Outdoor Medical Garden 9 plants Mr. Nice strain w/ PIX check in everyweek 4 new pix


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Well-Known Member
Don't try and buy lights to revert back like the other guy said. That will just cause you to end up spending more money in the end. If you don't get clones now, you'll regret it in the end. Your finished prodcut will be much bigger and better. If FF is running you that much, I say make your own soil. Theres a lot of threads about different soil mixtures.


Well-Known Member
First off you should dig out that entire garden pit that soil doesnt look very good, but since you have recovering knees i would stick to keeping them in containers. You should go get the plants this week. i have planted outdoor for my medical grow a few weeks ago and my plants are not flowering. Plant the clones directly in to the five gallons pots. There should be a local store that has dirt for sale. To fill up the back of my pick up truck with dirt cost me 33 dollars from the store. Also just add a lot of perlite to the soil and you will be fine if you find a store. Here is a link for cheap perlite, it isnt the direct link but its on the site under grow media soiless mix. ORGANIC FERTILIZER, BIO NOVA, GENERAL HYDROPONICS, BC TECHNAFLORAbongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i had to do a lot of rethinking and planning and shopping. im goin to that OC farm store right now. i had looked online for that crazy price on foxfarm of $30 i mightve read it wrong or been trippin idk. but either way im gonna shop around and look at a hydro store i found too. gonna shoot for all organic this time around and return the remaing bags of MG.
my knees are trashed for now so ill prob put clones in the same 5 gallon pots i had used before and place them onto the garden box and leave them in place. no more moving them to hide them. my mom of course inst fond of the idea but i have no choice. at least if i leave them planted in the box like i originally planned theyd receive light from 6am-4/5pmish depending when the fence right there starts to shade them. but at least theyll continue to b out in the open.

im gonna go to sum clinics in LB today too i kno a place that has a catalog company that delivers about 8 diff strains of clones to them once u order and request a certain strain and amount. gonna try them out maybe do white widow? its a hybrid and yields pretyy good outdoors they say. like 400gr or sum shit. unless they have a pure sativa ill maybe consider that. ive been readign that a hybrid is best and easiest to work with too. also for heighth issues might be better to do a hybrid?
i hope im reading this shit rite. i welcome all advise and criticism if im incorrect.
so hopefully i can get the clones by early next week and get my new setup this week.
ill have to wait a couple weeks til i can walk and stand again without cruthces before i even attempt to start digging up the garden box full of crappy dirt. so for now id put them in pots again and transplant into the ground later once i fix the soil.

thanks again for the help guys. plz respond with sum strain advice for outdoor


Well-Known Member
well i went to a club in LB and orderd sum white widow clones. they hooked me up buy 3 get 1 free and each were only $15 so not too bad. i went to OC farm supply and the guy there was super chill had dreds and shit i know hes gotta b 420 friendly. but anyways found sum bags of Pro mix organic soilless mix with vermiculite perlite peat moss. 3.5cuft for like $30 hed work a bulk deal for me he said. then he showed me all the diff organic nutes. not as complicated as i thought it miteve been to do organic. almost seems smarter cuz u can control every nute issues and deficiancy u mite ever have. so im stoked for this startiver lesson learned time to move on. maybe this was the way it was supposed to b haha.

the clones will b in on monday. i mite veg them sum indoors if i can figure a system out. gotta set up a barrier around the garden box and get rid of the old seedlings and get my supplies this weekend. so hopefully i can get sum help to carry this shit and return the MG.

sucks im on crutches and cant do shit i hate being dependant on people or my girl. but anyways gys keep posted and more advice is needed for organic supplies and rec.

should i start a new thread or just keep this one going?


Well-Known Member
oh ya the pro mix shit has sum perlite in it and was pretty fluffy mix but should i add more perlite?


Well-Known Member
for what its worth, i would get my clones asap +1 to start my mother for next year and have your own clones.get you a 2ft 6 bulb t5 ho to keep her in veg until late april, then set her out .she wont grow awfully fast but will have enough light to keep her healthy. setting out a 3ft mother end of april will enshure a monster, as we all know established roots early on make for vigorious growth . and you can continue your pursuit of eudaemonia:peace:


Well-Known Member
Promix is a good soil if he was going to give you a wholesale price. If you use the Promix you should add some perlite to it i do. Also when these clones come through in october you are going to have some potent and fat buds. As long as you get some kind of fertilizer that is meant for this knind of plant you will have great succes. Also for indoor unless you have an extra closet or room you cant really do too much indoor. What i do to start my plants early is, i bought a painters light that has a 500W bulb and its on a stand and i put that outside on my plants for a month until 4/20 then i turned my light off and my plants are not in flower and it only cost me like 40 bucks. Good luck sounds like you are headed in a better direction now good luck and smoke fatbongsmiliebongsmilie:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:


New Member
the promix w/ organic fert. should be fine you can add more perlite if you want it wont hurt it. there are a number of different organic fert. you can get fox farm it works great just use less than they say. you can also look in the organics section and make your own or look to see what other people are using. If your have trouble getting around you should think about just having your fert. shipped to your place, Most hydro shops do ship and if your living in cali you should have a wide range of places to shop from. I dont know if you checked out any of fdd's grows but here is a grow you may want to watch to see what can be accomplished with 6 plants. << though Im sure he will be doing more. Last years https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/45900-fdds-starting-early-outdoor-08-a.html and this years https://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/176643-all-starts-gallon-gas.html.
Also you can see that he started his way early and though they did start flowering because of it they reverted back and turned out more than fine in the end so dont throw them away maybe just give them to a friend or something.


