Everything You Need To Know About LST/FIM/TOPPING


Well-Known Member
I managed to get 5 out of 10 bagseeds to germ, and they are growing pretty strong. For a whole list of reasons I'm growing all 5 plants in one GH WaterFarm unit. Once I start to see sex, I plan on removing males, and leaving the females to strut their stuff (if my calculations are correct I have 5 females :hump: i wish...)
I attached some photos to give you an idea of my grow as it is right now. Im considering topping, then LST, and ultimately SCROG. what do you think, o training guru?

if you want to check out my grow, the link is in my signature.

:peace: and keep :joint:

Hey Shackle......

So I am a newbie-gal doin the old' LST, Supercrop, SCROG method....and my plants were a little bigger than urs when i started LSTing.....however I think they look like a good size for topping too. You will see how fun it gets to weave those leaves, tuck the big fatties underneath the tiny undergrowth... I started LSTing about 1.5 weeks ago and literally I cannot tell where the "top" flower part is!! They are all the same size now and caught up to the top spot. Each plant now has at least 12-20 TOP FLOWER SPOTS.....where I think I'll get some fatter buds, similar size to what a person would get on only ONE (the main cola) of their plants if growing vertical. Supposedely, the lst-ing and all this greatly increases yield, often doubling :), So good luck and check out my post if ya want...I have some wonderful experts helping me out who all have great grows. I'll scribe to yours too and get some ideas!


Well-Known Member
Hey Shackle......

So I am a newbie-gal doin the old' LST, Supercrop, SCROG method....and my plants were a little bigger than urs when i started LSTing.....however I think they look like a good size for topping too. You will see how fun it gets to weave those leaves, tuck the big fatties underneath the tiny undergrowth... I started LSTing about 1.5 weeks ago and literally I cannot tell where the "top" flower part is!! They are all the same size now and caught up to the top spot. Each plant now has at least 12-20 TOP FLOWER SPOTS.....where I think I'll get some fatter buds, similar size to what a person would get on only ONE (the main cola) of their plants if growing vertical. Supposedely, the lst-ing and all this greatly increases yield, often doubling :), So good luck and check out my post if ya want...I have some wonderful experts helping me out who all have great grows. I'll scribe to yours too and get some ideas!
You are absolutely wrong dude. Kidding. You are right, lst will do fuck all to a plant. I did it the HOLE time when I veg'd for 8 weeks and it worked wonders. If click on the link in my sig you will see what LST did to my plant (first grow also), and I started with a 9'' tall plant, so u could IMAGINE how scared I was trying to do it but now i got a freakin bush with all bud sites. CHYEA.


Well-Known Member
You are absolutely wrong dude. Kidding. You are right, lst will do fuck all to a plant. I did it the HOLE time when I veg'd for 8 weeks and it worked wonders. If click on the link in my sig you will see what LST did to my plant (first grow also), and I started with a 9'' tall plant, so u could IMAGINE how scared I was trying to do it but now i got a freakin bush with all bud sites. CHYEA.
haha...that sounds funny. this guy is a jokester so you gotta watch out. He makes the journals humorous tho. 9inch...shit mine are about that tall and only been 6 weeks & they are lst'ed.... yeah my plants look more like BUSHES, or Bonsai's...they are incredible!!!! :peace:
oh, and i'm a girl, dude. ha


Well-Known Member
haha...that sounds funny. this guy is a jokester so you gotta watch out. He makes the journals humorous tho. 9inch...shit mine are about that tall and only been 6 weeks & they are lst'ed.... yeah my plants look more like BUSHES, or Bonsai's...they are incredible!!!! :peace:
oh, and i'm a girl, dude. ha
"Show me idiot" *points to walls with squares* im sorry i feel like a dummy I didnt know you were a girl, dude lol. Bonsai is the exact term for what goes on with some lst practice. I love it when my twin asked me for the first time "wtf is up with all the strings" I told him "One day son...one day".

Was reading through the journal. Very very nice missy. Hope everything goes well, im subscribed! take care.


Well-Known Member
"Show me idiot" *points to walls with squares* im sorry i feel like a dummy I didnt know you were a girl, dude lol. Bonsai is the exact term for what goes on with some lst practice. I love it when my twin asked me for the first time "wtf is up with all the strings" I told him "One day son...one day".

Was reading through the journal. Very very nice missy. Hope everything goes well, im subscribed! take care.
ah u are helarious. thanks for joining!!!! yeah the new thread will be nice to start fromm fresh

one day.....one day...like 60 days from now...i'll be harvesting :)


Well-Known Member
"Show me idiot" *points to walls with squares* im sorry i feel like a dummy I didnt know you were a girl, dude lol. Bonsai is the exact term for what goes on with some lst practice. I love it when my twin asked me for the first time "wtf is up with all the strings" I told him "One day son...one day".

Was reading through the journal. Very very nice missy. Hope everything goes well, im subscribed! take care.

ah u are helarious. thanks for joining!!!! yeah the new thread will be nice to start from fresh. This thread was great and has awesome info from all these experts. Its so nice to have the support...kiss-ass

one day.....one day...like 60 days from now...i'll be harvesting :)~


Well-Known Member
ah u are helarious. thanks for joining!!!! yeah the new thread will be nice to start from fresh. This thread was great and has awesome info from all these experts. Its so nice to have the support...kiss-ass

one day.....one day...like 60 days from now...i'll be harvesting :)~
Hey thats actually kinda cool because I have 60 days, give or take a few. Cant wait to see whats ur harvest is going to be like. RIU is what made my girl go from tiny to I need more cfl's. They know there stuff I have to agree.

I have signs of flowering but havent made a thread for it because I too have like 2 threads. So ill just start fresh with a flowering thread countin down. Once again good luck =)


Well-Known Member
i will be having some cool lst pictures of my outdoor grow coming up soon
got plans for a spiral plant, hahah


Well-Known Member
you need to tie the stem so that it is straight up and down and then tie the top of the plant down

i must say i dislike the system you are using


Well-Known Member
well..... i don't like your picture. im just kidding... i know its not ideal, but im going for ridiculously small scale, and i'm comfortable with what i'm doing. i've been growing things other than cannabis for a few years now. it's also for personal use, so i'm not looking for a huge yield, just whatever i can get. if i have minimal success i plan to take it a little more seriously, and actually purchase some seeds, and expand to a second waterfarm.

long story short, i don't think i'm comfortable with LST, I may just coax the kids back up and continue to top and prune into a small bushy shrub like shape.


Well-Known Member
that will work just fine lol,
i hear ya man
always pick the thing you know you can do that way you dont fuck any thing up lol
good luck brotha


Well-Known Member
yo grow! I meant no disrespect by that. All growers treat their grows as if they were their child, I'm sure you know MUCH better than I do. Your input would be awesome on my grow, I'd appreciate you dropping in from time to time and checking it out, plan to start flowering in about 3-4 weeks.

One love


Well-Known Member
explain "bump" if i see that word one more damn time without my understanding of what it means i might shank someone. dont want to but i will.