ya you can root them that way, you need to upgrade your lighting situation alot. how many watts is that little thing??? and something to reflect the light more.
must be one stretchy plant...
those pics are not my growing plant, that was just a project, its got some seedlings in there but thats it....my real plant it 15" tall and 11" wide....and fuck lighting...if you give it just the right amount of love then it will grow full.....i grew a 10 inch tall plant on a 50 watt halogen bulb (the same plant thats 15") and its growing wonderfully....pray to God, and the mighty Uneg, egyptain God of plants
Fuck lighting???? Wow, i think the most dumb remark on this website. Plants need three things: LIGHT, WATER, AIR. the more of these things you can pump into your plant the better. not saying you cant grow a plant of a measly amount of light but dont expect more than 2 grams with a 50w halogen, maybe 2 grams. get some cfls they are dirt cheap, you dont even need light fixtures, go to home depot by the "Y" adaptor and the outlet part. then put that into a cheap extension cord from the dollar store and you have a double light fixture for about 5 bucks, i have a bunch of these for veging.
Fuck lighting???? Wow, i think the most dumb remark on this website. Plants need three things: LIGHT, WATER, AIR. the more of these things you can pump into your plant the better. not saying you cant grow a plant of a measly amount of light but dont expect more than 2 grams with a 50w halogen, maybe 2 grams. get some cfls they are dirt cheap, you dont even need light fixtures, go to home depot by the "Y" adaptor and the outlet part. then put that into a cheap extension cord from the dollar store and you have a double light fixture for about 5 bucks, i have a bunch of these for veging.