What is this plants problem (pic)


Well-Known Member

Im growing 6 plants all in the same recirculating drip system, 5 of them are healthy but 1 has developed problems on some leaves. Any ideas what the problem is?

I don't think its overwatering, because they all get the exact same amount of water being in the same system. Im also using only hydrotron which holds no moisture.

I don't think its nutrient burn because the PPM is only 450 for 35 day old plants. And all the other plants are drinking the same nutrient and they are fine.

Room temp is 25c and res temp is 18c.




Well-Known Member
hmm do you think it cud be the lights..this is tricky because you say all get the same water and nutes so it shud be occuring to all..umm maybe its a nitrogen or mg defficency..anyone got any ideas ???..


Well-Known Member
hmm do you think it cud be the lights..this is tricky because you say all get the same water and nutes so it shud be occuring to all..umm maybe its a nitrogen or mg defficency..anyone got any ideas ???..
I've got 1800 watts of HPS lights (3 x 600W) in cool tubes, and they are about 2 and 1/2 feet from the tops of the plants. Temp is 25c at the tops of the plants. This plant is no closer to the lights than any of the other plants.

Its got me a bit stumped how only 1 plant is suffering when the conditions are identical for them all.


Well-Known Member
yeah thats why im confused..becasue its all parallel..umm...im not the greatest indoor growerr..but usually i have my lights closer than that usally 2-6 inches...but maybe there more powerfully...maybe more moisture is needed...iuno you using nutes??


Active Member
Do you have a pic of the bottom side of leaf? have you been on the lookout for bugs? do you foliar feed occasionally? I doubt it being that its a hydro setup but had to ask


Well-Known Member
i had that same problem. its over watering. trust me. i cut back on the feedings and it went away. unfortunately the affected leaves wont get better. just hope for good new growth.


Well-Known Member
i had that same problem. its over watering. trust me. i cut back on the feedings and it went away. unfortunately the affected leaves wont get better. just hope for good new growth.
Thanks, I will back off the watering.

I will also try to get a pic of underneath the leaf.