Curling Leaves w/ pics


Active Member
Okay, this is my first grow, and ive finally come across a problem that it seems i cant solve after digging through numerous threads. A common symptom I know... but the leaves of my plants are curling upward from the sides. They are approximately 2 weeks old (out of the dirt). I'm using pro-mix organic and have a ph of 6.7. My temperatures range from 70 (lights off) to 80 (lights on) Humidity remains at a persistent 60% and there is adequate ventilation. I'm using 5 14 watt cool white cfl bulbs. I havent added any ferts and the plants are in 3 liter pots. I do regular watering with distilled water every 2-3 days with 100 ml per plant. Could anybody help? I had the lights at about 2 inches earlier and decided to raise them to 4 inches today (thinking it could possibly be a heat stress issue) enclosed are pics. funny enough they look a lot better outside of the grow room. so perhaps i'm being paranoid. somebody please let me know and if somebody could give me a good suggestion for a good fert at this stage of growth and how much of it to mix with distilled water



Well-Known Member
Are you using nutes? if so they're still a little to young. Also I would check your soil more if its dry water. Somtimes young plants that need water or the soil is to hot the leaves will start to curl. If the leaves very top tips are curling up or in weird directions and turn yellow it could be an mg problem but that dosen't look like that. Also I have encounterd plants that hed leaves like that threw out its life and been fine. Hope this helps, Goodluck!


Active Member
I haven't used any nutes at all and the leaves seem to be cupping from their stem first and then outward. there is also slight yellowing again starting at the base of the leaf and maintaining at the outside of the leaf before moving inward toward the center. Nothing seems like its dying but i want to do preventative maintenence. also how can i tell if there is a magnesium deficiency? i don't want to add a product with mg and introduce toxicity if its not the problem. p.s. Thanks for the advice, I'll add more pics in a few days to keep things updated


Well-Known Member
I have this happen all the time, the leaves are curling from heat. lift your lights up a bit.
and place a couple of fans In there. oscalators work good to. get some wind on them and thell be fine.


Well-Known Member
I haven't used any nutes at all and the leaves seem to be cupping from their stem first and then outward. there is also slight yellowing again starting at the base of the leaf and maintaining at the outside of the leaf before moving inward toward the center. Nothing seems like its dying but i want to do preventative maintenence. also how can i tell if there is a magnesium deficiency? i don't want to add a product with mg and introduce toxicity if its not the problem. p.s. Thanks for the advice, I'll add more pics in a few days to keep things updated
It's probley more of heat issue if you haven't used nutes. Like I said it dosen't look like a MG def. It would be yellow at the tip and curling. Also I said that the heat could cause this. How far away are your lights? Any fans? Try to get it a little cooler. Do you know the actual temp. of the room? Also do you mist your leaves with water?


Active Member
It's probley more of heat issue if you haven't used nutes. Like I said it dosen't look like a MG def. It would be yellow at the tip and curling. Also I said that the heat could cause this. How far away are your lights? Any fans? Try to get it a little cooler. Do you know the actual temp. of the room? Also do you mist your leaves with water?
The temp of the room is at 78 degrees (with the lights on) only going down to 70 (room temperature) when the lights are off, I have the plants on a 20/4 cycle the lights are currently 4.5 inches from the plant (yesterday they were 2 inches so I'm hoping that it makes a difference) I am using a humidifier with fresh air for the air intake and an exhaust fan to disperse heat from the room. so the humidity remains constantly at 50% and the temperature only fluctuates 8 degrees between lights on and off. I haven't misted the leaves because i was afraid that it may cause hot spots and inability for the plant to transpire moisture from its leaves. Do you Mist? and if it gives you more promising results I'd like to know a good schedule or rule of thumb that you follow for greater success. Thank you for your advice


Well-Known Member
my plant is actually around the same height as yours..looks indentical..umm id prolly let it grow..if ur lights are 4.5 inches away i dont think thats the prob..are you using water straight out of the tap??..and deff water it..this same thing happened to me a week looked like it was guna die..but i gave it a really good watering and the next morning when i turned on the lights it was a healthy green and has been doin great since..ive been trabsfering it outside during the day...and im on a 18/6 light suggest that over 20/4 but thats my OP


Junior Creatologist
I had the same problem with my seedlings not too long ago man. But im growing dro, so it was a pH issue for me. The issue was that my pH kept fluctuating, rather than being stable, so the leaves started to twist slightly, but i got a handle on it pretty quick. My advice would be to check the pH a couple more times, just to make sure its on point, n then maybe add a capfull of cal/mag to a gallon of water, n then water it in. Your conditions seem pretty much on point, so its gotta be something like that IMHO. Also, if your plants are 2 wks old, then i'd start giving them nutrients at 1/4 strength, to kick them into gear n get growin. Hell, that might fix your problem right there. Either way, no matter what the problem is its a quick fix, and nothing to worry about too much. They look pretty good man, good luck with the grow!



Active Member
Things are looking a lot better since i lifted the lights to 4" away and i began to do some misting of my leaves. The yellowing of the tips that i was concerned about has indeed turned to brown and died :( but the yellowing and cupping has ceased to continue so i guess whatever damage was done is done and the plants are healing and progressing with normal growth