Plant stage's


Well-Known Member
yea um i was just wondering if someone could tell me the stages a plant go through and around when they should and what to look for that would tell me they are going into these stages. i tried using the search but i couldn't find what i was looking for.


yea um i was just wondering if someone could tell me the stages a plant go through and around when they should and what to look for that would tell me they are going into these stages. i tried using the search but i couldn't find what i was looking for.
Hey bro, Well use the FAQ at the top, ne wayz
germiante/seedling then its considered "vegation", meaning you are making your plantys grow. next is when they actually produce buds, its called flowering stage. Makes sicne because it produces buds. I'm new myself, i could be incorrect, but I hope this helps you with a basic understanding.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
seedling (just when it pops out of the ground). in this stage it need a LOT of humidity. 80% or more.
vegitative state (it actually starts as soon as the sprout pop out of the dirt). now it needs less humidity - about 50-60% and you should start giving it fertilizers from the second week.
after a few weeks (usually about 4) you should be able to see pre-flowering and be able to determine the sex of the plants.

when you decide (it could be from seed or after a year of vegitative growth - you choose) you change the lights to 12 hours photoperiod and the flowering state starts. now it needs Phosphorous rich fertilizers, and a lot of it. if usualy grow real fast in the first 3 weeks then stops growing leaves and produces more buds.

thats about it. there are books that cover all that with a picture of each day of the plant growth.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
it depends on the strain. mine started after around 2 and a half weeks to smell, and a week later the smell was really strong.


Well-Known Member
The stages of growth are as follows
1. Seedling I call this the infant stage because it needs lots of tending to
2. Vegetative at this point think of the plant as a child age 5-15 it's focusing on growing tall
3. Flowering now your child has grown tall they start to bulk up females grow "boobs"(flowers) males grow "balls"(pollen sacks)
Those are the basics as for the smell only time will tell