250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*


Well-Known Member
The rockwool isn't that wet... I weighed it and it weighed 44 grams. I did what al b fuct said in this thread: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/15030-batch-clones-rockwool.html

I did the slinging of the rockwool to get out any excess water. I guess I will let them dry out a little. Roots are starting to form on the clone which I am excited to see. I know I prob shouldn't be taking it out of the rockwool but whatever. Thanks for the heads up though dude, it's been a while since you were on it seems.
Cool Tom... and Congrats on the harvest...!!!

Glad to hear you are not soaking your cubes...

As for me not being around, I am walking around a bit and so I find myself less and less in front of the computer...

It's a good thing..!!!!

Anyways... keep on keeping on...



Well-Known Member




Well-Known Member
plants looking good. that one is starting to change what weeks is she?

nice looking piece to man take care of them bongs have accidents a lot lol..


Well-Known Member
Nice man. Did u ever try that Bushmaster? Things are looking good man. Im going to have to go back and catch up on alot. Hope things are working out for u in ur sog quest.


Well-Known Member
Nice man. Did u ever try that Bushmaster? Things are looking good man. Im going to have to go back and catch up on alot. Hope things are working out for u in ur sog quest.
I haven't used the bushmaster yet because the church mother isn't big enough to take clones yet. Once I root some clones from her i will put them into flowering and start dosing the bushmaster into their diet


Well-Known Member
Plant Ages-
Plant #3A- 33 days flowering (pics #5-7 in the last set of pics)
The Church- 27 days vegging (pics #9-12 in the last set of pics)
Thai Super Skunk- 18 days vegging (pics #13-15 in the last set of pics)

All these are up to date today, just thought I would identify each of the last pics


Well-Known Member
Okay so I just mixed up a gallon of water with veg nutes in it for my purple clone that has rooted. I put it in the system and turned the pump on. About 15 minutes later I went to check on the bubbling and what not and now there is a lot of foam on the top layer of the water. The foam is white with no color to it. The DWC is completely light tight and I have used the same nutes in the same system before with no foaming problems. Does anyone know if this will harm the plant? Is there something I should do to stop this? Thanks a lot to anyone who can help


Well-Known Member
It sounds like what happens in my system sir.. A conglomeration of millions of little air bubbles rising to the top and forming before they get a chance to pop.. Sounds good actually. Its normal. Means u have good oxygen in the water.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like what happens in my system sir.. A conglomeration of millions of little air bubbles rising to the top and forming before they get a chance to pop.. Sounds good actually. Its normal. Means u have good oxygen in the water.
Haha well thanks for the reassurance dl :hug: I'm using a dual outlet pump with both outlets on a T going to one 12 inch airstone. The pump I use is a Hagen Aqua Clear 50 gallon pump. It is nice and quiet and puts a nice amount of air out.http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.petsr4u.com%2Fproddetail.asp%3Fprod%3DA848&ei=pG38ScbGFuKMtgfFxZDGCg&rct=j&q=Hagen+Aqua+Clear+Air+Pump+50&usg=AFQjCNHFOMfuaMmMyzUKzWXttSVyte4d-Q


Well-Known Member
Sounds real good man.. Ive noticed my flower nutes tend to foam up real good especially after fresh water changes. Which is good. Cause my roots also float at the top of the water as well. Just taking in the solution.. Looks like u have good things happening. Just keep doing what ur doing man.


Well-Known Member
Okay so the foam seems to be getting worse :confused: There is like major foam going on in the DWC container. The foam is still white but it is now taking up all excess space where the water is not sitting. From the top of the water to the lid is covered in foam. It looks like soap suds almost but I know that it is not soap or any contaminant. Should I scoop out the bubbles or will it be okay with all the foam? I wish I could get some pics of it but I don't have the camera right now :cry:


Well-Known Member
Tom man does ur water stink? Do u have slime forming on ur roots or in the bucket?
If u dont have any of that id say again its normal.. Some nutes to foam up bro. Mine also stain my roots.. These are not neccesarily a sign of a problem. I have foam in my bucket as well.. The air bubles will attach to the nutrients and bring them to the surface. Where the roots reside mainly. I think what ur mostly seeing is protien build up.. It also happens in saltwater fish tanks..
If u want u can scoop them out. But then ur taking the nutrients out of the solution.
Wheres ur PPM and PH at bro?


Well-Known Member
I don't have a ppm or pH meter :cry: I use a pH tester that you use with fishtanks. The Fox Farms nutes I use usually end up at 6.0 pH so I add a couple drops of pH down to bring it into the 5's. I would guess my pH is around 5.7- 5.9... the nutes I added to a gallon of water was 2 teaspoons of big bloom and 1 teaspoon of grow big. Also there isn't any slime building and my water doesn't smell bad. My tap water comes out at 7.0 pH