I Sprung a Light Leak ARGH!! NOW WHAT?!?


Well-Known Member
I recently renovated my grow cab after my first grow. Unfortunately all of the upgrades were in vain, at least momentarily. I moved the cab to my the main level of the house for temperature reasons and added lots more ventilation for the three ladies Ive had in a closet flowering under cfls for about a week now, but didnt realize until today, a week later, that i had a light leak, it has been fixed but it made my ladies revert back to veg I think, one plants pistils turned amber and died, they really havent even started flowering yet just a few preflowers but will they be okay assuming all the leaks are fixed and I keep them happy. Thanks for any input on this bonehead move. Lol


Well-Known Member
thanks thats a relief. They all look healthy it just with the move to the cab and a whole week of god knows what temps and light leaks I hope they come out of it now that Ive got them in a consistent environment.


thanks thats a relief. They all look healthy it just with the move to the cab and a whole week of god knows what temps and light leaks I hope they come out of it now that Ive got them in a consistent environment.
keep us posted take your time smoke good:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
all seems well new white hairs have formed and new growth has resumed. Ill post some pics of the girls shortly