HTB's lowryder 2 grow!


Active Member
yeah, ive got no idea about the ATF clones age either... i think 3 weeks sounds about right though... The cheese, and sour diesel clones have only been with me for a day now, so they are wilty because of how they were treated at the club i plan on bringing them right back to life. And i will be sure to allow the soil to dry between waterings... I lost 2 seedlings due to overwatering not too long ago, and i would hate for that to happen again..
Thanks for the comment BugOnAWire
Oh, I didn't realize you had just gotten those clones. On my side of the U.S. we can't just go to dispensary and pick up clones, unfortunately :-). Otherwise, very nice work, especially the lowryder.


Well-Known Member
ha, yeah man i know how it is over on the other side... im originally from VT. These laws out here are THE SHIT! And thanks, im shocked by how easily that lowryder grew. I definately reccomend it to any beginner. as for the clones i can already see growth, so in 4 weeks or so when the Lowryder is done ill switch them to flower.


Well-Known Member
So week 6 started today, dont you think that i should see some bud????? ME TOO and i DONT! i did some researchand found out that a lot of people have had this problem with the most recent batch of LR2. apparently they are defective and do not go in to flowering,they only show preflowers for refund purposes...there are no refunds for the seeds because they are sold as souvinears. now to grow... im pretty pissed because i dont know if my lr2 is gonna produce at all. im going to try putting it in dark for a day see if i can trick it in to flowering... Ill switch my lights down to 18/6, if i go any less light my clones will flower i dont want them to for another 2 weeks or so.

on a better note my clones are doing very well. still small but starting to grow some


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the whole "no buds" yet thing. I've read a bunch of journals which say that this strain is painfully slow to bud. Just make sure that your giving your ladies enough of the bloom nutes and enough lighting (i think you had a mix of cfls and 150w hps)(and of course the correct spectrum of cfls). While every advertisement I've read says that they are 60 days from seed, just about every journal I've seen has gone over that 60 day mark. Let the trichomes tell you when they are ready. With the size of those leaves on your lr2, it may have just needed to divert it's energy processing to support those giant fan leaves. It'll get to making the buds soon enough. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the whole "no buds" yet thing. I've read a bunch of journals which say that this strain is painfully slow to bud. Just make sure that your giving your ladies enough of the bloom nutes and enough lighting (i think you had a mix of cfls and 150w hps)(and of course the correct spectrum of cfls). While every advertisement I've read says that they are 60 days from seed, just about every journal I've seen has gone over that 60 day mark. Let the trichomes tell you when they are ready. With the size of those leaves on your lr2, it may have just needed to divert it's energy processing to support those giant fan leaves. It'll get to making the buds soon enough. Best of luck!
well i hope your right butters... your logic seems to make sense. . The only thing is that the preflowers showed almost 2 weeks ago... i dont know how long of a time there usually is between preflowers and budding. but i still feel like i should see some signs of bud.


Well-Known Member
There was almost a 4 week gap for me between showing pre flowers and showing buds on my lr2xBB, I wouldnt worry about it to much yet..


Well-Known Member
ok great, its good to hear from someone with first hand experience. and today i think i might have noticed a little bud starting. so hopefully it starts to bud soon!


Active Member
Thats definitely flowering like crazy. Mine have had preflowers for at least 5 days, with none new developing. The early pistils have darkened though. Im assuming these things will explode into flower pretty soon...


Well-Known Member
i wish mine looked like that! i dunno whats going on... what light cycle did u use? nutes? i got my seeds from attitude seed bank. ive heard of some other people having trouble with their lowryders. i guess some are F'ed up


Well-Known Member
i wish mine looked like that! i dunno whats going on... what light cycle did u use? nutes? i got my seeds from attitude seed bank. ive heard of some other people having trouble with their lowryders. i guess some are F'ed up

seeds from attidude
half strength big bloom every other watering
I put those cfl's right fuckin on em too. ive gotten a couple burnt leaves but bfd.


Well-Known Member
My Lowryder 2 has been growing for over three months with no buds!!!

It's in the plant problems section if you want to take a look


Well-Known Member
well, i used a 20/4 schedule. which is maybe what could have caused it??? anybody out there have problems on the 18/6 schedule? i also have not been using nutes. I plan to start tomorrow with the fox farm trio. i also have some burnt leaves from my cfl's... And now the top of the plant is so close to the hps there is only like an inch between the newest nodes.
and thanks anne H ill check it out now...


Active Member
well, i used a 20/4 schedule. which is maybe what could have caused it??? anybody out there have problems on the 18/6 schedule? i also have not been using nutes. I plan to start tomorrow with the fox farm trio. i also have some burnt leaves from my cfl's... And now the top of the plant is so close to the hps there is only like an inch between the newest nodes.
and thanks anne H ill check it out now...

Move the HPS up! and 20/4 is fine, but I think 18/6 is optimal. Careful starting the nutes, dont start them off full strength. maybe quarter strength the first 2, then half.


Well-Known Member
So i just gave the girls their first taste of FOX farm nutrients, i used 1/2 strength. for the lr2 i added 1/2 TBSP(tablespoon) of Big Bloom, as well as 1 tsp(teaspoon) of tiger bloom. For all of the clones i did 1 tsp grow big, and 1 TBSP big bloom. i hope it wasnt too much. the l;owryder 2 still is not showing signs of flowering, hopefully the bloom nutes will kick her in to gear. if i dont see anything start to happen in a couple of days im gonna put her in the dark for 24 hours, and then remove her from the room so that she only gets 12 hours of light a day.


Well-Known Member
good news!: SO yeaterday my girlfriend surprised me with a new clone... She is a "91 chemdawg"

BAd news... Lowryder 2 still isnt flowering i put her in the dark for 24 hours the other day, and im feeding her fox farm tiger bloom, and big bloom. Im really hoping that she starts to flower, if not ill just keep vegging her until i want to flower my clones.