I need advice.


Active Member
Alright, I've smoked every Sunday night - Thursday night for the passed couple months, and before that, every couple night for a couple years (minus basic and advance training)

I'm responsible, self-aware, blah blah. I don't let the pot control my life, I've kept my job, made it into the military, blah blah.

HOWEVER, this is where it gets interesting.

My girlfriend of one year (anniversary was yesterday) was told by her brother that he has weed. He then showed her all the little tinfoil bowls he made 'cause he's a douchebag and deserves to be stomped in the face (I hate her entire family, except for her dad and stepmom).

My girl isn't a stranger to weed. She's never smoked it (christ, she's never been drunk), but she's been around me after I've smoked (I've gone into another room), and she's actually helped me with my grow (which is coming along nicely, I might add).

Problem is, I know how her brother is, and I KNOW he will get her to smoke. I DON'T WANT HER SMOKING. I honestly think it will ruin her. She already does NOTHING during the day after school, she plans on not going to college right after she graduates high school so she can take a year off, and NOT WORK. If she starts smoking, I seriously think she'll never go to college, and turn into a piece of shit worse than her alcoholic mother.

My girl is a stubborn bitch, and god forbid if I voice my opinion to her, it starts an argument and I end up sleeping on my sofa. I know if I tell her I don't want her smoking, she'll turn it right back into my face. She's addicted to me, she's admitted it before. She's also admitted she gets jealous when I hang out with my friends. If I tell her I don't want her smoking, she'll flip her shit and start bitching about things I do when I hang out with my friends, how I don't take her fishing, how I don't drink with her, blah blah blah blah more of her random bitching, more blahs more bitching, AHHHH.

So, how am I supposed to tell her I don't want her to smoke, without just throwing it out there and starting a huge argument.

I like my bed. I like sleeping in it. I hate sleeping on my sofa after working a 10 hour shift. Help?
You need to explain to her that you have the dick so you make the rules. No but seriously the first thing you need to do is make her get a job. Tell her she's not gonna be a housewife. Let her know how you feel about her motivation problems. why is her brother a piece of shit for smoking out of tin foil? A dumbass sure, but I don't see why it calls for violence?
You need to explain to her that you have the dick so you make the rules. No but seriously the first thing you need to do is make her get a job. Tell her she's not gonna be a housewife. Let her know how you feel about her motivation problems. why is her brother a piece of shit for smoking out of tin foil? A dumbass sure, but I don't see why it calls for violence?

No, no. I must've worded that part wrong. I don't hate him for smoking from tinfoil or using it at all. I use it all the time if I forget to bring my bowl to my bud's house.

I meant it in the way of other things he does. He's stolen money from both her and me, he's keyed my truck, he's had one of his friends try and seduce her, stuff like that.
Damn, tell him and her that he is not allowed at your house? I'm assuming you two live together? Nip that shit in the bud. But what's with the double standard? If you can smoke responsibly why can't she?
Easy, tell her it means so much to you that she not smoke that you are quitting.

It's either that or you are screwed.
Tell her that you don't want her smoking bcuz you don't want people to judge her & say that you influenced her. Tell her out don't want to look like the bad guy for making some1 so inocent do something "bad" tell her it would mean the world to you. Be sweet about it man. Girls love the nice loving & caring talks. Don't demand, persuade with love & affection.
Damn, tell him and her that he is not allowed at your house? I'm assuming you two live together? Nip that shit in the bud. But what's with the double standard? If you can smoke responsibly why can't she?

I know I seem like an ass for not wanting her to smoke, but she's way too immature. She has no goals, doesn't know what to do during the day while I'm not near her, and is nutty as shit when she tries something new.

The first time she drank with me (she only had two beers, she was a slow drinker), and for the next two months, every night she was asking me to get some beer. I know if would be that bad, if not worse, with weed. Her brother would constantly give it to her.

She'd completely shut down.
And dude, what makes you think she's never smoked before? I doubt she will be easily persuaded by someone who has stole her shit. I think she is probably ALOT less innocent than she is leading on. Then again I am very cynical when it comes to trusting women.
And dude, what makes you think she's never smoked before? I doubt she will be easily persuaded by someone who has stole her shit. I think she is probably ALOT less innocent than she is leading on. Then again I am very cynical when it comes to trusting women.

At first I thought that, too, but my best friend's girlfriend knew my girl when she was younger. (She hooked my girl and I up in the first place). My buddy's girlfriend said mine never did ANYTHING when she was younger.

I know she (my buddy's girlfriend) would NEVER lie to me, because I ALWAYS find out, 'cause she can't keep her mouth shut. Haha.