This plant male or female??


Well-Known Member
Not really able to tell 100%.....but that may be a calyx coming off the stem at the top L in picture 2....

You'll have to get closer up and better focused to be sure.


Well-Known Member
leaning towards female because i thought i saw a few white hairs. give it a few weeks under a good t5 fluro if you can. she will show. i dont see any sacs yet so id keep vegging.


Well-Known Member
I agree! It looks like white hairs in the 4th picture. I don't see balls. Is this palnt being grown outddors or indoors?


Active Member
I agree! It looks like white hairs in the 4th picture. I don't see balls. Is this palnt being grown outddors or indoors?

It's an indoor plant. It sort of looks female cause I don't see any ball sacks, but I'll wait and see.

Sorry, but that's the best pics I could get.


Well-Known Member
pictures arent great bit as far as i can see its not even showing sex yet.

wait a while longer, the plant is probably still slowly recovering. Watch for a small ball with a stick. if that comes out its male. If a raindrop shaped ball comes out or even some white hairs then its a girl.