Do I need more nutes?


New Member
Hey I bought hte technaflora starter pcak which seems to me to be tailored for weed, but I am no expert so please let me in on what you think!
The pack includes the following juices:

Awesome Blossoms
very minor B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn

3.21% Ca
0.0409% chelated Fe

Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn

Mg, S, B, Cu, Mn, Mo, Zn

Thrive Alive B1 Green
.01 soluble iron

Thrive Alive B1 Red

3.25 Cal
1.25 Mg
0.11 chelated Fe

Sugar Daddy
Mg, S
ya mydog is rite................ grow on!!!! lol i never herd of that company had to ask. hay my dog wat nuts u force on her


Well-Known Member
what nute do i use? if thats what your asking i use pura vida grow and bloom from tecknoflora and fish emulsion during veg and compost tea all the way through. some flowing guanos usually too.


Well-Known Member
If you ask me, those are some whacked NPK ratios.. Really low on nitrogen, and really high on potassium across the board.. Can't argue results though should it happen to perform well..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
If you ask me, those are some whacked NPK ratios..
No shit! Typical of "cannabis specific" foods. If these guys would only go down to Walmart and buy 2 boxes of foods they'd have better results. Of course understanding basic plant nutrition would help before spending any money. I betcha he spent close to a $50 bucks and will get marginal results compared to the guy that understands plant nutrition and shops based on NPK values rather than claims or fancy labels.

Did you notice the "grow", a 1-3-6? Quite funny really. No, you don't need more nutes, you just need the right ones.



New Member
I know, I almost wonder if they mixed up the descriptions of their products..

I thought that it was a little confusing too that Grow is 1-3-6 because N is important to growth but the plan instead is to use Boost 3-0-2 for N and Grow as additional.

Uncle Ben if you knew about plant cycles you would notice grow 1-3-6 and bloom 1-4-7 and blossoms 2-11-11 which is a major change in ratio, it supplies the right amounts. Throughout the plant's life you use a combination of 3 or more of em. Two boxes of fertilizer would make weed, I've used regular ferts, got nice weed, but I'm doing hydro this time and you can't use those cheap boxes of ferts easily in hydro. Plus I don't like the taste and the smoke. It cost $34 shipped you cynical old fart.


Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben if you knew about plant cycles you would notice grow 1-3-6 and bloom 1-4-7 and blossoms 2-11-11 which is a major change in ratio, it supplies the right amounts. Throughout the plant's life you use a combination of 3 or more of em. Two boxes of fertilizer would make weed, I've used regular ferts, got nice weed, but I'm doing hydro this time and you can't use those cheap boxes of ferts easily in hydro. Plus I don't like the taste and the smoke. It cost $34 shipped you cynical old fart.
Yea UB, learn about plants and get with the program..:)
Now dbo, don't forget to mention that the $34 got you their Hickory Farms style rip-off gift box.. A box that doesn't seem to be built with necessary micro-nutes for hydro, Si imparticular..
Take a gander at their MSDS's, The grow formulation is soluble in methanol, and acetone, but only partially in cold water?? Either hydroponics has changed alot since I ditched that game, or you've been mislead by their 'Recipe for Success'..:)

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I thought that it was a little confusing too that Grow is 1-3-6 because N is important to growth but the plan instead is to use Boost 3-0-2 for N and Grow as additional.
Well, let me try to understand the wisdom of the conmen and the fools that fall for their wisdom - you're saying that a 4-3-8 is a good food for supporting foliage production?

It cost $34 shipped you cynical old fart.
Not too worry. Some day you too might be a cynical old fart. ;)

Enjoy your rocket fuels,


New Member
Now dbo, don't forget to mention that the $34 got you their Hickory Farms style rip-off gift box.. A box that doesn't seem to be built with necessary micro-nutes for hydro, Si imparticular..
Take a gander at their MSDS's, The grow formulation is soluble in methanol, and acetone, but only partially in cold water?? Either hydroponics has changed alot since I ditched that game, or you've been mislead by their 'Recipe for Success'..:)
Oh crazy, yea I donno if it comes with a box or not, but what should that matter. Pretty much anything soluble in water is more soluble in alcohol, so no surprise there.

I bought it on ebay, and when I checked the website for the ratios and info I noticed that it has a mixing sheet and a "gift box" which I don't think will be included in my ebay pack, but whatever man.
You have effectively succeeded at making me feel like a complete douche.


New Member
If these guys would only go down to Walmart and buy 2 boxes of foods they'd have better results.
Uncle Ben said:
Enjoy your rocket fuels,
The generic crystal fertilizer is way better than the tailored hydroponic fertilizer. I think I can spot the fool now. Oh m'gosh, he thinks he knows it all.

Oh and no they aren't organic, except for one of the Thrive Alives.


Well-Known Member
Good luck getting healthy vigorous plants with no silicon.. The dirt is loaded with it.. Water and your nutrients are not.. You're right, you can expect crappy results using typical salt formulations in hydroponics because they don't include a few things proper hydroponic designed mixes do.. Thing is, neither do yours.. That aspect will probably hurt your results worse than the hilarious NPK ratios..
Oh, and I don't want to start a science class about solvents, but the reason I pointed out that your nutrients are only partially soluble in water is because anything left undissolved in a resevoir can plug up your lines and torch your entire crop..
Word of advice, atleast switch your plans to a soil grow if you plan to use those products.. I thought you were going soil when I first posted here.. Besides, if you were previously unhappy with your soil results, why would you think jumping into a new, more difficult method of growing with insufficient nutrients, would improve things??


New Member
Good luck getting healthy vigorous plants with no silicon.. The dirt is loaded with it.. Water and your nutrients are not.. You're right, you can expect crappy results using typical salt formulations in hydroponics because they don't include a few things proper hydroponic designed mixes do.. Thing is, neither do yours.. That aspect will probably hurt your results worse than the hilarious NPK ratios..
Oh, and I don't want to start a science class about solvents, but the reason I pointed out that your nutrients are only partially soluble in water is because anything left undissolved in a resevoir can plug up your lines and torch your entire crop..
Word of advice, atleast switch your plans to a soil grow if you plan to use those products.. I thought you were going soil when I first posted here.. Besides, if you were previously unhappy with your soil results, why would you think jumping into a new, more difficult method of growing with insufficient nutrients, would improve things??

oh I'm not unsatisfied with the bud, it was other things involved, someone whacked 2 of my plants. hydro is easier and cleaner and I have no water pumps involved just a bubbler.
peace brah.