The 1000 Things To Do While Stoned Thread!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
86 Come up with a really cool plan that there is no way in hell you are ever going to do.

87 Post on this thread

88 Switch your grow to or from soil/hydro, sog/scrog, lst/supertopping, or if you did that, change your mind and do your own cool tricked out super neato idea.

89 Try to figure out what the hell you were thinking last time you did 88.

90 Build an even cooler homemade bong.


Well-Known Member
lets hope matt stafford makes the lions better

86. Get a blowjob
87. Workout (even though working out high kind of sucks)
88. Watch soccer
89. Watch the NBA playoffs (chris paul is a baller)
90. Smoke a huge blunt...dip it in codeine before (optional)


Well-Known Member
94. Create a new kind of food that will satisfy both hunger and lessen dry mouth. i.e. experiment with loads of sweets and make an amazing mess to eat.

95. Plant a plant that's not cannabis. Be it fruit or vegetable. i.e. tend to your outside garden.

96. Visit a relative/friend you have not seen in a long time.

97. Make someone smile.

98. Get rid of all the crap in your life that is bringing you down.

99. Buy something childish at the store.



Well-Known Member
105. Order 70$ worth of food at any drive-thru and then drive off.
106. Yell at people as you drive by them "C-c-cunt!!!"
107. find a naturistic place and appreciate your surroundings
108. Guitar Hero. Also the xbox 360 Visualizer is trippy.


Well-Known Member
I was worried this thread had died! Glad it didn't. I'll add some more:

109. Read/post to this thread.
110. Invent a sport.
111. Listen to music that isn't generally what you'd listen to normally
112. Write a letter to David Lynch, asking him what the FUCK he's smoking and if you can have some, too.


Well-Known Member
i can't believe this hasn't been said yet:

117) watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

now for other stuff:

118 ) call exes up and ask them why you broke up.
119) paint.
120) eat sushi.
121) get in bed naked with your significant other. works great when you are on shrooms, too.
122) take a shower.


Well-Known Member
123. pick your left nostril
124 pick your right nostril
125. clean the bong water out
126. clean pipes
127. smoke big o'l resin ball
128. ask yourself why you just smoked a big o'l resin ball
129. play with your balls
130 get that lump checked out
131. get topical ointment for bump
132.slap your grandma
133.weed nap
134.wake up ad make a sanwich/ microwave a burrito
135. yell at you plants until they start to grow faster
136. kill plants for insabordination. sp?


Well-Known Member
137. Watch 'The Whale That Exploded' on the Discovery Channel
138. Wonder when Shark Week is coming back.
139. Clean up around the house.


Well-Known Member
142. paint a picture with cheap poster paint and sell it for more than $40.
143. Build a house.
144. eat a magnum ice cream upside down.
145. Teach someone something.
146. Ask someone for directions to the moon and then argue about the best possible way to get there.
147. Kill, cook and eat an animal of the wild.


Well-Known Member
148. dig a hole
149. fill the hole with dried wood/ gasolina.
150. ignite.
151. enjoy


Well-Known Member
156. read all these damn things to do and still be bored.
157. smoke another joint


Well-Known Member
158. go to the gun store to plan for the oncoming zombie attack or apocalypse
159. talk to crazy homeless ppl about zombie attack or apocalypse (crazy cause they're homeless not cause they believe in zombie attack or apocalypse)
160. get on a train and see where it takes ya
161. think about your life on a new level.. or the same level if your constantly high like me.. realize how important yet trivial your everyday actions are..
162. visit RIU and post 158-162 things to do while stoned..
163. stare at ur plants until ur blinded by ur HID:eyesmoke:
164. Watch LOST from season 1! (or write a show like LOST, cause you know they're ripped):bigjoint:
165. Wonder if the Patriot Act means that the goverment can use ur RIU account in court..
166. Rip on ppl who think LEDS actually grow plants.. ;)

167. Watch this epic beard man video