Great White Shark/Gigabud/Haze#1. Dresser GROW 21 days FLOWERING


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone thanks for stopping by the journal also. The Giga is accutally mostly indica only a small percentage sativa must have a sativa pheno. The shark is getting whiter by the day I'm just loving her. Also I'm really glad the haze is nice and bendy cause LST is so much easier I'm gonna be able to pull it off in the cab. I'm twisiting her up real good.



Well-Known Member
I love the 3rd pic to the right, makes gws look insane I went back after u mentioned the white on it. Killa im not trying to change/steal thread but I got some pics to show you! I know I sound like a kid in a candy store but im damn excited and need youre opinion. Besides that, Killa do you think I should just leave the lst? While back I bent one stem (wasnt to thicK) half way , you could see the guts of the stem, just a little tear..that was 3 weeks ago to so im assuming it would of snapped by now? Some of the Lst has a little tear in, I hope im not fuckingit up. If LST is suppose to help create less space and better light penetration while the plant is growing, do you think it would ever snap in half since it will "double or triple" during flowering? Hope that made sense I just woke up. Sorry for changing subjects bro. I still love you and ur plants.


Well-Known Member
GreenFire wut it is? thought i check ur thread out..ur bout 10 days ahead of me in 12 12. im on day 18, i think todays the 2nd. Lookn good bro. i just finally got a bunch of cfls and Y splitters, make an attempt at using somethin new. 2x2x8 tiny veg closet. ive just got 2 clones i did myself in there (proud of myself, first clones ive had take ) usin 6 26 w cfls...think that be cool for two mothers? since ur the cfl expert and all thought id ask. well lookn tighty w. ur stealth cfl grow hit me up man


Well-Known Member
Your shark is beautiful Greenfire...glad to see all those nice flowers forming. I will stay posted for sure :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the love and support.

Intution, if the stem didn't break more than half way through she should be able to heal herself. And if the shoot is still growing with the injury you should be fine. Leave the LST till about mid way through flower. You want your stems to be nice and hard that way they can support your plants buds throught the twists and bends. Letting them go to early can make them want to strecth back straight.

Tilemaster, your CFL set up should be perfect for two mother plants. 4 26w or 2 42w will be enough for one plant each. Using cfls for seedlings and clones can be ALOT easier than HID.

Blueberry1 thanks for the support I can't wait to see what she will look like in the weeks to come. I'm hoping for a nice big white cola.

Motoracer1 also thanks for the support and thanks for stopping in to check out the journal. Stay tuned more white to come in the next couple days. I should be updating pics tonight maybe tommorrow at the latest.



Well-Known Member
Thanks all for the love and support.

Intution, if the stem didn't break more than half way through she should be able to heal herself. And if the shoot is still growing with the injury you should be fine. Leave the LST till about mid way through flower. You want your stems to be nice and hard that way they can support your plants buds throught the twists and bends. Letting them go to early can make them want to strecth back straight.
Thanks buddy ill leave it till bout day 30. I figure it would just keep getting strong cos her stems are getting THICK. I just posted a new link since it started blowing up. Only one pic but it kinda says it all..hope it goes well. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping in EXO I would love to smoke a blunt right now but since I quite smoking cigs blunts are fucking KILLING my throat I'll take a grav rip though lol I sounds like pussy right now but foreal it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard to smoke weed right now. Last time I quit I went through the same thing I could barely smoke for a couple days about a week and half into quiting. It makes me wanna pick the cigs back up but............. I'm not gonna. Intution your ladies stems will do nothing but get WAY thicker in the days to come.



Well-Known Member

Aight guys here are the pics. Lots of pics of the GWS its getting nice and white on me you can see in the pics the trichs sticking off the leaves. Hope you like.




Well-Known Member
Looking great GFK.
That GWS looks the goods. Great resin production already.
I'm glad i have one of them in my seed collection.
Even the Gigs is looking good which is surprising for a G13 Labs strain :lol:

It's not the first time I've seen a GHSC haze take it's time flowering.
They can be really slow at getting started and I've also seen some mutants that never really bud at all.
I think GHSC can produce some real shit sativas sometimes.
If it doesn't take off over the next few weeks I'd kick it to the curb and make more room for the other two.


Well-Known Member

Aight guys here are the pics. Lots of pics of the GWS its getting nice and white on me you can see in the pics the trichs sticking off the leaves. Hope you like.

Wow day 32 looks dellllicious. Keep it up with the pics i usually get a stiffie. Thanks again for the LST advice, about half way ill "cut the cords" on her lol and see what happens. I put a new link in my profile, that will be the flowering one. Good shit man cant wait for some more pics.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all.

The giga is looking good the breeder info is wrong though on 5-6 weeks. I don't think you could accomplish that even with an HID. Have you seen the new Pinnapple Express strain G-13 has come out with? They say its an older strain but it has things from the movie on it so I don't believe it. Kinda wanna try it just cause I LOVE THE MOVIE!!!!!! I think the haze is just starting to really bud for me. I still have 3 fem haze seeds left so if this one is a dud I'll still have 3 more trys. Next haze seed though will be topped very very early on and LST'd much like your bushes Mammath. I'll have more pics on thursday night that will be day 35 for the GWS and Giga. As the pics say for the Haze I don't know what day she is on for flowering kinda stopped caring a while ago about that for her lol. I know sounds bad but she is just taking so freaking long lol.



Well-Known Member
Thanks all.

The giga is looking good the breeder info is wrong though on 5-6 weeks. I don't think you could accomplish that even with an HID. Have you seen the new Pinnapple Express strain G-13 has come out with? They say its an older strain but it has things from the movie on it so I don't believe it. Kinda wanna try it just cause I LOVE THE MOVIE!!!!!! I think the haze is just starting to really bud for me. I still have 3 fem haze seeds left so if this one is a dud I'll still have 3 more trys. Next haze seed though will be topped very very early on and LST'd much like your bushes Mammath. I'll have more pics on thursday night that will be day 35 for the GWS and Giga. As the pics say for the Haze I don't know what day she is on for flowering kinda stopped caring a while ago about that for her lol. I know sounds bad but she is just taking so freaking long lol.

hahah hey green,

I was just talking about National Lampoon WallyWorld w/ someone else on RIU. God its fun to come on here and just smoke and talk to people you will never meet....which sucks because it would be cool to have a RIU Convention or something....haha

I want that Pineapple Express..where do u get it????? Can't wait to see results of the giga.


Well-Known Member
The attitude seed bank carries them. They are under G-13 labs. Most of the time (so I have heard) G-13 REALLY REALLY SUCKS they have really bad genetics. This is the first G-13 strain I've ever done. So far I have to say the GWS is totally killing it. The giga started flowering first and the GWS has already surpassed it in total buds. The Pineapple Express looks fairly decent I just don't wanna waste 50 bucks on seeds that I am not gonna grow ya know. But here is the link great website I LOVE TO ORDER FROM THEM. It would be nice to have a RIU convention and meet some of the greats on this website. I would LOVE to meet Bay Area Medical his grows just make my jaw drop I mean foreal.



Well-Known Member
Yea I just seen that now, had to google it. Looks really freakin good but I never care for the name man as long as "weed" is involved, unless its regular. Gross. They'll never take me back!! You should get some and see what kind of shit you get out of it. That be interesting to watch.


Well-Known Member
Thanks growman, I'm updating pics tonight when I get off work. Tonight will be day 35 the end of the 5th week flowering. I'm hoping for the giga to hurry up in the next two weeks so I can chop her and make more room the the haze and the gws.
