
Well-Known Member
Theres all different sorts... seeding/potting which I got..its got sphagnum, vermiculite, perlite, limestone.......... great stuff.....


Well-Known Member
It is a grow site...n'est pas....??? keeping you on your toes.... bat poop anyone... kants on a roll.... Mexican for supper yesterday....... :o


Well-Known Member
Oh i feel like shit you guys. My throat is all swollen up and shit, hurts bad, can't even really smoke and that is the bad thing. Hope i don't got the swine flu shit. That would suck. Anyways the crazy ass storms are over thank god, haven't had a chance to go check on my crop to see if it got blown away, I hope it didn't though, that would really suck. Anyways Peace to all RIUers, and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Oh i feel like shit you guys. My throat is all swollen up and shit, hurts bad, can't even really smoke and that is the bad thing. Hope i don't got the swine flu shit. That would suck. Anyways the crazy ass storms are over thank god, haven't had a chance to go check on my crop to see if it got blown away, I hope it didn't though, that would really suck. Anyways Peace to all RIUers, and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
your momma is so ulgy she has to sneek up on water just to get a drink. your momma is so ulgy she could make a freight train take a dirt road 5 min. till 4:20 time to smoke a bowel. might smoke 2 they are small have a bud just for tommarow420 day
hahahaha "smoke a bowel" dont know what weed hes growin' but it dont sound too hygenic :P


Well-Known Member
its funny, yesterday so many Hatton fans were talking trash
I've been a huge Pacquaio fan for almost 5 years now..
I knew PacMan should win, but i didn't expect him to knock him down
twice in the first, and KNOCKED OUT completely in the 2nd