One thing that6 has helped as a nube


Active Member
I saw on a growing video a recipe for a soiless mix. 50 percent Pete moss, 25 percent each of Ver and Per.

What I have noticed is that this is a very forgiving medium. I have overwatered my plants a few times. It can be bad for a day, but this medium drains so well, it lets go of the water fast. I do have to water more oftem, especially in my small, warm closet, but that's a great tradeoff for a mix that gives you such protection from bad mistakes you might make. Also, the mix has no natural nutes, so I pretty much nut every time with 3 quarter strength MG. Even better, I got the Pete Moss and Perlite at Walmart. vermicilite (spelling) at Lowes. Lowes also has the Pete Moss and perlite as well, so all three are easy to find, one bag of each will fill quite a few pots. I just wanted to pass that tip along to anyone just starting out like I am. With this mix, you get to start out with a known quantity of nutes, so there's no guess work on how long you should wait.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I am a big fan of perlite.... it is the "forgiving element" in that mixture... I don't use vermiculite or peat moss...

Perlite allows for over watering mistakes and it is easy to flush your plants without concern of SUFFOCATING your rrots...



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I don't want to try and take over this post but is it true that pro mix has a little of all that stuff?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I don't want to try and take over this post but is it true that pro mix has a little of all that stuff?
I am a noob, but I did drive 40 minutes yesterday to the nearest authorized retailer of Promix. From what I have been reading this medium comes highly recomended. There are several blends of this soil the one I got was suggested for starting cuttings out in and did contain perlite and vermiculite. The soil is VERY light and appears to drain great as well as hold moisture.

If you have to go with MG I think its recomended you buy the Organic potting soil. Every other blend of MG I have found has alot of time released unnatural fertilzers in it.