how easy is cloning really


Well-Known Member
im just started yesterday taking off some clones i cut them in a 45 deg angle waterd them with ph 6.5 with liquid seaweed and hydro proxicide used powderd root hormone placed them in a humity box with a heating pad underneath on low...the temp in the box is 78 and humity is 80%.....well i found i couple of threads on cloning but i would really like to know what YOU do to make it work and all that ill give rep lol i hate bribing ppl but hey if it works its all good lol


Well-Known Member
im just started yesterday taking off some clones i cut them in a 45 deg angle waterd them with ph 6.5 with liquid seaweed and hydro proxicide used powderd root hormone placed them in a humity box with a heating pad underneath on low...the temp in the box is 78 and humity is 80%.....well i found i couple of threads on cloning but i would really like to know what YOU do to make it work and all that ill give rep lol i hate bribing ppl but hey if it works its all good lol
oh i forgot do you think i should of used my earth juice microblast???


Well-Known Member
i just took two clones off my kush plant 2 weeks ago.i used no rooting powder or gel or anything,i just cut two clones and put them in to soil in plastic cups and boom 12 days later i have rooted clones growing nicely.oh ya and i dropped them twice in the last few days cloning isn't nearly as hard as people think!!!


Well-Known Member
i just took two clones off my kush plant 2 weeks ago.i used no rooting powder or gel or anything,i just cut two clones and put them in to soil in plastic cups and boom 12 days later i have rooted clones growing nicely.oh ya and i dropped them twice in the last few days cloning isn't nearly as hard as people think!!!
lol thats realiving im just afraid there to small ok its to small lol i only took one off....heres a question for you ppl do you think my electric bill would be cheaper if i stopped using my 2 48in flouresents and buy a hps????


Well-Known Member
I made a home made bubbleponics cloner. Easy and had 100% success. You need: (from wally world or any discount store)
Plastic Shoe Box - $1.00
Air pump and hose - 8.00
Foil tape - $6.00
Garden Knee Mat- $3.00
Fishbowl Heater - $6.00
Olivia's Cloning Solution - $10.00 (its been done without it... but I use it.)

Cut holes in the top of the plastic box, cut foam circles from the mat just slightly larger. Slit the foam and drill a small hole in the middle. Cover the box with foil tape, sides too. Cut a small hole for air hose and heater wire. Put clones in foam circles. Add PH'ed H20 and Olivia's. Stems can be in our just above the H2O... mire are usually in. Hang a light over your babies and wait 2 weeks you will have monster roots. Mist them too... they like that. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
i put a couple paper towels over the dome to block out the light for a few days after the cloning and they never ever wilt!