Reflector Question


Active Member
Ok so I had to rig a Super cheapo reflector out of one of those lasagna aluminum throw away baking pans cause I am out of $ for now.

It is set up with a 250W HPS. My question is, would the shiny aluminum be best or should I spray paint the inside of it flat white?

And would the white paint stand up to the heat of the 250 W bulb being right up against it?


Well-Known Member
Yea man it should work! I made a reflector for cfl's out of biscuit tins and it worked great!
It should work. If you paint it, I recommend one that's an elastomeric type paint. There's a lot of paint out there that can withstand heat. Elastomeric type paint can withstand a pretty good amount of heat, since it is mostly used for roofs.


Well-Known Member
Good advice nightstalker! i would have just got the cheapest flat white i could if i was doing it now i kno better+rep


Active Member
Nope, not even close.
If you actually take the time to research aluminum foil products, you will quickly learn about its true reflectivity. Aluminum foil is a great reflective surface, and has a better overall lifespan than spray paint (especially when applied to a metal surface). Though it is true that aluminum foil is also great at reflecting infrared radiation (heat), meaning that your grow room will, on average, have a higher temperature. I would recommend sticking with the baking pan for the time being, until you are able to purchase a reflector.
