First CFL grow


Active Member
I want to veg these plants till they hit 3ft...what would be a recomended pot size to transplant in from cups? and at when should i transplant?


Well-Known Member
grow is lookin really good man. transplant as soon as you see roots coming out your drain holes. For a CFL grow you're not going to want to veg to 3 ft or you'll end up with a 9' plant by flowering and there is no way to cover that in CFLs. Depending on how many lights you want to purchase I'de recomend 1 gallon pots and flowering at 5 nodes (6-12"). With CFLs you need the lights REALLY close and you want alot of them. I'm getting great bud with CFLs but i'm running 8x23w + 3x68w and still have to keep my plants around 3 ft tops to get propper light coverage. I'm flowering my first LSTed plant right now but it looks like it will yield quite nicely and it's pretty easy to do - when your plants are alittle bigger just bend em over 90 degrees and secure in a manner that doesn't restrict growth (i use industrial twist ties). This way you can veg alot longer without haveing tall plants you cant cover in light.

Keep it up!


Active Member
thanks for the advice man, i want to keep my light setup for awhile (1X300w, 1X150W, 1X130W). Im gonna add another 300W at some point, but its good to know when.


Well-Known Member
I think he is putting what they equal in incandescent. haven't seen a 300w CFL yet so he's prolly talking about a 68w...


Active Member
yea its a 300W equivalent, but really 68... i just added 2 100w equiv daylight 6500k today making it 4 cfls. I have the two up top and 2 on the side. Im also transplanting today because there are roots coming through the bottom of my cups..
Ill have pics up soon


Active Member
if yall are wondering why the plant in the far right is smaller, i believe it is due to over watering... there was'nt enough drainage


Well-Known Member
Ya for those four plants you'll probably need at least 1 43 watt a piece at the beginning (6500k), I used 4 43w's, 4 26w's, 1 46w and 2 24" T8 Warm white's on 1 female, She's bushier than a dutch pussy though


Active Member
Ya for those four plants you'll probably need at least 1 43 watt a piece at the beginning (6500k), I used 4 43w's, 4 26w's, 1 46w and 2 24" T8 Warm white's on 1 female, She's bushier than a dutch pussy though
how big of a space are you using? The space I am using is very small closed off corner in my basement. I am gonna add another light or 2 some where along the way.


Well-Known Member
My grow space is 2.96 square feet, I'm probably a little anal about the lights but i wanna be sure my plant doesn't grow some balls, (length x width divided by 144)


Active Member
anyone have advice on sexing early? I've been thinking of doing it to root out the males, but i wanna do it right.


Active Member
i think i will stop vegging at day 30, I have 8 more days to go. i will have pictures up soon. The plants show no signs of stretching and the nodes are growing out shoots pretty fast, making the plan lookk very bushy


Active Member
Day 23 since germination-
ill have new pictures up soon! I'll be switchin to 12/12 today. 3 plants look very healthy and one is getting some nute burn.
I dont have many lights so I'm gonna grow flower early. Plants are at 5-6 inches now...


Active Member
I have been noticing lately that my soil as been hard as a rock even after 1 day of watering. I have a pretty good fan and the lights are contained in a small space.