Well-Known Member
Don't try and buy lights to revert back like the other guy said. That will just cause you to end up spending more money in the end. If you don't get clones now, you'll regret it in the end. Your finished prodcut will be much bigger and better. If FF is running you that much, I say make your own soil. Theres a lot of threads about different soil mixtures.
this guy obviously doesn't have a clue, lights to reveg those would cost him maybe 50 dollars, while as those clones are 20 dollars a piece. do the fucking math, obviously hes gonna buy clones later anyways, the clones aren't in that bad of shape he just started. I have personally reveged flowering plants several times without a fucking problem, so until you have actually done it than you shouldnt comment at all, leading someone on about something you have no clue about. i hate the ignorant people on this site, why dont you go research something for once.

coming from a guy who didn't even know how to get rid of pests using neem oil.
yeah you obviously know your shit when it comes to growing.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
this guy obviously doesn't have a clue, lights to reveg those would cost him maybe 50 dollars, while as those clones are 20 dollars a piece. do the fucking math, obviously hes gonna buy clones later anyways, the clones aren't in that bad of shape he just started. I have personally reveged flowering plants several times without a fucking problem, so until you have actually done it than you shouldnt comment at all, leading someone on about something you have no clue about. i hate the ignorant people on this site, why dont you go research something for once.

coming from a guy who didn't even know how to get rid of pests using neem oil.
yeah you obviously know your shit when it comes to growing.
Yeah I was gonna say, those clones can definitly reveg, its damnnn early in the season, I dont know why anyone would tell you otherwise...


Well-Known Member
well will they naturally reveg if i leave them in that planter box instead of moving them around and onto the side yard (wheres theres barely any light and the reason why they started flowering)?

im just thinkin for the end harvest id have better quality and yield if i just start with fresh clones and harden them off before i stick them outside.

the 9 i have now im gonna put at my gfs parents desert house and see wat happens if they reveg bak. so im not exactly giving up on them. just moving locations.

im def gettin organic supplies tho this week

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
well will they naturally reveg if i leave them in that planter box instead of moving them around and onto the side yard (wheres theres barely any light and the reason why they started flowering)?
Well you definitly want to have all your plants in the area of your yard or spot that gets the very most direct sunlight possible, Ive heard you want at least 5 hours direct sunlight...if there isnt any area that has that, then I would suggest moving them according to where the direct sunlight is... chasing the sunlight around your yard lol anyways it wouldnt hurt to start fresh, with new clones and leave the other 9 in ur gf's backyard or whatev...


Well-Known Member
ya the garden box receives light from approx 6am-4/5pmish so direct light is at least 7-8 hours. so the location should b fine. i just wanna do white widow clones start fresh and who knows maybe they flowered clones will revert and go bak to veg and ill still be able to harvest them end of season. i tried to go big and hard made a simple mistake and had to pay for it but im glad i had everyone on here for advice and told me watsup otherwise id be even more disaponted down the line.

so anyone have organic supply suggestmnets? i need a list of everythng ill need to buy at the farm supply store. IE;

Promix soilless soil
organic ferts but wat kinds? ;(bat guano blood meal etc)
should i get dolomite lime to stable PH?

i already have a digital PH reader

i have tomato cages and gonna buy more stakes and make a simple mesh fence 3ft tall around the garden box.

wat about supplies to prevent spider mites and white flies? theyre common in my area.

thanks guys really appreciate it

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
ya the garden box receives light from approx 6am-4/5pmish so direct light is at least 7-8 hours. so the location should b fine. i just wanna do white widow clones start fresh and who knows maybe they flowered clones will revert and go bak to veg and ill still be able to harvest them end of season.
Yeah that garden box spot is fine then, mine recieve pretty much the same amount of direct sunlight....and the clones will reveg, I have a 2 ft tall bush that started to flower, skunky hairs everywhere, but it is already pretty much back in veg.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys lowering my stress level. so is the bud and meds tho hgaha

but ya i talked to my good buddy were gonna get him his medicinal license this weekend and he already has a 400watt MH light and were gonna put my flowering babies under it and try to revert it bak anyways and see wat happens. if not we will use his 400watt HPS and flower them for a feew grams i guess. experiance helps tho.
how many plants will the light cover? 4-6?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
thanks for the help guys lowering my stress level. so is the bud and meds tho hgaha

but ya i talked to my good buddy were gonna get him his medicinal license this weekend and he already has a 400watt MH light and were gonna put my flowering babies under it and try to revert it bak anyways and see wat happens. if not we will use his 400watt HPS and flower them for a feew grams i guess. experiance helps tho.
how many plants will the light cover? 4-6?
Yeah thats a pretty good plan, Im outdoor, but from what ive heard, the 400 watt mh should be straight for 6 moms...


Well-Known Member
be careful boomer , all it takes is one dickhead friend to run their mouth about u being over limit and some jelious prick raten u out .. byb,bye med card!!


New Member
the 400 watt will work fine on 4-6 plants for the size they are now but if try to revert them back they will probably get too big for the 400 watt at the end. But if you just continued to flower them now I could see you getting 3-4 ounces total off them easy which might be nice to have mid-summer. of course you could also try and reveg them and then bring a few outside and leave 1 or 2 inside which would give you some bud early and much more overall then just leaving them inside. Its really just a matter of preference... Anyways good luck!