My first grow. Rubbermaids CFL


Well-Known Member
that LST looks great bud watch those side branches shoot for the sky now!
That's what I'm looking forward to. I think these two are going to turn out amazing for me. Thanks for the comment DW!

looks great! keep up the great work. wish i could germ seed as good as you :(
Thanks alot Neef. This is my first grow, so I'm proof that anyone can grow plants from seed using CFLs. Just give it a shot and show them plenty of attention and you cant go wrong man!


Well-Known Member
I agree man. They're so efficient for this type of grow and they are easy to manage as well as affordable. I'd say it is the way to go.:peace:
Yeah... my whole grow is cfl as well.. i like how you can get a whole bunch of cfls really close to the plants cause they arent as hot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah... my whole grow is cfl as well.. i like how you can get a whole bunch of cfls really close to the plants cause they arent as hot.
That's a good point. It's easier to get the lights exactly where they need to be because theres no risk of burning.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about going to the local hardware stores around my town to see if I can't find some chicken wire fences for my SCROG screen. I probably wont end up buying anything, just because I have no idea how to SCROG. If I get enough feedback on it, I'll consider.


Well-Known Member
nice little grow you got going on here. i skimmed the thread, but got the gist of it.

trial and error my friend, its the name of the game. for every plant that dies, you can grow another thats gonna be bigger, better, and more potent.

your lst looks great.

as for a scrog, i havent used that technique, but ive really only seen it used on larger grows. where the buds will weigh down the plants. in your case i think they will stand up just fine. but keep asking questions!

if i may make a suggestions, id look into some better potting soil. at least for your seeds. it may have been way they came around so slow at the start. there are small bags of soil out there just for seeding and cuttings. its a thinner mixture of peat, better for rooting. also those little seedlings only need water once the top soil is dry. its very common for new growers to over work, and over water, the little plants. let nature and your cab do most of the work. just sick back and watch em grow!

welcome and you will soon find this is one awesome hobby! put love into your plants and they will love you back!


Well-Known Member
nice little grow you got going on here. i skimmed the thread, but got the gist of it.

trial and error my friend, its the name of the game. for every plant that dies, you can grow another thats gonna be bigger, better, and more potent.

your lst looks great.

as for a scrog, i havent used that technique, but ive really only seen it used on larger grows. where the buds will weigh down the plants. in your case i think they will stand up just fine. but keep asking questions!

if i may make a suggestions, id look into some better potting soil. at least for your seeds. it may have been way they came around so slow at the start. there are small bags of soil out there just for seeding and cuttings. its a thinner mixture of peat, better for rooting. also those little seedlings only need water once the top soil is dry. its very common for new growers to over work, and over water, the little plants. let nature and your cab do most of the work. just sick back and watch em grow!

welcome and you will soon find this is one awesome hobby! put love into your plants and they will love you back!
Thanks for stopping my SS! I definitely understand why everyone says the first grow is always the most difficult. I lost two plants before I realized I was killing them. Haha.

I'm still wrestling around with the SCROG idea. Every succuss story I see about makes me want to do it more, but that feelings is followed shortly after by the realization that I have no idea how.

I'll definitely keep that tip on soil in mind for the next time. I plan on this becoming a perpetual grow eventually, so I dont know how many mroe I'll be starting from seed. Most likely going to start a clone box.

I have already fallen in love with this hobbie. There's so much to be learned, and with so many great teachers here on RIU, how could I not take the oppurtunity to learn from them.

Thanks again for stopping by man!


Well-Known Member
So. Just to give you guys a good idea of how fast these little beauties are growing I took another picture from the same angle to compare from yesterday to today. I have to admit, I was even shocked.

Here's the shot from yesterday:

And here's the same photo one day later:

This Thai plant has started reaching back up for that sun. I, however, had to ruin his trip back to the top by tying him down again. Here's some pictures of the tie I made today. It started her around the pot. Looks to me like it worked out well. Let me know if you see anything differently.

I felt bad giving all the love to my Thai plant, so I snapped a good shot of the Sour Diesel just so she didn't feel left out. Here she is!

I want to start LST on this one, but I think I may have left a little bit too much empty space at the top, so she's going to have to grow up a little more before I can get a good bend in using the strings I have been. As far as I can see though, she looks healthy as can be.

I'm going to start nutes pretty soon here. Probably the next watering. I'm using Alaska Fish Emulsion and a few drops of Superthrive, both at 1/4 strength, then moving up from there. Those are the only two nutes I'll be using during veg. For flower I got some bloom burst.

As for my recent references to "she" and "her" - I think a positive attitude helps to get these little one to want to get fucked. Haha. Sorry about the language.

Anyways. Thanks for stopping by ya'll. Have a good evening!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking about topping my Thai plant tonight before the lights turn off. I found a link that dopewear put another thread. It really layed the LST, Topping, and Pruning out nicely. That was a good link. It inspired me to want to top my plants. I'm going to top the Thai now, but wait until the Sour Diesel gets another couple of nodes.


Well-Known Member
I want to top it. But I'm so scared that it's going to kill/stress my plant. I'm thinking now maybe I'll wait for another few nodes on both before I top it. AAAAH. I dunno haha. I'm too damn indecisive.


Well-Known Member
DAMNIT BUD! top them it will not hurt them at all if you follow the guide in that thread you will not regret it!


Well-Known Member
DW I'm going to top my plant right now. I'm going to snap a couple pictures and see what you think about it. Ill return shortly.


Well-Known Member
So. I took a before and after picture so you can see what was taken off. Everything look okay?

Unfortunately, I already disposed of the top of my plant, or I would have experimented with the top as a clone.:-?
DW got me so pumped to top it I rushed right to my plants and did it.

Anyhow, here's the pictures..

