well, good day there stumps and wyatte.....
hay wyatte, the amount of sprayers used and the type of tubing really can only be desided with the pump.....
if the pump is just barley able to to push water out the sprayers then you need flat tubing to keep the presure the same thro out...
if you are using a big nuff pump you can use any type of tubing, i used a way bigger pump then needed, but it wuz also leftover from my last bigger cloner...
as for your other questions.......
i'll bet you anything it's the nutz that killing your clones, you are going to have to do a Just Water batch next time, and yes, i have had this prob before too......
nothing wrong with the amount of sprayers as long as the pump makes them all work....
as for heat in the rez...... have you checked the actual temp? mine stays between 68-75 when in use...if the pump is on a timmer then it shouldn't be heating things up too much...
So try a new batch with just water, it'll work.
Good Old Fashioned K.I.S.S. method from mother nature!
on a dif note.... i'm gonna be adding a drain to the cloner before i fire it up again in a week or so...... and i'm going to use a timer for the pump this time too, had someone build from my DIY, and he used timer on pump with 1-2 days earlier turnout then mine.... so i'll test it out myself to see....