
Well-Known Member

I have been building this DIY aero system for a few weeks and finally got it working about a week ago.

During the course of my research I found a basic difference between DIY aero units and my overly expensive GH aeroflo2 60 site unit.


GH spayers spray the opposing grow chamber wall creating a fine mist throughout the chamber or at least around the root zone.

DIY green 360 Degree sprayers rarely even create a mist in my chambers, but 2 misters per 2" hole does well to create a decently fine spray that when combined with an on/off timer produces excellent O2/feed ratio.

also I have made this thread to help me keep track of my basic measurements and feeding schedule. I am counting on your feedback to help me maximize my results for my personals garden! thanks! -vega

BIG THANKS TO EARL the great guru of the ganja...greateful am I as a squire & patient of the professor of all plantations...posting perpetual and persistent responses to my proposals and pm's.

also big reps 2 , Stinkbud, SOG, Filthy, Victor, Al B (may he return soon), Roor, Dirthawk...keep it rollin..


GH 3 part flora series nutrients.

began with both units in a "transition" phase with equal parts of GH 3 part.

addback to both 5ml/gal h2o2 every 3 days.

temperature controller set at 75-76 tops and 65 lows...was 57F nights causing a nightime droop and possible permanent leaf curl.

Humidity 45 % day

Lighting 2x 1000k HPS in very wide reflectors.

DIY Aero - the system



Well-Known Member
Aero flo 2 -

-Running 3 tubes with 24 or so units

Aeroflo clones obviously took longer to situate in pebbles and bust through into the chamber. The root growth lag was timed to agree with the root shock of the aero clones in the DIY unit.


Ppm- equal parts 660ppm

Ph - 5.8

Running a chiller full time keeping res. at 68F. 300gph pump circulates.

Running almost all White Widow in this unit

DIY unit -

Ppm- equal parts 650 ppm

Ph - 5.8

intake fan blows directly on small 18 gal. resevoir. 1 min on 4 min off timer helps keeps pump temps down on both systems. Aeroflo has a great external TNC pump stock however...thing is indestructable for sure.



Well-Known Member
Leaf curl on large fan leaves is apparently indicative of plants wanting to vent 2 much water 2 quick....

the symptom are fading however as new growth appears and nutrients are up'd

may also be a result of increasing my nightime temp to 63-68F instead of 56-57F

Aero flo 2 - Week 2

ppm - 750


DIY Aero -

ppm - 1020

ph - 5.8

...I can not up the nutes in the Aero 2 until i receive my more than delayed shipment of GH flora.



Well-Known Member
...I really need to trim soon...

..I'm paranoid so u can see i put waterproof duct tape strips over my sprayer plugs. I think i figured my system could spray the entire res. into my g. room in 6 hrs or less if it came out somehow.

DIY pump is 1000 GPH RIO



Well-Known Member
with this week begins day to day monitoring of the basics.

TEMP = 78 day and 68 night

Humidity = 45%

Aeroflo 2

ppm - 680

ph - 5.8

added back substantial amount until nutes arrive

DIY unit -

ppm - 1010ppm

ph - 5.6

scattered leaf claw symptoms are arising indicating a bit 2 much nutes i believe in the DIY.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link.

Looks like a good launch !

I'm finding that lower nute loads during bloom,
give much stickier buds at the finish line.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link.

Looks like a good launch !

I'm finding that lower nute loads during bloom,
give much stickier buds at the finish line.

Interesting, have you used the general hydro 3 part much? I am following the GH feeding program this time and setting at bloom stage for the DIY while the Aeroflo 2 is still in transition until the nutrients come.


temp = 76F

humidity = 46% day


ppm - 860
ph - 5.7

Aeroflo -

ppm- 650
ph - 5.7

notes: The leaf claw effect is present in both systems indicating that it may not be burn. Additionally leaf tips have yet to actually yellow and crisp...they just curl a bit so im not worried about it. I will flush both systems and reset to bloom at 850ppm's as soon as nutes arrive.

I diluted down the DIY res because it was such a big step up last time. 850 seems to be plenty for now.


