How long in Veg average?


Active Member
Hey guyz, a question on brothers behalf... Lol

Anywayz, how long do u usually keep ya plants in veg for and what is a recommended height to flick over to flowering?

Indoor Hydro set.. Thanks :hump:


Active Member
Like 3 1/2-4 weeks dont want ta get it too big for you to manage during flowering...i usually stay with auto-flowering strains so u might wanna check inta that, some ss i did i vegged after 24-26 days i think?? not too sure though (pretty baked right now), I kno that plants almost double in height during flowering though...


Well-Known Member
Thats such a matter of circumstance.
What kind of hydro, how much space, what lights, how are the lights mounted, what strain etc.?

I do clones with zero veg time. Ebb and Flow Under 1000w hps

The tallest one is no more than 18 inches.

But you can't argue with big plants either.


Active Member
i was jus givin a estimate...i'd say ur plants do grow nearly twice as tall though right? that's what i usually measure nearly half retarded though, too much headbangin from the football years haha i love lookin at ur grow bro wish i could use the basement lik that, looks great


Well-Known Member
After taking a clone, I veg for 3 weeks. They get to about a foot tall and then I flip.

This seems to be my method that works best for me.


Active Member
SpruceZues, How long have u had the clones flowering for? Thats similiar to what we will be doing aswell after all is said and grown.

Also, how much yield would u get from the 18incher?


Well-Known Member
SpruceZues, How long have u had the clones flowering for? Thats similiar to what we will be doing aswell after all is said and grown.

Also, how much yield would u get from the 18incher?
2 tables, 7 and 4 weeks respectively.
Ask me about yield in about 3 weeks :hump:


Well-Known Member
ive been two week vedge now and as soon as i hit 3 weeks im going to start to flower then i can sex em and kill the males :P :)