My DIY Aero Cloner...51 Site...

like i mentioned before.

this is why you dont run your pump constantly (not to mention, clones need a period to dry out as well). running a pump constantly is NOT aero. biggest difference is aero incorporates air for explosive growth...if you are soaking the clones 24/7, they WILL take longer to root

the heat generated from the pump WILL cause slime, especially if your res temps ARENT in check.

you could use h2o2 to try to keep it at bay, but at this may want to start over as the cuttings have been taken over by white gunk/slime/nasty cooties.

also a picture is worth a thousand words

i intend on doin it with a timer next, but tryed it this wau first to great success, and as for the temps.... never had no probs there, stayed room temp whole time, 70 degress.....
i intend on doin it with a timer next, but tryed it this wau first to great success, and as for the temps.... never had no probs there, stayed room temp whole time, 70 degress.....

you're lucky as hell kiss-asskiss-ass

i constantly battle high res temps....if i dont keep it at bay, the yuckies start growing
so here's a update on the clones, they all looking soo good in the 12h for 1 week now.....


nice thread. Just read the whole thing from begining to end.
I have a cloner that I built that is really the same thing as yours.. only differences bewteen yours and mine are, I got a different brand of sprayers.. mine are yellow not red - I used like 22 sprayers for the same size unit... - I used some sort of root nut... - I ran 15m on 15m off on spraying, I used half inch pvc piping instead if the black tubing - therefore all of the piping was flat strait and not curved like yours... (do you think this makes a difference?)

Guess what... havent had a dam one root yet. infact all of the cuttings turned to mush and I had to throw them all away. (twice) Im about ready to pay for an ez cloner (which I DONT want to do)

Follow me here but, I think my problems are these...
1- lets forget the nutes.. go very weak or just not at all. (I had poured them right into the res)
2- too many sprayers...
3- (biggest problem) I think that my res water temp is to high. (anyone know how to keep it cooler? - I believe its my pump that is heating it up.. the rest of the room is fine temp wise
4- I think I need to scar(scrape) the bottom half inch of the cuttings to help promote rooting.

Let me know if any of this sounds right or wrong.
why do you mess with all the sprayers? just put a couple air stones in with a air pump no timers no nutes and no light in the rooting area.
well, good day there stumps and wyatte.....

hay wyatte, the amount of sprayers used and the type of tubing really can only be desided with the pump.....
if the pump is just barley able to to push water out the sprayers then you need flat tubing to keep the presure the same thro out...
if you are using a big nuff pump you can use any type of tubing, i used a way bigger pump then needed, but it wuz also leftover from my last bigger cloner...

as for your other questions.......

i'll bet you anything it's the nutz that killing your clones, you are going to have to do a Just Water batch next time, and yes, i have had this prob before too......

nothing wrong with the amount of sprayers as long as the pump makes them all work....

as for heat in the rez...... have you checked the actual temp? mine stays between 68-75 when in use...if the pump is on a timmer then it shouldn't be heating things up too much...

So try a new batch with just water, it'll work.

Good Old Fashioned K.I.S.S. method from mother nature!


on a dif note.... i'm gonna be adding a drain to the cloner before i fire it up again in a week or so...... and i'm going to use a timer for the pump this time too, had someone build from my DIY, and he used timer on pump with 1-2 days earlier turnout then mine.... so i'll test it out myself to see....


yea. im gonna try the timer like that guy said on your thread to. ive heard that it lowers it by a few days else where aswell.. pe@ce..
yo this is bullsh^t... this freakin site logs you out as soon as you do nothing for a few mintues.. I just type this whole answer and whoops... cant post it because you are not logged in... so guess what... l og in and retype the whole damn thing -which Ive now forgotten.

Im going to redo some of the pvc pieces and have less sprayers in them. I believe the pump is rated for 500 gal hour. (left over from a project I never got around to doing) I know its powerful enough to push all of them but I figure if you lessen the amount of sprayers, you increase the pressure from the ones that are there.

Ill try again in a few days and do your method... use a weak rooting solution to soak for an hour and then strait water. I put a drain on my unit for less than 5.00. Go to lowes and get a pvc male and female 3/4" adapter (one of each) a pack of o rings from the faucet repair section and then a pvc 3/4" valve. cut a hole in the container put a o ring on either side of the fittings (inside and outside) screw together - presto... a rugged water tight seal that you can either plumb to anywhere you want, or install a valve to open and close. If you dont need a valve - itll cost you less than 2 dollars.

Anyone know where to get a decent timer from? The timer I have for this is a brinks security timer from wallyworld (mart) and the shortest cycle you can do is 15min on 15min off. I would like something that will do 30 seconds or so ever 5 min.... the only thing I have found is over a hundred dollars...
There has got to be something better and cheapier than that out there... anyone know of any??

can you list where you get your two nutrients from or, what else you would reccomend using?
I hear that clonex and b'cuzz are also two good ones... but BEFORE I pay the money for them.. Id rather go with something that I KNOW works. Im seriously 2 months behind because every time I tried doing cuttings and cloning them they died... Then I had to wait for the plants to grow more shoots to get enough to clone them again.

Is the growzyme more of a rooting hormone or is it a bacteria that you use in the water? I have read that a product called tarantula works really well.. but its expensive.
Any info you can give me asap would be appreciated being that I am ready to clone again and want to order what I need asap.

I already have the following... (I am only listing because if you think that what I have may be a subsituted for what you use)
Gen Hydro flora- bloom,grow,micro, - nitrex - thrive alive b1 red - calmag - and green light root stimulator (5-15-5) the green light was a rooting solution I picked up at a local store for cheap.. I dont really know if it is a good solution or not - I picked it up because it was cheap.