Trippiest Things To Do While High On The Bud

buddy and i were just talking about looking in mirrors while stoned.. for me, i avoid them at all costs, or i'll be there all day. lol
i like mirrors when im baked, just not after WATCHING the movie mirrors. i did that before, not a reccomended combination :neutral:
Trippiest thing to do while high?? I'm gonna have to say Acid.

Most fun? Anything outdoors. Preferably on the river.
Okay I have kind of a random long ass trippy story that happened last night. A little background, I've recently had two ear infections ( Havent had em since I was a kid, no idea why i got them). Well because of this i've been deaf, not completely but enough that I couldnt hear voices and most things around the house.

Well im high in the washroom staring in the mirror... Yeah I was really stoned lol. So anyways I blow my nose and my one ear pops. Instantly it hurts and I hear this weird grumbling noise. So I start tripping out thinking that I just broke my ear or some shit. I turn off the light and the noise stops, turn it back on its there again. I did this for like five minutes until I finally realized what the heck was going on. Since I had been deaf, I could not hear the washroom fan. When my ear popped I could hear again, But since I havent really heard much of anything in the last week i couldnt tell that I was actually hearing again.

That was some trippy shit to do.
I turn on windows media player and watch the squigly lines and colors for a while. GOD YES!

Oh yeah man - Battery Randomization setting is brill! Make sure the musics good though...I find it depends with me how wasted I am the music I listen to...if I'm REAL baked and just wanna chill (or even the "I've had too much" feeling) I can only listen to stuff i've been listening to for the last 10 years - all Beatles/early solo! Not tried the 1967 "pepper" stuff yet...hmm, that'll be interesting!

That reminds me...bongsmilie
i agree with whoever said acid, good call
anywho the trippiest thing that i have done while really baked, and i definatly recommend it to you, cause its fun sober, and even more fun high, is taking your sell phone then calling your house phone, and hold each one up to a different ear, and just talk, you will be there for ten minutes garenteed.
Hey guys, I'm the creator of the website where users can post, comment, and vote on the best things to do when high. I would be honored if you checked it out and maybe posted some of your own ideas :) Plus its completely free!