my neighbors are ghey....

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Mr I Can Do That For Half
wow wish people would read a thread before posting. He explained quit clearly how an outdoor crop can pollinate his indoor crop so those who keep asking read. Dirty mexicans are the illegal ones direct from Mexico illegally. I live where its about 70% mexican now with a 90% illegal. I have mexican friends who are legal and they feel the same way. There is a process to be a legal citizen and get into the country and pay your taxes. Some are saying how bad it is to talk about them as they want a better life and thats all well then bcome a registered citizen, pay taxes and follow the rules. See if it worked thier way then why would they leave mexico? It doesnt work so you have to do it the US way like it or not it works. No americans sneaking into live in mexico then taking bthier paso to smuggle 8 more relatives in to live in a 2 bedroom house. It got so bad here the illegals would put bunk beds in the garage and live 12-20 deep in 2 bedroom houses. A law had to be pased just for saftey that no more then 2 people per bedroom in a house so 3 room means 6 people. Sucks but alot of illegal cats from mexico just don't give a fuck and if you go to mexico you see they want to make it the same way it was there. Lower class mexican citizens bring that lifestyle with them. No grass, yard is torn up, dozen people in an apartment. Its not clean or safe but then you have responsible cats from mexico who want to be aprt of america and give back to her what she can give to them and thats how it should be .I know the kind of cats he is refering to and he is right there are also dirty crackers and filthy asians so don't start crying its a race thing. How do they get a house someone asked? easy they usually have 1 or 2 legals that buy the properties then they move a family or 3 in to pay the morgage.All the extra money is sent back to mexicos economy or to smuggle more family in. Now on the meth tip thats just fucked up and I wouldnt call the police or tolerate it either as meth labs make huge explosions and the vapors will melt your lungs so its unsafe and if I had a kid too like he does it would be over. Me Im the guy who would knock on the door braod daylight and give 1 warning. I know your making method and thats not gonna happen herfe. You got 1 week to get the fuck out or life is gonna become real rogh for you. Im not gonna play and Im not making a threat get the shit out of here and there won't be a problem. If I see hear or think your still making method or dealing from the house I can't guarantee a lab accident. Then if they make threats you punch the biggest one in his throat as hard as you can collapse his wind pipe and ask one last time nicely. After that if the lab explodes and burns thier house down what are you gonna do shit happens..said while flicking his zippo. Its not a race issue its a class and non american issue as if they are illegal they have no US rights.
maybe some of us understand that certain cultural attributes can lead to the fall of a society, whether in part or as a whole.

and who said that i have to like everybody?!

why should i preach tolerence? honestly? so we can further ignore the real problems with our countries. everything about the world is fucked up, from the people that REALLY run it, to the ideals THEY hold true. fuck tolerence.

xenophobia - a dislike and/or fear of that which is different from ones self....

thats PURE double think right dislike my idea's cuz theyre different from yours, dont you?

now go google doublethink and think about how it runs your daily life and ideals....


Well-Known Member
Any luck finding a filter Freedom? Ignore those that don't help you. You are fully entitled to your opinion. You can always look on the bright side of things. Now you have more seeds for future grows! I wish you the best of luck man.
I vote we give Texas to Mexico, so big mike and the rest of the rednecks with stupid, predictable redneck names like "big mike" can all get a little bit more comfy with their future language.




Well-Known Member
I say call NSA and DEA with an anonymous tip. That is, if your goonies can't fix the problem first. ; )

Calling DEA on someone may seem hypocritical, but do you really want someone cooking meth next
door? Think if the attention that attracts, or the danger of a fire or explosion. Plus the seeded crop
would piss me off enough to spray their whole yard with herbicide. Dirty mexicans are going to ruin
our country, and no one has the balls to admit it.


Well-Known Member
why should i preach tolerence? honestly? so we can further ignore the real problems with our countries. everything about the world is fucked up, from the people that REALLY run it, to the ideals THEY hold true. fuck tolerence.
You don't have to preach tolerance, but why do you feel like you have to preach anger? Why can't you just not preach?
You are smart enough to see that their are problems, but you are blaming the first thing you set your sights on. The average Mexican worker doesn't have time for the big picture: he has time for his family, just like you.
Maybe it's the folks who do have the big picture in their sights that we should be assigning the blame to.

And stop trying to allude to some deep mysterious wisdom that you have. Either bring it to the table or you don't fucking have it, and all the "I understand more than you could ever know" in the world doesn't change that.

now go google doublethink and think about how it runs your daily life and ideals....
You are bitching about doublethink. What do you call breaking the law while talking about these Mexicans breaking less severe laws? You are growing a fucking plant so you can get high, they are trying to escape from their dirt poor country.
I mean...did you even google doublethink?

I'm not talking about Meth, that's dirty, but you aren't just talking about Meth either.

Edit: I just hate the internet, I think.


Well-Known Member
Sorry. I apologize for that. You guys make me sick. This kind of discussion is unhealthy, right from the beginning. Wow, this society is fucked.

We are some pretty pissed people. I'm sitting here, heart pumping, in an empty room staring at a piece of plastic with words on it. Damn.
I mean...we actually have abbreviations for things like "gtfo" and "stfu"


Well-Known Member
wow man sorry to hear bout the situation. sad thing is being in cali your state wont do a damn thing bout them. i think its time to start taking back this country from the illegals. go over and burn their house down, the cops will see it as a meth fire lol.
you dislike my idea's cuz theyre different from yours, dont you?
Well, first I wouldn't really call them "ideas", but no, my criticism is based on the fact that humans cannot survive on this planet if yours is the prevailing attitude.

But, like I said, your feelings are perfectly normal. I'm sure a lot of Romans felt the same way in the last days.
had a crash but just edited my post above with rest that got cut off

dude, fletch.... i totally agree with you. i used to live in these apartments a couple years ago, that were like lil mexico.

fucked up cars everywhere, parking in two spaces. hella dirty, beer containers and boxes everywhere. they actually had signs on the dumpsters that said "no furniture or clothing" one day two of my buddies came over wearin' red, the next day, there was a brick wrapped up in a burnt red rag (bandana for you dipshits that dont have to deal with the lower class) thrown thru my back window with "nk" "norte killers" , etc. written on it. keep in mind my friends just had red shirts on (round table pizza shirts).....

me, fletch, & bigmike come from these places that are bein' "raped and pillaged" by illegals. you CANT get a job where i live, cuz an illegal will take twice as much shit as i while.

so because i, the legal, rights having citizen, am potentially willing to stand up for myself in the workplace, i dont get the job....because the hiring staff KNOWS they can bully the illegal.

sux for both of us.


Active Member
YOU got goons you good lol no really its messed up i would be that dude that goes and knocks on hes door and punch him in the face then tell him what happen thats my time and money put in to my girls i will NOT let any one fu*k it up good luck bro hope it works out for you.


Active Member
YOU got goons you good lol no really its messed up i would be that dude that goes and knocks on hes door and punch him in the face then tell him what happen thats my time and money put in to my girls i will NOT let any one fu*k it up good luck bro hope it works out for you.


get some round up and spray it IT KILLS EVERY THING and you will have no more prob from next door plants.....
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