMT and one of the most potent sources for the psychoactive is an animal. To be more exact, the source in question is actually a toad.

The bufo alvarius or Colorado River Toad is a venomous amphibian that contains concentrated quantities of 5-MeO-DMT as well as another less-potent psychoactive substance known as bufotenin. The toad is indigenous to areas of the Sonoran Desert in Southeastern California, Southern Arizona, and Southwestern New Mexico. The toad relies on water for part of its life cycle, so does not live far from shallow pools and streams. Human intervention in the form of irrigation in the Sonoran Desert has actually benefited this particular toad and increased the size of its niche within the ecosystem. The Colorado River Toad is also the largest North American toad.

The truly unique quality of the Colorado River Toad is the contents of its venom. Through specialized glands on its back, the toad can secrete a milky substance when threatened by predators or prodded by man. This milky secretion contains high levels of 5-MeO-DMT and is what is collected by recreational users. The venom can be collected without harming the toad, although the toad takes significant periods of time to produce more venom in its glands.

5-MeO-DMT is structurally similar, though quite different from the more commonly known psychoactive drug, DMT. Furthermore, DMT is currently a schedule 1 controlled substance in the United States and is illegal to sell, possess, or use. On the other hand, 5-MeO-DMT is relatively unknown, and knowledge about the substance and the Colorado River toad is limited to its sort of cult status within the drug-using community. 5-MeO-DMT shows its psychoactive properties in doses as small as three-to-five milligrams, and a single toad can yield nearly seventy-five milligrams of the substance in a single milking.

An interesting fact about 5-MeO-DMT is that it cannot be activated orally or released in the digestive tract. Thus, many rumors about hippies licking toads are largely false. After it is collected from the venom glands of the Colorado River Toad, the 5-MeO-DMT is evaporated down to its crystallized form and smoked. Similar to Salvia Divinorum, this psychoactive substance does not produce lasting effects, and peaks in ten to fifteen minutes. Although the effects are similar to hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and peyote cacti, the shorter duration and intensity of a 5-MeO-DMT puts it in a class by itself.
Colorado River Toads are not regulated in the United States, although apparently in California it is illegal to sell them. 5-MeO-DMT is not scheduled by the Drug Enforcement Agency as a controlled substance, although users could possibly be prosecuted under the US Federal Analogue Act due to its structural similarity to DMT. The legality of 5-MeO-DMT seems to stem from the fact that it is commonly harvested from an animal and not a plant. If the DEA declared the substance to be illegal, it would have to employ similar tactics to the Colorado River Toad as it does to plants like Cannabis. Animal rights groups and the Department of Environmental Protection would not stand for the wholesale destruction of an entire species, so it seems likely that 5-MeO-DMT will remain legal for quite some time.

Once again, nature has given man something that he can collect for his own benefit without harming the environment in which he finds it.

The Colorado River Toad: Nature's Gift of 5-MeO-DMT - Associated Content

Miracle Smoke

Well-Known Member
Yes i have licked a end of toad's ass quite a few.

Though i don't do it for the trip, i do it for the enjoyment.

Don't come between a man's tung and toad's ass
i always say!