Is my mother plant ok


Active Member
Is my plant ok. I have it on the 18/6 light cycle it is a mom. The promblem is that even on the 18/6 cycle besides having white hairs all over she is now producing a lot of resin. Is this normal or is she an autoflowering plant. strain is AK47.


Yes, your mother plant is fine, although it'd be nice to see some pictures. Even in 18/6 light cycle, a plant will flower eventually. But since it gets so little dark time it produces stressed funny looking flowering. You need at least 20/4 light, i use 24/0 for my mothers. Change your lights accordingly and snip off a lot of the white hairs, and it should revert no problem. It will take time though, a month or two to fully revert.


Active Member
Yes, your mother plant is fine, although it'd be nice to see some pictures. Even in 18/6 light cycle, a plant will flower eventually. But since it gets so little dark time it produces stressed funny looking flowering. You need at least 20/4 light, i use 24/0 for my mothers. Change your lights accordingly and snip off a lot of the white hairs, and it should revert no problem. It will take time though, a month or two to fully revert.

Thanks for the imput clean grow it never came to mind to acutully keep her in 20/4 or full 24 hours of light. All the literature I've read said 18/6 would be enough. I will definatly try it.

Any more imput is welcomed


Active Member
Thanks for the imput clean grow it never came to mind to acutully keep her in 20/4 or full 24 hours of light. All the literature I've read said 18/6 would be enough. I will definatly try it.

Any more imput is welcomed

Can cuttings be taken from her, with her showing these charicteristics.


yeah you can take cuttings like that, and put them under 24/0 light cycle and they'll revert in time....
18/6 is what i use for all my plants i don't designate as a mother, but mothers seem to do best for me in 24/0, although some people say 20/4 is better