Obama Deception


Well-Known Member
The Obama Deception


Seriously give this a watch guys.

It's one of the most watched videos on google.video

The country is heading in the wrong direction and i'm trying to spread the word.


Talk about a poorly executed try at discrediting Obama. You must be one of those tinfoil hat conspirators. Good luck with this one. I'm sure you'll attract the usual suspects, the far right loonies. You guys need some real psychoanalysis.
Talk about a poorly executed try at discrediting Obama. You must be one of those tinfoil hat conspirators. Good luck with this one. I'm sure you'll attract the usual suspects, the far right loonies. You guys need some real psychoanalysis.

+1 Lets blame the new guy for all the crap left behind from the previous one. Ridiculous.
+1 Lets blame the new guy for all the crap left behind from the previous one. Ridiculous.

The last guy was horrible too. and clinton b4 that... its slowing building up people. and screw u liberal guys... enjoy this communist state were coming too
The last guy was horrible too. and clinton b4 that... its slowing building up people. and screw u liberal guys... enjoy this communist state were coming too
Dear Gordon, You righty losers are so far out of touch that I barely listen to your quacking anymore. Scare tactics are your sides forte,,It's either terrorists or commies or liberals, or blacks, mexicans or anything to stir the shit. Listen, I had to put up with that psycho Bush for 8 fucking years, Now it's your turn. Can't say I feel ya, at least our guy has brains, and BTW,. he's turning the economy around after 8 nightmarish years of Bush economics. Hang in there Gordon, I'm sure you'll have plenty to bitch about. Geeze, the working class may get a better shake, how terrible, EH?
med,... u said yesterday that u want to spread the wealth. r u INSANE. Quit throwing Bush in my face dude. IM NOT A REPUBLICAN ! But i do know the bigger the gov.. the worse it gets... HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF and we (america) are heading down the same road of the "empires" that have fallen.
med,... u said yesterday that u want to spread the wealth. r u INSANE. Quit throwing Bush in my face dude. IM NOT A REPUBLICAN ! But i do know the bigger the gov.. the worse it gets... HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF and we (america) are heading down the same road of the "empires" that have fallen.
And lets blame it on Obama. It couldn't be our foriegn policy that for decades have bankrupted our economy and made 90% of the world hate us, It couldn't be the fact that we spend more on our military than the whole rest of the world combined. Yeah we are heading down that path to ruin, but you can't honestly blame the guy that has just taken over the insanity ward for the mass insanity now can you? Obama may actually be our only hope to end this insane paranoia that fuels the military/industrial complex. We actually have enough "firepower" to wipe out every living being on planet earth 1,000 times over, and we are afraid of some bearded thugs from the islamic world, insanity personified. We need to figure out how to get along with the rest of the world, not how to annihilate it, we already know how to do that.
med,... u said yesterday that u want to spread the wealth. r u INSANE. Quit throwing Bush in my face dude. IM NOT A REPUBLICAN ! But i do know the bigger the gov.. the worse it gets... HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF and we (america) are heading down the same road of the "empires" that have fallen.

+ REP (I knew there was a post floating around that I'd want to give you rep for)
READ HISTORY. (not that high school bullshit)

thats all you can say man.
every empire that fell.. they're gov't got too big.

the material is everywhere people. you just have to quit being stubborn.

And lets blame it on Obama. It couldn't be our foriegn policy that for decades have bankrupted our economy and made 90% of the world hate us, It couldn't be the fact that we spend more on our military than the whole rest of the world combined. Yeah we are heading down that path to ruin, but you can't honestly blame the guy that has just taken over the insanity ward for the mass insanity now can you? Obama may actually be our only hope to end this insane paranoia that fuels the military/industrial complex. We actually have enough "firepower" to wipe out every living being on planet earth 1,000 times over, and we are afraid of some bearded thugs from the islamic world, insanity personified. We need to figure out how to get along with the rest of the world, not how to annihilate it, we already know how to do that.

I agree with the foreign policy. the 9/11 bull shit fucked everything up. and it wasn't awesome before. Obama isn't going to make our military smaller.. he's going to make it bigger. the war in the middle east is bigger than ever.

