Anyone else notice the Swine Flu only kills Mexicans?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone else other than me noticed that so far the Swine Flu has only killed mexicans? Even in the US the only victim so far was a young mexican girl. Hrm.. purposly engineered virus to attack a certain genetic attribute in Mexicans? A virus release by some government or organization to rid the world of most mexicans??? .........Dum, Dum, Dum.... and a new consperiacy theory starts lol.
It could be that only 'Mexicans' are affected because they're the poorer bracket where the outbreak is taking place. These people don't have access to the kind of medical care that non-Mexicans do. And even the deaths in Mexico, those that survive are most likely better equipped to handle the infection. Diet might have something to do with it, an imbalance of minerals or vitamins ... it's most likely a mundane reason why Mexicans are suffering, nothing conspiratorial about it.
I know, just figured I throw sumtin out there for the paranoid stoner conspiracy theorists lol
People all over the world are being infected. South America, Canada, U.S, places in Europe, Asia, and even Australia.
I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy, but I do wonder why all the people who've died have been from Mexico, while all other nationalities seem to have gotten only mild cases. I think maybe Canadian Coyote is on to something
the swine is man made fo sho...

any of you guys seen the documentary "end game"

google video that shit :)
It could be that only 'Mexicans' are affected because they're the poorer bracket where the outbreak is taking place. These people don't have access to the kind of medical care that non-Mexicans do. And even the deaths in Mexico, those that survive are most likely better equipped to handle the infection. Diet might have something to do with it, an imbalance of minerals or vitamins ... it's most likely a mundane reason why Mexicans are suffering, nothing conspiratorial about it.

I would think that yes their medical facilities are a factor but I would mainly chalk it up to living conditions. I mean when you don't want to drink the water and the food can be questionable well that constant barrage on their immune systems can't be helping.

note: wow so i just reread my post and I sounded like a complete asshole and a tiny bit racist, for anyone i've offended, i'm sorry.

Edit: there has been the first official death in the US. a 23 month old baby. However it's still not something people should be concerned about because babies have almost no immune system...
Has anyone else other than me noticed that so far the Swine Flu has only killed mexicans? Even in the US the only victim so far was a young mexican girl. Hrm.. purposly engineered virus to attack a certain genetic attribute in Mexicans? A virus release by some government or organization to rid the world of most mexicans??? .........Dum, Dum, Dum.... and a new consperiacy theory starts lol.

maybe it wassnt the pig at all. maybe a mexican spice rub used to season pigs was contaminated by some time of virus or somthing and is killing people everytime they use it. and because its a pig spice rub, it makes one to believe its associated with pigs and secondly its a mexician spice rub like the mexician version of Goya. the main ppl getting sick from it are mexicans.......................think about it.
I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy, but I do wonder why all the people who've died have been from Mexico, while all other nationalities seem to have gotten only mild cases. I think maybe Canadian Coyote is on to something

The more I think about it, the only thing I can think of is something in their diet. That's the common cultural factor, and would be a good reason why people elsewhere aren't getting quite as ill. And the people who ARE getting the sickest here are Mexican... who probably eat the same types of things.

I'm surprised nobody at the CDC or the WHO have investigated that train of thought. Too busy making everyone else panic I guess.
Worry not my friends, swine flu is nothing Obama the Messiah can't handle. Just another reason to foment panic and rush to nationalize healthcare and everything else. Always trust your government, they never lie. Lol.