Well-Known Member
looks good..i will be doing a diy soon...just like yurs but i found those 4 post they use in that gh at lowes.;..there like 18 bucks a piece and they have end it up


Well-Known Member
looks good..i will be doing a diy soon...just like yurs but i found those 4 post they use in that gh at lowes.;..there like 18 bucks a piece and they have end it up
haha That's nice. The square tubes are just as good it seems.

thanks for stopping by natural. I have not heard from you since that rotational growing thread a while back. Doing some rotational aero? lol

hydro stores online also sell replacement tubes for the aeroflo2. All you have to do is hook up plumbing to those sprayers and you are done.

When I have tried to do this in the past with 10 site tubes I have found it to use much more pump power than the alternate DIY sprayers.


Well-Known Member
nutrients arrived.

Flushed today for a shorter amount of time than I should have. I did not want to take all day doing it so I guess I will try to do a more in depth flush next week.

also added back h2o2 at 5ml/gal


990 ppm
ph - 5.6


950 ppm

ph - 5.7

pics tomorrow.


Active Member
subscribed... i have a question for you . how do you deal with ph adjustment in the aeroflo? do you just let the pump mix everything for you? and what about the water still in the chambers? and if leting the pump mix everything how long dose this process take? okay more like 4 sry lol


Well-Known Member
subscribed... i have a question for you . how do you deal with ph adjustment in the aeroflo? do you just let the pump mix everything for you? and what about the water still in the chambers? and if leting the pump mix everything how long dose this process take? okay more like 4 sry lol
Once your roots make it into the res. you don't want to just be dumping concentrated anything right in there.

I use a larger measuring cup to dilute ph adjustment down and then add. My chiller is constantly circulating so I do not need to do any mixing. Powerful airstones also help mixing.


Well-Known Member
The leaf problem does not seem to be progressing, but I took some pics anyways.

The Aeroflo is having some trouble with the roots for some reason. The flood and drain tubes make it difficult to not incorporate some NFT action. I am going to raise the far end of the tubes again tonight to get that water cycling through the tubes faster. The roots r well, but not nearly as good as the diy system.

With the Aeroflo full of White widow I expect another 7-8 weeks flowering.

The DIY system is full of Top 44 and may take as little as 5-6 weeks.

This creates an interesting sort of SOG.

My cloner is full of top 44 right now because I got behind on the cycles. When put into another Aeroflo it would be only 2-3 weeks behind the last cycle.



Well-Known Member
I believe your "leaf problem"
is just a case of "too hot".

Looks like a a great grow.


Well-Known Member
hey boss yea..i have been mia for a little while...things got a little hot...had to shut down a whole show...the gi grow is still being used ... i actually leased it to somone.. if there is such a but i think im going to be turing your way for the future projects...the dyi project aero...i want to run huts that are like 2 weeks apart that have 8 of those tubes... and a total of 4 huts ...with one 2 by 4 for mums... i will be using a little bit of stinkbuds designs and some of yours...

haha That's nice. The square tubes are just as good it seems.

thanks for stopping by natural. I have not heard from you since that rotational growing thread a while back. Doing some rotational aero? lol

hydro stores online also sell replacement tubes for the aeroflo2. All you have to do is hook up plumbing to those sprayers and you are done.

When I have tried to do this in the past with 10 site tubes I have found it to use much more pump power than the alternate DIY sprayers.


Well-Known Member
and also hows that top 44? is that really what it says it lost most fo my mums soo i may have to be starting fresh...


Well-Known Member
I believe your "leaf problem"
is just a case of "too hot".

Looks like a a great grow.
Great, thanks!

hey boss yea..i have been mia for a little while...things got a little hot...had to shut down a whole show...the gi grow is still being used ... i actually leased it to somone.. if there is such a but i think im going to be turing your way for the future projects...the dyi project aero...i want to run huts that are like 2 weeks apart that have 8 of those tubes... and a total of 4 huts ...with one 2 by 4 for mums... i will be using a little bit of stinkbuds designs and some of yours...
excellent sir, may I recommend top mounted sprayers for a few reasons

1) easy to remove individual sprayers and clean.

2)sprayers in bottom of tubes, especially in 4 x 4" tubes will get overrun with roots really quick I would imagine. I have honestly never tried it, but why not just play it safe and spray from the top?

and also hows that top 44? is that really what it says it lost most fo my mums soo i may have to be starting fresh...

It is indeed exactly as described. In OPTIMUM conditions it will flower in 6-6.5 weeks. Seven weeks has been norms for me, but I usually let them go a little longer than I should probably.

It is extremely good tasting and unique smelling. My WW just smells like skunk...this top 44 has a fruity scent. I recommend.