We need to support Ron Paul's bill to audit the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve is the #1 thing that has fucked up America('s economy). Thank you wildrow wilson.
Dear Gordon, You righty losers are so far out of touch that I barely listen to your quacking anymore. Scare tactics are your sides forte,,It's either terrorists or commies or liberals, or blacks, mexicans or anything to stir the shit. Listen, I had to put up with that psycho Bush for 8 fucking years, Now it's your turn. Can't say I feel ya, at least our guy has brains, and BTW,. he's turning the economy around after 8 nightmarish years of Bush economics. Hang in there Gordon, I'm sure you'll have plenty to bitch about. Geeze, the working class may get a better shake, how terrible, EH?
Obama has not turned shit around. All these trillions of dollars are going to come back to shit on our head, its only a matter of time. He has succeeded in propping up our fake economy with trillions in tax payers money for a short while, but it cannot last. The national debt, trade defecit and budget defecit are our major problems, and they are not getting any better. Its only a matter of time before China stops taking our worthless IOUs, and then we are royally fucked.
Obama has not turned shit around. All these trillions of dollars are going to come back to shit on our head, its only a matter of time. He has succeeded in propping up our fake economy with trillions in tax payers money for a short while, but it cannot last. The national debt, trade defecit and budget defecit are our major problems, and they are not getting any better. Its only a matter of time before China stops taking our worthless IOUs, and then we are royally fucked.
Ever heard of the term nationalize. Fuck china, nationalize their debt and tell them to fuck off. If they want to continue selling their crap in the USA they'll roll over, If not, ever heard of mutually assured destruction, Or MAD, taking us on militarily would take out their country as well. We've fucked over every country on the planet except China, wanna know why not China, Well besides their plenty big and well armed military, Most of the corporations owned in china have a large american interest in them, like maybe even as much as 51%. The big boys don't want anyone fucking with their China toys.
The Obama Deception was a interesting movie, but it's far from a true documentary. Their facts are not even facts, their evidence is circumstantial at best. Republicans will blame Obama and Democrats blame Bush, Problem is all our presidents serve Wall Street and Big Businesses and as long as we elect leaders who serve them America will be in a shit hole.
Obama is Carter/Bush I/Clinton/Bush II on steroids.

I was watching the Barret-Jackson classic car auction on TV this past weekend. While watching wealthy people buying these great cars, some of which exceeded $500,000, I couldn't help wondering what these wealthy folks know that the average Joe doesn't know. Then it hit me ... they are preparing for the coming massive devaluing of the dollar. These cars are a great hedge against inflation.

Get ready for ten-dollar loafs of bread guys.

Obama is Carter/Bush I/Clinton/Bush II on steroids.

I was watching the Barret-Jackson classic car auction on TV this past weekend. While watching wealthy people buying these great cars, some of which exceeded $500,000, I couldn't help wondering what these wealthy folks know that the average Joe doesn't know. Then it hit me ... they are preparing for the coming massive devaluing of the dollar. These cars are a great hedge against inflation.

These millionaire car buyers are just living their dream. Like Jay Leno, I'd probably squander my millions on cars, (If I had millions) I'd buy a large property with a huge barn and fill it with my dream cars, Put in a dragstrip and invite other millionaires to come and race my cars, Oh, then I woke up. With billions living on 2 bucks a day or less, maybe I could fund a food bank or some kind of millionaire co-op, where they invest in property to grow food for the poor. Sounds good, but the truth is, I'd probably own a lot of hot cars, Just grow food on the property surrounding my Barn.

Get ready for ten-dollar loafs of bread guys. Obamas fault, no doubt, eh vi?
all everybody has been doin is tryin to find something wrong wit obama,thats it,obama is doin wat he can,i got faith in the man,u cant expect everything to happen right away.we've had 8 years with a dumbass,give the new nigga a chance lol
all everybody has been doin is tryin to find something wrong wit obama,thats it,obama is doin wat he can,i got faith in the man,u cant expect everything to happen right away.we've had 8 years with a dumbass,give the new nigga a chance lol

so you support his bail out ? do you support carbon tax?
ok lets be honest guys, run off basic knowledge of our forefathers to begin with, why are we americans? because of oppresive governments, such that their reach was tooooo big over the ppl, and once we rebelled and went to the west now known as america we had to completely reject britain and which caused revolutionary war, once we ESTABLISHED ourselves as an independant country, our forfathers knew that someday we'd have to revolt again, once our own government became to controlling, for one instance yea clinton, and bush did massive damage to our economic stablity but the point is not our president its our government, obama spoke of change, yet in 100 days i seen none yet, all his FRESH politics, haha went out the window and he resumed bush's seat, his increasing grip on firearms is rediculous, and he HAS been caught lying (well his cabinet at least, which IS a direct reflection of him) in mexico there have been massive amounts of violent out break involving guns, which the us determined 95% of the guns are traced back to the us, and thats why they're tightening the reigns which is bullshit, by illegalizing weed we opened that market to mexico with a government most crooked, mexico is the closest easiest way, but when statistics came out, it turned out that out of ALLLLL the guns only 17% of THOSEwere traceable and about 80% of the 17% which was all together 13% of allllll guns were from america im just sayin, i dont like obama, no, i dont like how he's using the federal government to challenge inner state business. like a giant organized crime threatening force for coersion. anyone else remember the completely legal and just picketing in dc and the military opened FIRE on ww1 or ww2 (that part i cant remember) vets? its rediculous, the government has tooooo much power and needs to be put back in check