DP Brainstorm in ma new grow box 3.0

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey guys.. just saw this thread, i just harvested 4 dp brainstorms yesterday! Mine were very small as i grew them in small solo cups 12/12 from seed... just 4 cola sticks.. anyway, I tried a nug of one and it tasted just like a nice haze. so, I was pleasantly surprised....flowered for 74 days.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, I read in the new cannabible 3 that brainstorm, aka Hempstar is the strain that BC Buds are. So, that made me not want it as much so i decided to expieriment with 12/12 from seed (since I never tried that) and see what I could do in small solo cups.... anyway, they each grew out one central cola about a foot tall and took over 70 days... but good smoke, and looks great. definietly doesnt taste anything like beasters... in fact tastes hazy! NICE! wish I grew them out in the 2 gallons and veged them for a few weeks.. I like the smoke though. they smelled kinda like amonia while growing but now smell like sweet flowers and taste hazy... me like

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, now that they are dried and cured for a couple weeks, I will say that brainstorm is good smoke. tastes kinda like sweet, florally, cleaner... kind of hazy. Each of the 4 I grew smelled about the same live and dried, but one looked and smelled far better than the rest. That one was also way denser than the rest. Out of the 4 two looked exactly the same, and two were totally different looking. Its not exactly knock your socks off herb, but its good. Not a super-powerful high either. A great day time high though, in fact it motivated me to get errands done last few days. Decent strain nothing spectacular though. Thats my report on it. I wont be growing it again.

mr west

Well-Known Member
cant wait for some pics from the cheetah dude, too long have we waited lol >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: