what liguid could u use to filter out the most carsenegins before u inhale??it there a such liguid? would could u use to make it healerier to inhale?
what liguid LIQUID could u YOU use to filter out the most carsenegins CARCINOGENS before u YOU inhale??SPACE PLEASE it IS? there a such liguid? would WHAT? could u use to make it healerier HEALTHIER to inhale?
well i was looking more along the lines of something that could mabey maybe filter some of the tar and other stuff that our lungs might not like ....mabey a non flamable FLAMMABLE alchol ALCOHOL lol??LOL??????
You've gotta be fistfucking me man, how old are you, 12? Learn to fucking spell. Shit, get google chrome or firefox, they have built in spellcheck that checks while you write. Please rephrase your question in something that's at least properly spelled. Then I MIGHT get back to you.
Spell check isn't difficult to use. And if English isn't his first language he could use google languages or something. The internet makes writing properly fairly easy nowadays.Wow calm down.... English might not be his first language or he may be fried!!
Stupid...Just use a heat gun to light up your next bong! Same principal as a vaporizer, much healthier! Water is the best! But give vodka/ Scotch/whisky a go!
If you read the same article I did then it also says that using high-potency weed is actually healthier for you then weed with lower THC%.I just posted that if you put it through water you end with a higher tar to THC ratio.... but you keep insisting without researching... nothing more I can do...
If you read the same article I did then it also says that using high-potency weed is actually healthier for you then weed with lower THC%.
Oh, I didn't say that because I thought it was bullshit, I just thought it was cool.cause you smoke less, that's science at a super-basic level.