Nitrogen nutrients or heat stress problem?


Active Member
first, check this site out its reeeel good he put a lotta time into it

i would say not heat because i had that problem and it made me leaves twist under a little. the yellow spots on the outside are a sure indicator that its a nute problem. have you tried flushing or leaching? what would be the reason for the heat? wat kinda lights?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like a Nitrogen Deficiency to me. Looks more like nutrient burn. How old are they? Are you using any nutrients? What's the NPK value of nutrients you are using? What concentration of said solution are you using? 1/4, 1/2 3/4 or full strength?


New Member
im using a 1000 watt light which was installed yesterday, i measured 107F coming out the exhaust and its 88 - 93F in the room! So i definatley have a heat problem! but this problem started about 3 days ago! a week ago (7 days) i fed them 1/2 strength pure vida grow & bloom & liquid karma! today i fed them pure water! i have thrips on my plants, i sprayed safers 3 - 1 spray a week ago too also the same time i fed them! safers made my plants look weird so im not using that stuff ever again! i just bought ladybugs today and put about only 1/4 of the container in! hopefully they get all the thrips!


Well-Known Member
THat yellowing Is most likly the bugs, they suck the juices right out of the leaf,
use some neam oil or some jap beetles, and leach your soil good. and dont use any nutes for atleast two feedings. I think that will fix you up nice daddy long legs work to but not as well.


I see a lot of things going on. First & foremost, the severe burning of your leaves at the edges (to the point of drying to a light brown & turning crisp) is a major sign that the plants cannot transpire enough water. Think heat exhaustion for us in the middle of the desert, but that we don't have any sweat glands, they've closed up... we wouldn't make it very long. This is exacerbated by the nute levels, which become toxic at higher temps, i.e., you can run a much higher nute level at lower temps whereas the same nute level will burn the s*** out of them @ 82F+. The fact that all they want is water is also akin to giving us a salty margarita while suffering heat exhaustion in the middle of the desert. Much of the fluids is unavailable to us & the other shit (alcohol & salt) only dehydrate us faster. The ridges & curling of the leaves are clear indicators along with the raised, burnt, dry edges. There is likely a radical pH shift about to happen in the medium as well, if not already. The foliar spray, again, contributes to the stress on the plants, especially if applied heavy to the point of pooling along with high heat & direct light. Adding a 1000w is only making things more stressful & damaging. They are in dire straights right now (u alone in the desert with nothin but margaritas, and now the sun is reaching the highest point & u'r shade-umbrella just blew away). First, get them out of the heat. Second, flush, flush, flush & a very low nute (with LKarma @ 1ml/gal). Properly pH & keep the total ppm's no higher than 400 for the next week. Third, raise the light levels until they rebound, especially with the 1000w. Fourth, unless the populations of insects are terribly bad, don't foliar them anymore. They need help right now as there are a number of factors contributing to their current condition. Critical care. Best (I'm not being harsh, just no easy explanation).


BTW, the first & last pics look the worst- draw the most concern for me. You have several brand new growing tips that are dieing. The middle two don't look as bad, though not great. So, didn't mean to be too melodramatic, which it seems upon reread. Best.


Well-Known Member
Wow gio, you read leaves well. I am impressed, and I'm sure if your advice is followed, the plants will recover. I agree with your description of the situation. DIRE! But not hopeless. Help is on the way hopefully. Good Luck DankJWeeks.


New Member
sounds like your smart and you know whats going on thank you everyone for your comments and concern + rep. ya all the new shoots are dieing everywhere! for the bug issue i got 1500 ladybugs so well see how that issue goes! about the problem with my plants idk!!! it started a couple days BEFORE i put the 1000w light in! i guess ill throw my flourecent light back on and see how it goes, now for the flushing i know i need to use 10 gals to flush a 5 gal pot! my questions is that i use filter alhambra water for feeding but now that i have to flush 14 plants x 10 gals would be 140 gallons of water! can i throw them in the bath and just use my tap water so i dont spend hella money on water?????? or use my hose and throw them all out side and flush them that way??????????so you would definately say that the yellowing and crisping and dieing is from the heat and not proper ventalation????????? im off today so am going to work on this issue, its 9:37am right now and i just took more pics, ill be on here all day thanks guys talk to you later



Well-Known Member
fill up your tub with water, push the pot down untell the water comes to the top, pull it up let the water drain out then refill your tub with clean freash water ph the water to 5.5 6.5 what ever you like dunk the plant again. drain the water let them drain for a long time. done
hope it helps


New Member
fill up your tub with water, push the pot down untell the water comes to the top, pull it up let the water drain out then refill your tub with clean freash water ph the water to 5.5 6.5 what ever you like dunk the plant again. drain the water let them drain for a long time. done
hope it helps
So fill the tub up with the water from the house correct??? then dunk em and then put clean alhambra water or something that you buy from the store in them correct or are you saying use the tap water again but this time check the ph? tap water has chlorine and other harmfull stuff in it correct??? im wanting to do this today so ill be on here in about an hour to see if youve replied thanks man


Well-Known Member
Id dunk them in some tap water, then use what ever water you want.
just hold them down and let the water come threw the bottom holes and filter up threw the soil.


New Member
Id dunk them in some tap water, then use what ever water you want.
just hold them down and let the water come threw the bottom holes and filter up threw the soil.

ok so ill flush them all in the morning and then water with 1/2 strength liquid karma and put into flower! will this be ok or should i leave them in veg for a lil bit, the reason being is becasue my plants are getting too big and tall and i need to flower asap, i already cut clones to try and make plants smaller! also wat does a net do for you when placed above your plants??


Active Member
nets are usually for sea of green grows where you want to limit the height of a bunch of clones packed together. not so much use for a home grow like this one i would think... u can flower any time. if u think u will need to soon cuz of space just do it. it takes a week or so for all the photo-hormones to come out of their dormant state and the magic to start happenin. best to get them started now!

happy growing

i subscribed to see how these strains turn out keep up the good work!


New Member
well i flushed them all this morning and now there back in the tent along with 100 more ladybugs! i also moved the light up about 10 inches (almost to the top of the tent) i installed some shelves for nutrients and my ballast! ill be turning off the lights in the morning at 8am and switching out the bulb to a hps and installing the timer to start flowering these ugly things! hopefully these girls start perking up and getting more green!


New Member
heres some pics i took this morning when i was flushing them, looks like its getting worse :cry:



Well-Known Member
you should not feed your plant at every watering, at your next maint. watering
add a 1/4 tbs of epsome salts this will provide trace elements that your plant needs. It looks to be a couple of things to me, a week plant from bug infestaion and possibly a ph problem. did you check your finale runoff ph and what was the ph???
make shur that your plant dry's out good before adding more water to prevent another problem.
you should see the resaults from the flush, in the next couple of days. with plant problems the best way to go is flush wait/watch basicly do one thing at a time. so you learn what does what. peace bro +rep