New grow from bagseed

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
NOT SURE BRO.......kinda looks to lean towards afghan/indica traits.... I grew some afghan genetics that sorta look like that.....but with fatter leaves..sorry couldn't give better help...peace man:)
The leaves are uber fat!!! Some of the fattest leaves I ever seen! The outdoor males leaves were up to 4" across 1 blade of a leaf!
TY, yer awesome fer helpin!!!
+Rep fer sure.
Wats an afghan high like, Indica, right?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
once they start getting near harvest, they should start giving off a strong scent....your plants look very nice time it's gonna fill out and you'll be very happy:)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
don't worry about the lack of crystals on the fan'll be happy that they are all concentrated on the buds!!I miss growing afghan now :(

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Well, pretty much just pics. Today these girls (Shiva Skunk, Casey Jones, Sour Diesel, and Hindu Skunk) are comin up on the end of week 5, beginning of week 6 fer flower, and IMHO, they ALL look like they cud go another 5 EASY. But I like to make sure I get all I can outta my buddage:weed:


mr west

Well-Known Member
dont that lead to ppl straining the fuk outa joint with the two puffs tho? just a thought im sick of one side burning down cuz the guy b4 me sucked too hard and burt all the backy down one side.